My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 41 - 39. Am I not handsome enough to be your friend???

Outside the Li Enterprises...

It was indeed hard to predict life. Kelly Ho held the letter of her employment in her hand that CEO Li had kept in her file along with the bonus cheque and smiled maniacally.

She felt free like a liberal bird. Although she had no wings, she could feel herself flying toward the highest peak of the mountain of success. It was as if she was given all the happiness of the world just within a few minutes. With eyes glistening with tear drops, Kelly Ho hugged her employment letter as well as the bonus cheque.

'Thank you so much God. Thank you for this wonderful day. I knew that you have planned something big for me. I knew that you will never let me stay sad for long. I never lost my hope despite all the tough times I faced because I believed it would be over someday! And looks like I was not wrong. My perseverance did not go waste. '

I lone tear sneaked out of her eyes. The cool chilly wind brushed her face and tickled her skin while Kelly Ho stood across the gate of the Li Enterprises. She did not care about the people passing by her side, or the comment she heard remarked by people that she was a mad person standing in front of a huge office building like an idiot! She just consumed the time feeling the moment that was just hers.

'Mom will be so happy after seeing this bonus cheque. We'd be able to pay all the due debts and still save a huge sum from the bonus for our living. Casey will be shocked when I'll tell her that she can now go to the camp with her other friends and enjoy. Eric Mo will be proud of his girlfriend too! Gosh, this is unbelievable. This cheque is not just a cheque but a key to my family's happiness. I will go and surprise Casey Ho at her school to begin with. I will take her to McDonald's and give her a treat. Yay, I am so happy today.'

Kelly Ho jumped flaring her cheque and letter in their air.

"Look at her? Is she mad?"

"Gosh, has she lost her mind state?"

"Looks like she is retarded!"

Ignoring all the snooty comments thrown at her once again, "Taxi!" Kelly Ho stopped a cab and hopped inside. "To the XYZ street." She directed looking out of the window.

She admired the big office building of the Li Enterprises that touched the sky and smiled to herself as she wondered, 'Thank you so much, Mr. Li. You are not as bad as I ȧssumed you! Thank you'


At the school,

"Hey Casey listen to me. Casey!" Ethan wang ran behind her. "I am sorry, it was my fault, alright."

He followed her like a pup while she walked faster and further. Casey Ho was angry, she still can't get over the embarrassment she had to feel because of him! The freaking bet she never fixed with him was annoying her. How on earth could he come up with such a stupid idea?

And to top the disappointment, who told him to place the bundle of dollars on her palm? That looked so freaking ugly.

"Just go away Ethan Wang, don't run after me." Casey stopped before her locker.

She placed a few books inside and removed three more books and stuffed them in her bag. Her forehead creased with more lines of tension and disappointment when she noticed many students from different classes, staring them weirdly.

She saw their mouths moving and she could bet, they were talking about them only.

"Look, everyone is staring at us again!!! Please stop this. Why don't you understand that we should not roam together!!!" Casey tiringly said, she gritted her teeth together looking at a pair of girls clicking their pictures.

She inwardly growled trying to run away from the cameras capturing her with Ethan Wang, but it was a sheer surprise when she realized he still followed her. A loud howl escaped her mouth as Casey Ho rushed toward her next class.

Although it was the time for a short break, she could go to the canteen and fetch herself some food that was available to her for free due to her scholarship, but she chose to head to her next class as she refused to be seen with Ethan Wang.

"Ugh, what is your problem Casey Ho? How many times you want me to repeat that I don't care about them and their fuċkɨnġ eyes. I care about you and at this moment, I want you to take me as your friend."

"I don't want to be your friend!"


"I just don't!"

Casey argued entering the classroom. She was satisfied that the class was empty and there was no one. She sighed since she could now courageously face Ethan Wang and talk to him without feeling uncomfortable under suspicious eyes of other girls.

" WHY CASEY HO?" She jumped in her spot when the loud slamming noise of the door hit her ears. "What is wrong with me? Am I not handsome enough to be your friend? Do you choose highly mannered and intelligent people's company that I don't fit in? Do I have vampire teeth or is it your boyfriend that you are scared of? Why do you refuse being my friend Casey Ho, tell me? " he said warily, his tone depicted defeat.

Casey Ho's heart banged inside her ċhėst when she looked at his face. He was red as a tomato, his eyes angrily glared at her like she was his girlfriend and he caught her smiling with another guy. The way he breathed, aggressively with deep inhalation, it caught her under the fire of an unknown trap but Casey Ho maintained herself.

She took a deep breath trying to control her body and her crazy heart that was throbbing inside her as she said, "Because our statuses don't match! You are too rich to be my friend and we cann—" As as soon as Casey Ho opened her mouth to reason out her doubt Ethan got a hold of her face and smashed his lips on her.


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