My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 28 - 26. Preparations.... And plans.

Emmett Li's point of view...

"Want me to bring you something to eat, Emmett!" I negatively shook my head, fixating my eyes on Butler Shing with a smile.

He approached me five times already for food since I haven't eaten anything from the morning itself. I don't feel like eating, my appetite just died after getting the news of her (his mother's) return.

"No Paapi, I am okay. I will tell when I feel hungry." I turned him down as politely as I could.

He forced a smile in return whilst taking his walk towards the door of my room, "Okay, son. Call me when you need anything, I am there by your side." He closed the door behind him after leaving.

No sooner he exited my personal space, I sighed taking out the photo album I had hid under my pillow on Butler Shing's appearance. I opened the cover of the album and adored the pictures in there. There was me, as a two year old kid with my parents.

There were pictures from our family trips, holidays, pictures taken at night in the bedroom and many more.

My eyes welcomed new tears that I refused to shed. I did not want them to fall at all. I cried enough in the past as a kid.

My fingers closed the cover of the album and I hugged it close to my ċhėst shutting my eyes tight. I still recollect that day when butler Shing had entered my room, looking a bit weird.

I remember he played with me, took me to the park and bought me chocolates. And when the evening gave its visit and I asked him about my mother, he had looked down at my face and ċȧrėssed my cheek saying, "Don't worry, she will be back soon."

I was too naive at that moment that I believed his words and impatiently waisted for that 'Soon' to come. Alas, what I did not know was that Soon was never to come. I was fooled.

Every day I would ask butler Shing about my mother. I would call my father in his office and ask him the same question but he would simply ignore my inquiries and distract me with gifts or toys.

It continued for months when my father finally chose to see me at our house. And that was the last time I saw him in person because after that I was left in this house on butler Shing's responsibility and my father shifted to Korea with a girlfriend whom he married a few months ago.

It was my fifteen birthday when I received gifts from both my parents with a letter apologizing to me for not being able to see me. In fact, there was a promise made by them that soon they will come to meet me.

But I knew it was just a useless hope. I have moved past that shit and started paying attention towards my studies and the business my father left for me, which was handled by Alfred Rado, my custodian besides Butler Shing. I don't think I will ever be able to pay off the gratitude because that man acted as my backbone.

He helped me get over the past and focus on my future. He helped me accept the reality and get the best out of my life since my parents would never come. And now, after so many years, everything seems like a scene from a movie.

Now, not only have I moved on in life but also composed myself as an individual who has learned to live on his own. It is my father now who messages me, calls me but I ignore him like he used to do when I was a kid.

Now that I have grown up into a handsome guy and called as the most wanted bachelor of the city, my father wants to keep ties with me so that his business is profited. That is because, after I turned eighteen, I cut my business from my father's (StreetSmart Royal) and started my own business under the name of Li Enterprises.

At least my father tried to reach out to me but my mother, I don't have words for her! After her leave, neither a message nor a call, I got none from her side. She just erased me from her life forever. And now, when I had started living my life on my own without a father or mother's support, she returned to the city again!


I gritted my teeth looking at the big Led screen of my television on the wall opposite to me. She forced me to waste a precious day of my life! I wish God never gives any other child a mother like mine. She was pathetic.

I was thinking about her, no matter how much I hated it, when my phone rang. I let out a snarl as I was not in the mood to talk to anyone. But when I spared a gaze to the phone lying next to me on the bed, I swiftly held it in my clutch and brought it near my ear.

"Yes, Peter. Now what do you want?" I showed my disinterest as I was not in any condition to talk to him. "Look I am already very mad, now don't you just irritate me. Just cut the call now..."

I yawned feeling tired. I would have simply cut the call. That is what I would have done if he had not mentioned, "Eh listen to me, I met Kelly Ho today" my back erected against the pillow and I straightened my back hearing the mention of her name.

"What? When? How?"

Curiously sitting straight with folded legs, just as I prepared myself to inquire how and when he met her, Peter himself said, "In the bus. She was going for an interview and..." he narrated everything he witnessed in the bus and I was just left with a mouth hanging in bewilderment.

"What? She really did that, cool. I was right, she is a heck of an interesting girl." I can't cease my chuckles.

I was sure that her arrival in my life would be amazing. I bit my lips listening every freaking word Peter uttered. She was brave and confident but just like me, she lacked something in life. And I am more than happy to provide her that, in return she will have to give a place in her life... For fun.

"Okay Peter, thank you for the piece of information but I will have to cut the call now." I can hear him murmuring curses for me. "See you soon, Pete, bye." I cut the call with a smile.

Unless I cut this call how will I confront my CEO friends from other enterprises for rejecting Kelly Ho! And if they don't reject her then how will my secretary give her an intimation call regarding her selection in my enterprises!

Get ready to enter my land, Miss. Ho.


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