My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 25 - 23. Ho sisters, on a mission!

"Hey, listen to me, Kelly!"

"Just don't call me by my name. Go to hell." Kelly Ho agitated, grumbled as she stared the guy Peter, whilst standing at the bus stop. "Dare you show me your face again, I will call the cops!" she added showing Peter her fore finger as a warning.

"But what have I done, at least tell me that?" the poor guy confusingly chewed his lips as he bȧrėly understood why was she acting like that suddenly.

The passengers sitting inside the bus at the window seat curiously watched her warn the guy sitting with them in the bus until it started moving and it was out of her eye sight very soon.

" Jeez!" Kelly Ho huffed letting out a breath of exasperation.

She just can't get over the small conversation she had with the guy and burst into anger.


Kelly and Peter were having a very good conversation until he heard her introduce herself and how she was going towards her new interview venue.

They were talking nicely until she heard him blurt out the mention of Emmett Li's name, "what the fuċk!!!" an impressive smirk spread on his lips while Peter exclaimed his excitement.

A blank Kelly Ho blinked her eyes not knowing how to react. The guy whom she just met during a journey in the bus, knew what she had done yesterday!

Her mouth was hanging open in bewilderment until Peter announced, "Emmett is a very good friend of mine. We were childhood friends. And last night I visited him, so he was talking about you with me about your interview and all. I guess he is impressed by you..."

That was the only thing he serenely mentioned which got Kelly Ho totally angry, and she angrily glared him, "What, you are that brute's best friend?" he nodded his head in yes not knowing what suddenly has happened to her that she was now snarling at him.

"How dare you even talk to me... You pathetic creature!" she called him with the names of different animals and hopped down the bus on the very next bus station.

Flashback end...

Kelly Ho shoved Peter's thoughts from her mind and took a seat on the bench at the bus stop waiting for another bus.

She looked down at her watch growling at the time. She was getting late already and now she had to even leave a bus because of some stupid friend of the Cruel CEO because of whom she was sitting there!

"That bloody good looking CEO, he fuċkɨnġ rejected me from the job, and he had the courage to talk about me with a friend of his! Unbelievable. Does he really have that much time either? I thought he was a busy man... May be i was wrong about him!" Kelly talked to herself.

Yeah, Kelly Ho blamed Emmett for her condition. If only he had offered her the job in his enterprises yesterday then she did not have to rush from one interview venue to other today.

She was willing to work over time for him as well nevertheless, he just simply dismissed her from his cabin not before ruining all her confidence.

Though he mentioned they will call her if she was selected, but she knew it was nothing but a false hope.

It was not her problem that the footwear where she worked wind up! It was solely the ignorance of the company owners that forced them to close down yet, Emmett Li held her responsible. Why! Just because she worked as their CA.

Kelly Ho sighed holding her tears. Life was so tough already and here strange people were affecting her lately. "Come on Kelly, don't just let yourself down. Hope for the best. You can make it up jn today's interview. Just remember to commit any mistake as of the other day." She motivated herself amidst her tears.

Soon the next bus came and a smile of hope reformed on her sad face. Kelly Ho soon forgot the accidental meet with the CEO's friend and quickly got inside the bus with a new hope towards her professional life!


"Can't you walk a bit slow, Casey? Look what have you done to my trousers? You are splashing the dirty water on my trousers with your fast steps!" Ethan Wang complained walking behind her as they walked stealthily behind an old couple.

The street was wet with water as it has rained a bit few moments ago, but the water on the roads was enough to splash and spread on anyone's shoes if a person walking beside them rushed faster.

And much to Ethan's dismay, that has what happened to his trouser in till the knees. He had dirty water stains and water drops on his trouser looking filthy. And Casey was supposed to be accused of the same! She was walking so clumsily as if she was a detective who was walking between a group of people as in camouflaging herself like a stranger as her eyes spied the suspect.

They covered a mile of distance away from the bus station whilst following Eric Mo who pulling inside an apartment behind the busy market with the flowers.

"OH just shut the fuċk up, Ethan. Go back if you want or stay quiet if you want to join me on 'Revealing my sister's boyfriend's real face mission'. Just follow me quietly." Casey Ho grunted in irritation as the transfer guy from her class missed no chance of pissing her off with his stupid exclamations.

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