My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 54 - 51. A promise of true love!!! Will he give her?

"What the fuċk!" Emmett Li exclaimed in bewilderment as he saw out of the window. 

He was beyond shocked and burning in jealousy watching Kelly clinging to her boyfriend like he was her everything. Here, Emmett fired his five years old auditor who was also one of his secret beautiful friends just for Kelly. And there, she was sticking to her boyfriend like it was him who saved her. 

Although that irked him, watching how she was taken in his embrace by her boyfriend, Emmett composed himself and buŧŧoned his coat. He normally breathed and walked back to his chair in order to resume his work, not before thinking, 'She really loves him. It will be interesting to be a part of her lovelife. I want to know how she will tackle the heat coming from me while managing her relationship with her boyfriend. You are driving me evilly crazy, Miss. Ho.' 


Outside the Li Enterprises, 

"Eric! I missed you." Kelly sniffled, hugging him tighter than ever. "Why didn't you come to drop me earlier." She cried like a baby while Eric can't help but chuckle silently. 

"Ohh darling, I wished to come but you know my father and his strictness. I was helpless." He lied, rubbing her back up and down. "I just returned from a delivery and then quickly came to see you. I missed you too." 

He was cheating her behind her back yet Eric had the courage to lie to her. Did he really miss her? Perhaps Yes. Because the way he smiled and amusingly attended Kelly, it seemed like he really missed her. 

"Let's get going first. We can continue the cuddling at my house." Eric removed her arms from around his neck and pulled her towards his bike. 

She didn't mind him holding her by the wrist and taking her towards his vehicle. After they both hopped on the same, Kelly snaked his waist and let out a few cries near his shoulder as Eric wore his helmet. 

She also told how her CEO boss suspended her and allowed her a half day leave right on the very first day of her work day. Her complaints were done but her sobs. Eric bit his mouth under the helmet as her hard sobbing near his ear disturbed and irked him at the same time. 

That was true he missed her. Or should we say it was her cuteness and tenderness that made him miss her. Eric was fed up of enjoying his sėx life with a fiercely horny Bella. It was her who dominated him more in the bed. He needed a break from a fierce sėx partner and that is why, Eric came here to see his innocent girlfriend right after he left Bella's apartment. 

It was a sheer excitement to see her when he just arrived at her place. He was otherwise ȧssuming of taking a consent at the reception and meet Kelly in the visitor's lounge. But gladly, she appeared only when he had just parked his bike and started approaching the massive building of Emmett Li's enterprise. 

"And then he allowed me to go without any trouble, Eric. I am sad. I wanted this day to be memorable but this happened. I want to undo everything." Kelly poured, complaining again. 

Eric who had parked his bike and helped both of them walk ahead. They were heading towards their favorite restaurant. It was not a big and plush destination, but quite appealing. 

" Good afternoon, sir. Good afternoon, madam." The restaurant owner smiled at them as they approached their usual table. 

It was a small Chinese restaurant started by a middle aged couple. It was attached to their house, hence their restaurant was open for the whole day long. 

" You wait here while I go and place our orders. Hmm." Eric kissed her at the corner of her mouth and left her alone. 

Kelly took her seat wiping her face with a wet napkin. She loved this place. This was where they had started their relationship from. It was a nice and open place with cool winds ċȧrėssing your skin. The automatic lavender room freshener never let the air feel stale. 

"One lobster, two plates of cheese sticks with cheese sauce and tomato ketchup, and two plates of Ramen." She saw how adorable her boyfriend looked while he smilingly placed his order. 

He was indeed handsome. And Kelly felt blessed to have him by her side. She could not get any better partner than Eric Mo. He was her charming prince. (Only if she knew her reality though) 

"And we will also like to take two cold drinks in the end. I think that will be enough." Eric ended, he talked a little more to the old woman who wrote down his order and smiled before coming back to Kelly. 

"Hi, I am back. I hope I was not gone for a long time." He settled in the chair opposite her.

Eric took her hand and kissed each knuckle and admired the ring she was wearing. His ring. The evidence of their love. A sweet smile crept on his lips when he found her staring at him like a long lost puppy. 

" Now what?" Chuckles made their way out of his mouth as Eric relished her baby looks. 

She didn't find her answer anything in reply. All she did was look at him with slow blinking of her lashes. And honestly, for Eric, that moment seemed to have stopped right there. He loved her cute behaviour. Gosh, despite being a hard nut, Eric loved her. 

That was one hundred and five percent correct that they never moved further in their relationship from kisses and cuddling, he still cannot stop loving her. It felt like the more she was pushing him away from making a physical relationship the closer he was drawing near her. She was a witch's spell herself that never failed to work on him. 

"Eric, I love you." He blinked his lashes after coming out of his thought land. "I have Casey and mom, and even a supportive Boss, but you are the one around whom I find utmost comfort. You are my everything." She silently said, taking his breaths away. 

"This world has been awfully cruel to me. I don't think I can rely on anyone except for you. Please never hurt me." The last sentence hit his heart directly. 

Eric felt his nerves rushing with cold blood as he replayed her words in his brain. He forced a smile on his lips while the flashbacks of all the makeouts he had with girls other than his girlfriend ran in his mind. He can't stop the recollection happening after listening to her last statement. 

Kelly stood up from her seat and sat on the one next to Eric Mo's. She took both his hands in her grip as the tears strolled out of her eyes, "Promise me, Eric. Promise me that you will never hurt me like the world."


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