My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 8 - 7. The touch of her skin was— magical!

Kelly Ho's lips sealed tight together, she stared in his eyes those were unfathomably looking back at her. She was already nervous after sitting across the biggest businessman and the well known CEO of Venice and his questions took her breaths away.

He was right, cakewalk had a bad end yet it was not her mistake. The owners would do as their hearts pleased and brought the company on the position of winding up. As an accountant she could do nothing more other than advising them to reduce their drawings of money from the company's revenue for personal use and provide a list consequences that could hit them.

She did what she was best at but if the company did not survive, why was it her problem?

Kelly Ho cut her gaze from his face and looked at his fingers. He was now playing with a pen while his fingers of other hands trailed circles on the sheets of her resume. She was totally blank as to how to reply back. Her one wrong usage of word could add up to the negative points and she could lose this opportunity.

"Uh, sir you know quite a lot about the company, I am sure you also be knowing about the behaviour and deeds of the owners and managers of cakewalk. They were brute and listened to nobody. Every month when I closed the books of accounts, I I found that mostly the company's revenue was withdrawn for personal use, it was not even clearly defined why. And as an accountant I could not do anything more than giving them warnings." Kelly spoke the truth.

Emmett was impressed, she was though nervous still she answered all his questions with true information. He can see her getting some confidence playing in her voice. "You are calling your old employer, a brute? Now don't you think it could act against your application." another bomb was thrown on her.

Kelly chewed her lips wishing to take back her words. She looked in his eyes with fear and inhaled a deep breath. Here, she cannot answer him anything in return. "Uh, I..." Kelly struggled with her words.

She looked at the big clock with a pendulum and sighed. It has been thirty minutes and the interview was not yet over. The time was not the problem as she had plenty but the fact that her boyfriend, Eric Mo was waiting down for her, she grew more nervous as he may end up shouting on her.

"Alright, Miss. Ho, your interview overs here. Mind dropping your contact number at the reception, we will update you by tomorrow." Kelly nodded and got up. "Uh, take this resume and submit it to the reception too."


Emmett Li purposely asked her as he was hoping to get a reply in return. He wanted to see whether like previous candidates would she insist him for considering her for the post!

Nothing ad such happened and Kelly ho simply forwarded her hand to take her resume. Her fingers brushed with his fingers and a light current rushed through her body. Emmett Li incredulously saw the change of expressions in her face and smiled.

He was equally affected by the touch as her. The touch of her skin was enticingly magical.

"I am.. I am sorry" she apologized for the deliberate contact of their fingers and bowed down to him.

"I will take your leave, have a good day ahead!" Emmett nodded his head to her greetings and saw how she was out of his cabin with a fraction of second.

The air around him cooled up again and the fluttering arisen in his stomach stopped. "She is interesting!" Emmett Li exclaimed.

He kept staring at the door don't know for how long that he failed to notice that the land line was ringing. He grunted coming out of his trance picked up the call. "What?" he knew it was Nora, his secretary, must have called him to inquire whether to send the next candidate or not.

"Uh I am sorry sir, but you did not press the bell for the next applicant, so I... Called to ask you..." She paused hearing the heavy breathing on the end of the call as Emmett Li was pissed off.

He wanted to snap at her for ruining her thoughts but he suppressed his rage. Emmett Li took a deep breath and answered after a long pause, "Shove all the candidates waiting outside Nora, I have selected the CA for the company. And postpone all the meetings for today." He ordered and disconnected the call. He rested the reciever back in its place while he himself got up to leave.


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