My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 52 - 49. First day gone wrong!

At Li Enterprises,

"What the heck?" CEO Emmett shrieked whilst getting up from his chair.

"I… I am sorry, sir! I am extremely sorry." Kelly curtsied in apology as she saw her boss staring at her shockingly.

She was not in her senses. Her mind has drifted away to Casey ever since she left her away in the school with that mannerless guy. Kelly was so badly zoned out that she couldn't even work properly on the first day of her office.

Cherry on top, she spilled coffee on Emmett's desk that was occupied with important files. He grumbled in frustration and got up quickly.

"Where is your concentration, miss Ho! Even the manager complained about your work today. You even messed up in the canteen, is there something wrong with you?" He looked up at her facade while cleaning his desk with tissue papers.

She stood like a criminal who was guilty for her actions. Kelly Ho cannot voice out her concern. Although she really needed to share her turmoil with someone but not with her boss. 

"I am sorry, sir." She slowly murmured in her throat.

Being amused by his sudden pull and the touch of his skin on her waist, Kelly's eyes widened in shock and thrill. Her hands fisted around his ċhėst while her eyes stared at the closer look of his face.

He looked more handsome than what he appeared from afar. Kelly was spelled by the close look of his face that her heart beats rose. This guy was really a blessed brat. Not just money, he also has looks that can spell any of the girls by his charm.

She did not want to think but Emmett was more handsome than her boyfriend, Eric Mo. Ugh, it was useless to compare the two as Emmett Li cannot have any comparison at all. He was one of his own kind. And hot, and sėxy and appealing too.

'But I have a boyfriend!' Don't know but suddenly from one of the distant corners of her mind, a sharp voice spoke as an alarm and Kelly came back to her composure.

She raised her eyebrows before pushing him away, and turned around with a lowered head, "Uh, not-nothing, Sir." She answered with a hanging head and her fingers fidgeted together.

Emmett was relishing her closer look as well. She was indeed an innocent beauty with positive bewitching eyes. He was forced to wonder how come a guy like her not-so-good-looking boyfriend got to impress her? She was gorgeously hot. Every cell of her body ignited with such fire that had the power to put any guy's libido as well as sėx ablaze!

He was loving her aghast expression until she pushed him aside. That was rude but cute. Especially the way she was standing at the moment.

And the way her big round bosoms fell and rose, oh Jesus! That was killer. Emmett can't control his dėsɨrės. If she were his girlfriend then he might have ended with her on the floor itself. He would not have cared about the workplace and taken her on the white marbles of his cabinet.

"You sure, Miss. Ho?" He asked again, Kelly immediately nodded before he could get any other chance to inquire her. "Well then, go and meet the auditor on the fourth floor. He has some files for you to see."

The CEO boss of hers only shook his head in understanding as he sat back in his leather chair to resume. Once she exited, he briefly shot his skull up to look at the door and sigh serenely, "I don't know what is that fear that haunts you, Miss. Ho! But I ȧssure you, you won't be fired for cute menial mistakes. I didn't hire you to fire you just like that. You have to go a long way ahead— with me." He naughtily chuckled earlier than he got himself occupied by his work again.


'I am stupid. Bigger stupid than a real stupid. God, how can I act like that in front of him? I am thankful he didn't get offended, he would have kicked me out otherwise.'

While walking silently towards the elevator, Kelly wondered with a fallen and full face.

' I wanted to leave a good impression on him today, but everything is ruined now.' She sadly hung her head and she pressed the buŧŧon. ' I can't help it though. My sister was injured in front of my eyes. She was bleeding, I don't even know if she was given proper treatment or not. And that rich brat, gosh! That guy is the son of a diamond merchant, I just hope he does not create an issue for the Principal and the teachers must take his side. Please god, just don't do anything wrong to my sister today. '

The door of the elevator opened with a ding sound. Kelly was about to step out when someone came across her and she bumped into their ċhėst, "Ehh, are you Okay?" She looked up at the face and, Jesus, that was another handsome guy standing in front of her.

She sheepishly smiled and replied, "Oh yes, I am fine." the guy respectfully stepped aside and let Kelly walk out.

Once she was out, he grinned back at her and entered the elevator, but before that he asked, "You seem to be a new employee?"

"Yes, I joined today." Kelly answered.

Kelly made a disgusted face and gritted. Golly! Not cute and handsome guy has to be a gentleman. Some are perverts too. One of them was the guy who just bumped with her.

Anyways, Kelly shoved aside his thoughts and made her way further. She followed the route the head of department had explained to her, and reached the company's auditor's office.

She heard that the Auditor was a woman. A hot beautiful woman. But crude! She bȧrėly talked to other female employees because of two reasons. One, she was too proud of her beauty. And second, she was proud of her position in the Li enterprises.

But never minding the rumors about the Auditor, Kelly Ho knocked on the door, "Come in." She chastely opened the door and walked inside.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." Kelly stood across her desk and watched her work on her ŀȧptop.

She was amused to find the rumors about her beauty to be true. With an hour glass like figure, she looked awesome as her wavy long black hairs suited her fair gorgeous face. There was no flaw that she could point out.

"You must be the new accountant!" Kelly heard her say.

She nodded her head in a yes and replied, "Yes, ma'am."

"Hmmm" She hummed while her fingers that were typing on the ŀȧptop keyboard halted. She parted her lips to say as she moved to collect the files kept on the other end of her desk, "Firstly, I am not your ma'am. We both share almost one and the same position. And secondly, I want you to," The Auditor suddenly paused when she lifted her head to look at Kelly Ho.


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