My biological black technology

Chapter 503 Targeted Gene Editing (Please subscribe)

"Think about when the Biological Warfare Laboratory was first established. At that time, Director Wen and a group of comrades doing combat analysis basically had very limited understanding of cutting-edge technology. Now, when they hear a technology, they can immediately notice it. The advantages and disadvantages therein.”

"This is no ordinary progress."

"This level of knowledge is quite sufficient for professional combat analysis and situation judgment."

"From a glance, it can be imagined that the current development situation of our country is already quite good. What we lack is time." Cheng Xiang sighed.

"Yeah, it's just lack of time." Wen Ziqiang said nonchalantly, and then he became even more anxious and angry, "Chief Cheng, don't say anything else now, tell me how to put it out."

Cheng Xiang smiled, then looked at Shen Luoyun aside, "Luoyun, please demonstrate it to Director Wen."

"Yes! Chief Cheng."

Shen Luoyun nodded seriously, then immediately turned around and followed Cheng Xiang to experience this year. Shen Luoyun grew even faster, like a sponge absorbing water, eagerly absorbing a lot of knowledge every day.

With Cheng Xiang's help, she grew faster.

Shen Luoyun retrieved the brain, connected the petri dish, and decided to start the experiment.


The parameters, details, etc. have already been set, and you only need to start the experiment.

The next moment, under the gaze of the three people, a hole with a diameter of nearly half a meter was opened on the side of the experimental petri dish, and then, a dozen small octopuses of various sizes were pushed into the petri dish.

After a brief fright, these little octopuses quickly calmed down.

It's time to lie down, it's time to play the game.

"What are these?" Wen Ziqiang asked, pointing to the little octopuses.

Cheng Xiang nodded, "They are all unintelligent descendants of the Oktup tribe."

Wen Ziqiang looked at this scene and couldn't help but shake his head secretly. The enemies he once dreamed of killing not only appeared in large numbers on people's dining tables, but now even appeared on test beds. They were reduced to the level of experimental subjects, and they were also manufactured Experimental subjects specifically targeting their entire family of weapons.

The cruelty of the universe is so full of drama.

The war between races has surpassed all the bottom lines of war.

In their eyes, humans are like pigs and sheep.

In his own eyes, octopus was once food.

Wen Ziqiang thought about it and quickly shook his head. He still had to get used to it. In the universe, the weak have no ability to be kind.

The next moment, a naturally drooping hemispherical generator suddenly protruded from the top of the experimental vessel.

Immediately, Wen Ziqiang saw intermittent beams of light continuously emitted from the spherical surface, impacting in all directions towards the simulation environment below. When the laser enters the petri dish, after refraction and scattering, the energy decreases sharply and quickly escapes.

Wen Ziqiang immediately became confused when he saw this.

But this time, Wen Ziqiang took a deep breath and did not ask immediately. Instead, he chose to wait. However, if he continued to wait, after a few minutes, there was still only the intermittent laser light in mid-air. Continuous ejaculation.

As for the rules of this laser, he finally understood it.

There is no pattern at all, different colors, intermittent, and hard to understand.

At this time, Wen Ziqiang couldn't hold it any longer.

"Chief Cheng? When will the biological weapons be released?" Wen Ziqiang asked.

"When?" Cheng Xiang chuckled, "Isn't it already launched?"

"What? The launch has already started?" Wen Ziqiang was surprised, and then he immediately reacted, stretching out his finger and pointing at the hemispheric generator that was still releasing lasers.

"Are you talking about this hemispherical thing?" Wen Ziqiang asked.

Cheng Xiang shook his head, "No, to be precise, it's this continuous laser."

"What?" Cheng Xiang's answer made Wen Ziqiang unbelievable, "Laser, how is this possible?"

"Can it carry biological weapons?" Wen Ziqiang continued to ask.

Cheng Xiang shook his head.

Wen Ziqiang became even more confused, "You can't carry weapons, then..."

Wen Ziqiang didn't say the rest of his words, but his meaning was quite clear.

"Because these lasers are weapons themselves."

"What?" Wen Ziqiang was even more surprised. After hearing this sentence, he felt that his whole mind was confused, "The laser itself is a weapon?"

"You mean, lasers are biological weapons?"


"How is this possible?" Wen Ziqiang felt that his entire cognition was being violently impacted. After all, he had received nearly ten years of academic training, but now, saying that lasers are biological weapons, the leap in this made Wen Ziqiang somewhat doubtful about life. .

Cheng Xiang smiled and nodded at Shen Luoyun, "Luoyun, let Director Wen pick out the key points."


Shen Luoyun turned slightly sideways, pointed at the petri dish and said, "Director Wen, you don't have to be so shocked."

"In fact, in the home star era, lasers have been used to induce biological gene mutations, such as ultraviolet rays, X-rays, etc."

"It's just that at that time, these mutations were uncontrollable. The significance of this technology at that time was that it could screen out mutation samples with certain value from a large number of samples."

"But it's different now. This technology is under the leadership of Chief Cheng and the efforts of our entire team for more than half a year."

"We have truly realized the laser-directed gene editing technology as a whole."

Laser targeted gene editing technology, just from the name, Wen Ziqiang could already understand some of it. He thought about it carefully with his mouth, and his ears continued to listen to Shen Luoyun's next introduction.

"As can be seen from the name, the principle of this technology itself is to use segmented and combined multi-frequency spectral irradiation to use the biological tissue itself to generate the meta-cells and plug-in assemblies we need, thereby achieving the rapid development of meta-cell tissue. grow."

"The current experiment is just one application of this technology."

"The drastic changes in color of these lasers are not even visible. In fact, they are essentially the frequency changing at a high speed at a set frequency."

"Using the speed of light, as long as the frontline bombardment breaks through a gap, we can send laser weapons in. The laser information packaged in segments does not worry about truncation. Each piece of information will be recorded by the cells in the epidermis of these small octopuses. As long as Continuous emission can eventually form the meta-cell we designed."

"Finally achieved, disintegrating the enemy from within, and then breaking through the Oktup tribe's defense line."

"In the near future, this technology can be used, and we can use this technology to sow the seeds of our meta-cells more covertly and conveniently."

At this point, Shen Luoyun stopped.

As an audience member, it was obvious that Wen Ziqiang was in a daze and didn't even know when Shen Luoyun stopped.

What does it mean to have your cake and eat it too, that's nothing at all.

Wen Ziqiang couldn't help shouting in his heart. Compared with them who thought about it all day long, this plan was not good, and the execution was flawed, but Chief Cheng unknowingly came up with another plan that would further change the course of Chinese history. a key technology.

How will the interstellar era develop?

It has long been placed on the desks of their laboratories.

Apparently, the answer is now out.

This is not just a weapon, it is a solution that changes the course of humanity.

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