When Zhang CE, sitting in the private room next door, heard Jiang Yinan say that Wang Wei was not a "local tyrant", he was surprised. But he was very helpless. Jiang Yinan was able to be a university teacher, and when he went to school, his grades were basically the first, no matter in primary school or university. How could he not be smart?

Maybe it was the last time Jiang Yinan saw Wang Wei that he felt it out.

Zhang CE sighed that he had underestimated his wife's ability!

What should we do now?

Zhang CE thinks about how to end up, because Jiang Yinan will definitely continue to find the "local tyrant".

However, Zhang CE continued to listen.

"Yes? You haven't seen me before, so you say I'm not. I'm a little sad when you say that. " Wang Wei sighed and stood up as if he was about to leave.

"But you are not." Jiang Yinan shakes her head. For this, she can be sure that Wang Wei is not a local tyrant to help her.

But She wondered that the "local tyrant" didn't have to cheat himself, and that his sad sigh was sincere at this time. Was he definitely wrong?

"Well, you must think that the person who helped you is very young and handsome. You must have imagined me to be a star. When you see me as a real person, you feel that it's too different from what you think, so you are disappointed, right?" Wang Wei sighed, showing his loss.

Next to Zhang CE's thumbs up, Wang Wei usually has a lot of chicks. All lies come from his mouth.

"No," Jiang Yinan shakes her head. She's not a flower maniac. She doesn't have any special feelings about handsome men. She just thinks "Last time I saw you, I reminded you, but your reaction told me that you are not the local tyrant who helped me."

"You mean I'm hiding too much?" Wang Wei smiles.

"No, it's you..."

"I didn't mean to show my identity at that time. I certainly wouldn't show any expression. What's more, if I wasn't a" local tyrant ", how could your company continue to operate? Continue to renew? Do you think anyone else can do that? " Wang Wei continued.

Jiang Yinan was awakened by this sentence. Yes, he is the owner of the Plaza. It's also his word that his company can renew his contract. He What a local tyrant?

Jiang Yinan suppressed his doubts and sat down, "are you really a local tyrant?"

"Don't you believe me? The first time you went to the hotel and the two bosses got drunk, or I saw it and saved you... " Wang Wei is helpless.

Jiang Yinan is embarrassed when it comes to this. It should be him, but How can you feel grateful for yourself? Maybe it's the first time I met him, so it's different from wechat chat.

Jiang Yinan did not continue to doubt, as he said, in addition to him, who else?

He is the local tyrant who helps himself.

"Sorry, I'm sorry for what I just said." Jiang Yinan apologized.

"Nothing, nothing," Wang Wei smiles.

Next to him, Zhang CE is relieved. Wang Wei really has his own style. In a few words, Jiang Yinan believes it. However, Zhang CE is a little uncomfortable. He knows that he is the "local tyrant". Zhang CE sighs that he is cheap, but he doesn't let Wang Wei disguise himself?

Just don't know when Jiang Yinan knows that she is wrong, that Wang Wei is not a "local tyrant", and that she is the only one, what will her reaction be?

"Order." Jiang Yinan called the waiter, and they ordered a dish, and Wang Wei began to enter the theme. Because Jiang Yinan had believed in Wang Wei, he took Wang Wei as a friend and chatted with each other. Of course, Jiang Yinan could say something.

Jiang Yinan sighed, "our company has improved a little recently, and the business is better."

It's true. The staff of the two managers who went to the airport twice have come for training.

"Then your company should be in good condition! Is the profit this month good? " Wang Wei started the routine.

"There's profit, but it's not enough to make ends meet. It's mainly..." Jiang Yinan sighed. She remembered that when she was in the capital, she lost nearly 500000 yuan for the necklace, so she had to consider borrowing usury.

"What's the main thing? It doesn't matter. You can tell me that we are friends, aren't we? " Wang Wei is also curious.

Jiang Yinan is puzzled about whether to say it or not, but he certainly can't tell Zhang CE about things in the capital.

"I went to the capital before. I rented a necklace and it broke. I lost nearly 500000 yuan." Jiang Yinan said it, but she felt calm, but she was a little regretful. How good would it be if her husband, Zhang CE, was sitting opposite her?

Zhang CE was very surprised. Why didn't Jiang Yinan tell him about it? Zhang CE sighed. It seems that it was because of this that Jiang Yinan couldn't turn over her capital, so she considered borrowing usury.

However, Zhang CE could help her solve this problem at that time.

"Why don't you tell your husband about it?" Wang Wei was also surprised.

"My husband is younger than me, I am five years older than him, he is young, handsome, and Good for me. How can I tell him about it? I'm worried that if I trouble him, I'm also worried that if I trouble him, he will start to hate me... " Jiang Yinan shakes her head, and her voice is a bit bitter. She thinks it's better for Zhang CE not to know about it, and it's better never to know about it.Yesterday, I let Zhang CE know that he borrowed money at usury. I can't let him know other bad things.

Otherwise, Zhang CE will surely think that he is money worshipping, and then he will start to hate himself, and finally he will be separated from himself I've been used to Zhang CE since I was a child. If she's gone one day, she can't get used to it. She can't imagine what to do with her life.

Wang Wei is envious of such a beautiful wife. Who would have the heart to hate her?

Zhang CE heard Jiang Yinan's heart, he really want to rush in and tell her, how can he hate her because of such things?

But now rush in, Jiang Yinan will feel very guilty and can't face himself!

"And then? What can you do to make up for the deficit of 500000 yuan? " Wang Wei has told Wang CE all the details.

"I I went to borrow the usury and borrowed 700000 yuan. " Jiang Yinan sighed and said it, feeling a little relaxed in her heart.

Only 700000? Zhang CE was not surprised that her estimation was almost the same as her own. How can she say that Jiang Yinan doesn't spend much money on her own, and 700000 is enough.

"700000? Why don't you keep talking to me? " Wang Wei continued.

Jiang Yi Nan is not good how to say, does say oneself borrow usury is to return your money? Then you won't receive 500000 yuan from wechat.

"I can handle it myself." Jiang Yinan didn't say anything else. She was cheated by usury, and she couldn't say, "please accept 500000 first."

"You take it first and use it well," Wang Wei said in the original words that Zhang Cegang had just explained.

"No, this is the money I paid you back. Please put it away. I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much." Jiang Yinan said seriously.

Jiang Yinan is really grateful for this "local tyrant". If it wasn't for the "local tyrant", he might be forced by those two people when he was in the hotel that day If that's the case, Jiang Yinan can't face Zhang CE at all.

He was Zhang CE's wife since childhood, but when he was gone for the first time, what would Zhang CE think? Jiang Yinan is afraid when he thinks about it now.

Next, the meal continued to eat. Jiang Yinan didn't say much. After eating, he went to the company gratefully. Zhang cecai came over, and Wang Wei said with a smile, "you are very lucky to find such a wife."

Zhang CE also thinks that he is very lucky to grow up with Jiang Yinan, and she is still his wife.

"What do you do now?" Wang Wei is curious.

What can we do? We can only use wechat to continue to transfer 700000 yuan to Jiang Yinan. Let her return the money first.

In this way, Jiang Yinan will continue her company with ease.

Zhang CE decides to give Jiang Yinan 700000 yuan later. Anyway, you don't have to ask your mother for it. Lu Youwen has money.

"OK, anyway, she believes me. When can I continue to install it and call me at any time..." Wang Wei said.

Zhang CE nodded. He had to show up several times. Wang Wei said with a smile, "Zhang CE, it's OK in the afternoon. I'll take you to a good place. I'm sure you like it..."

You know his smile, of course, Zhang CE understood, ready to shake his head to refuse, but at this time, the door of the private room opened, a surprised voice appeared, "husband, how are you here?"

No, Jiang Yinan is not going to the company! Why are you back??

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