My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 634 - 216: Shut Up

Brian hesitated. "Will you be okay with getting back yourselves?"

"Of course. We can walk home," Diana said.

"Yes, Dad Brian, I'm strong and powerful!" Abby said determinedly, hitting her c.h.e.s.t like a gorilla.

Brian touched her face and said to Diana, "Call me once you are home."

"I will."

Thus, Brian got up and went to his car.

Diana sat with Abby to finish the pizza. Diana hurried Abby along as the light was fading; she didn't want to walk home in the dark.

They set off in the direction of their apartment. Abby was running and jumping around, playing games as she went. Diana watched her carefully. She followed close behind to ensure that Abby was safe.

All of a sudden, Abby tripped over and fell to the ground.

"Watch out!" Diana shouted in worry and ran to help her up.

"Mummy, I am sorry…"

"Be more careful next time, got it?" Diana uttered seriously. When it came to the topic of safety, Diana was always severe.

"Yes, Mummy…" Abby nodded and came obediently to Diana's side.

It was at that moment that the car that had been following them veered out and headed straight towards them, the bright headlights blinding Diana's vision.

Diana pushed Abby aside instinctively and then collapsed to the ground.

"Boss, one of the designers, has left for another company and taken all our designs with them!"

Somehow, Brian felt he had gone through something like this before.

"Didn't this happen to us previously?"

The assistant was confused.

Brian then recalled that his current assistant was only employed after he had lost his memory.

"You can leave now. Tell Ken to come to my office," Brian instructed.

"Boss, what can I do for you?" Ken walked in a few minutes later.

"Did this happen before?" Brian asked.

Ken nodded. "That one was actually much worse than this as we had already produced the newly designed products."

"I see." Brian fell into silence.

"But there is still a problem. This time, the designer in question was in charge of the whole design process. We don't know who can take her place in such a short time." Ken certainly seemed anxious, which didn't happen very often.

And then he suddenly thought about something.

"Boss, could we ask Sybil to come back to be our designer?" he said excitedly.

"Sybil?" Brian frowned.

Ken nodded. "Yes. She majored in design, and she worked in the company before."

"Okay. It's fine with me."

Just as Ken was leaving, Brian's phone rang.

"Hello? Is that Brian William?" A woman said over the phone.

Brian felt anxious. He replied at once, "Yes, who is speaking?"

"Your daughter was hurt in a car accident. She requires an urgent blood donation. Can you come to the hospital now?"


Brian was shocked. He ended the call and sprinted out of his office. How could this have happened? What about Diana? Was she okay?

"Boss, where are you going?" Ken shouted.

Brian ignored him and rushed out crazily.

At the hospital, Brian ran to the receptionist.

"Hello, I'm looking for a little girl who was involved in a car accident this afternoon?"

"Yes. She was brought here with her mother."

Brian was so nervous that he seized the nurse firmly. "Show me the way!"

"Sir, please calm down. You're hurting me!" the nurse protested.

"Just show me the way, please!"

Shaking her head, the nurse-led Brian to the ICU.

"She is in there." The nurse pointed at the ward, then left Brian to it.

Brian looked in and saw Abby lying there, looking rather pale.

Chaney was already there, and in stark contrast to their previous meetings, this time he was relieved to see Brian.

"Thank God you are here. Go to see the doctor now! Only your blood can save Abby!"

"Where is Diana?" Brian asked anxiously.

"She is okay. She wasn't too badly hurt. But she is unconscious now," Chaney explained.

A doctor approached them from across the ward.

"Sir, how is my daughter?" Brian seized the doctor's sleeves.

"You are her father?" the doctor asked.

"I am. How is she?"

"Come with me. She is in a bad way right now. She needs a lot of blood," the doctor said.

Brian followed the doctor to another room to begin the blood donation procedure.

When the doctor took out the needle, Brian's face went very white.

"Sir, are you okay?" the doctor asked.

Brian bit his lip. "I am fine. Please save my daughter!"

The doctor nodded and focused on his work.

Brian felt dizzy. Before he closed his eyes, he grabbed the doctor's arm and begged, "Please! Please save my daughter!" He held on for as long as he could but eventually fainted.

"Sir? Sir?" The doctor shouted anxiously.

"Diana…" Brian uttered in a husky voice.

"Thank God!" Seeing his eyes opening, Diana was elated and called the nurse.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" Diana asked.

Brian shook his head. "How is Abby? Is she okay now?"

"She is okay. You got here just in time."

The nurse came in to check on Brian's condition. "He is fine. Just take care of him after leaving the hospital. He needs rest."

"Thank you very much," Diana said gratefully.

Brian struggled to sit up. The effort of this alone made him feel dizzy.

"How do you feel? Are you hungry?" Diana asked.

Brian shook his head. All he wanted was to get up from the bed.

"I want to see Abby!"

Diana stopped him. "Lie down! She is still unconscious after the surgery."

"What happened?" Brian frowned.

Diana felt guilty. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have pushed Abby out of the way, I was trying to save her…" It all happened so quickly. Diana was focused on saving Abby from the car, but as she pushed Abby out of the way of the car, an oncoming motorcycle then hit her.

"She is fine now, it could have been much worse." Brian wiped the tears from Diana's face.

"I think the car was headed for me," Diana stammered, holding back her tears.

"Have you told anyone?"

"I called Ken and asked him to look into it."

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