My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 49 - 46. By calling her poor you wouldn't be able to hurt her!

Casey glared Ethan ever since he back answered her sister. Even after he helped her reach the school's medical room, got her wound treated and sat next to her until she was given an injection— she kept glaring at him as if he had committed the biggest crime of his life.

"It is not a deep wound. You shall be fine in some time. Just don't walk for a few hours and take a rest here itself." The doctor said handing over the sheet of prescription to Ethan.

Kelly was getting late for her first day, so she had to leave her sister in the school. She hated to do so but there was no other alternative. It was the first day of her job hence she cannot risk reaching her office late on the first day of her work.

In point of fact, after what her sibling had told her the other day, it was clear that this guy (Ethan) and Casey had some stuff to talk on. And that was why she unwillingly yet willingly let her sister stay back, and left.

"Do I have to get these medicines now?" Ethan asked the doctor while he was dumping the used cotton in the dustbin.

He rotated to spare him a glance and nod his head in a no, "Those are some painkillers and medicines she might need afterwards. Take them only if your pain does not subside." Ethan bobbed his head in understanding, "I'll take your leave then." and bowed across the doctor along with thanking him, before he exited the medical room.

It was now the two of them left in the entire medical room. The beds stayed aligned in the room with a curtain hanging between every two beds hence, dividing the two portions. Casey's bed was in the extreme corner far away from the door. The curtain covered the two of them such that it was hard to say whether or not they were there!

Minutes passed but none of them uttered a word. Casey expected him to take the lead. Ethan, on the contrary, waited for her. And when no one spoke, he initiated to get and leave.

"I didn't expect you to badmouth my sister. That was not a good manner." Ethan stalled as his ears heard her say.

His back was facing her, so he cannot see her face. Neither could see. Nevertheless, it was clear the two of them were frustrated with each other.

Casey ȧssumed he was guilty because he had not said anything yet. She took it as another chance and said in a hoarse, crude tone that burned his insides, "You are rich does not mean that you get the rights to disrespect others. You should learn how to talk with elders, Ethan Wang."

As soon as she finished, he turned around and grabbed her arm. Ethan pierced her skin with his tight grip. He watched her lips pressing together as she felt the pain, yet he continued to hurt her without even thinking about the consequences.

"You are hurt—"

"Just shut up!" He roared in a way that she grasped in shock.

Casey held back her breaths realizing how dark his eyes had become. And the way he gritted his teeth together, it felt as if he would bite off a chunk of her meat from her body and chew her alive. She gulped her saliva struggling to get out of his hold but to no avail.

Casey saw him hovering over her head with his hand on the side of her shoulders and dangerously grumble, "Yes, I am rich. I am mannerless. And I will talk the way I would like to talk with people. I don't give a damn if it was your freaking sister or your mother." she was already hurt and his words hurt her more.

Her eyes silently saw the wrath playing within his sockets and lowered her cilium as Ethan proceeded to say further, "It was my fault that I gave you too much attention, Casey Ho. I should not have flirted with a poor chick like you, who thinks everything is a disrespect if said in a different way. Well, I can't expect anything else from you either because poor people like you believe they are the only respectful ones present on this planet. That's your freaking mentality! Poor people, poor intelligence." He walked away after having said that right before her face.

Casey finally let out the breath she had kept within her lungs as her fingers curled around the sheet beneath her. She clutched it tightly, trying to hold her emotions and tears together.

"If you really don't want me to insult you like this, don't cross my path again" She listened to him say before the noise of the curtains moving caught her ears. The decreasing resonance of his steps gave her the idea that he was gone.

Casey slowly opened her eyes and stared at the open curtain through which she could see his back while he exited the medical room. Once he was gone, she sat on the bed straight and pulled the pillow in her ŀȧp. Casey shed some tears of sorrow before she nibbled on her lower lips and cried, 'I knew he would act like that someday. I knew he would bring about the topic of our classes and standards, and that was why I turned him down. I hate you Ethan Wang. I don't regret ditching you. I had known you were playing with me. I just hate you.' Casey wondered, hugging the pillow tightly.

It had hurt her last day, but at present, she thanked her instincts for rejecting him. It is of no use to date someone who would insult you just because you are poor!

Never mind, Casey was strong. She was not like her sister at all. She quickly shoved off the tears and put on a smile on her face. Such remarks were not new for her. She had listened to them all her life. And she was not going to lose herself just because of a freaking spoilt brat born out of a diamond merchant. Not at all. 

Casey cleaned her face and adjusted her hair. She carefully stepped out of the bed despite the shooting pain in her leg and wore her shoes. It surely hurt but not more than his words. Casey grabbed her bag and made her way towards the exit of the medical room, going towards her classroom.

She was not weak, and she would show that to him.

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