My biological black technology

Chapter 96 Breaking through the limits of imagination

The professors and doctors all raised their heads and looked into the air. They could not find a name that matched the characteristics of the simple and transparent structure in their existing knowledge base.

"Perhaps this is synthetic?"

Only this explanation is feasible. Because such a weird structure is really weird. It looks like everything, but it is nothing.

The picture has not stopped, it continues to evolve.

Under the gaze of everyone, the genes of this unknown cell slowly began to express, and the cell's morphological structure began to become slightly normal, one turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight.

The number of cells increases rapidly in a geometric doubling manner.

Soon, the projection began to take shape.

Immediately afterwards, the evolution speed of the cells in the projection accelerated rapidly. The next moment, the cells began to enter a state of differentiation. With the selective expression of genes, the cell population began to gradually produce cell groups with different morphological structures and functional characteristics.

At the same time, the rate of cellular evolution is further accelerating.

Vaguely, it seems that some outlines can be seen clearly, but the outlines are still relatively blurry.

"What could this be?" Everyone looked more and more nervous. They didn't think Cheng Xiang would have a meeting with so many of them just to watch animation special effects.

The only possibility is that what is projected in front of them may be related to what they will do next.

Just before, Cheng Xiang denied the path of combining mechanical electronics with biotechnology. So, could the projection displayed in front of him be the real biotechnology?

Looking at the rapidly evolving cell group, a ridiculous sense of déjà vu gradually emerged in everyone's mind. If this becomes true, it means that what they are about to touch will be the legendary real restricted area of ​​life!

Controlling the life cycle of life at the genetic level. Even if it is said to be creating life, it can be said to be passable.

Ma Baomin, Lang Siyuan and Fang Huiqin had no time to communicate. Even if the projection was right above their heads, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and gasp for breath. Their eyes were full of disbelief, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble. .

No biological researcher can remain calm in such an incident.

Time passed quickly between everyone's breaths, and the outline of the creature in the projection gradually became clear.


"This is!"

"How can this be!"

"This is impossible!"

Seeing now, even if it has not completely evolved successfully, everyone can no longer stop being shocked in their hearts.

This is not their fault at all, because the creature that evolved from cells in the picture turned into a small box.

The small box in the projection finally took shape amidst these exclamations.

The dynamic data next to it shows that the small box is eighty centimeters high and thirty centimeters long and wide. The exterior is made of natural leather with a very good gloss. In addition, several special buttons are also seen, including the words on the buttons and Patterns are also naturally grown.

What an outrageous thing!

How is it possible to grow a box directly? Moreover, it doesn’t look like a simple box, it should have special functions!

Everyone didn't bother to stop arguing immediately, because...

The picture in the projection changed and changed its style.

The small box was then placed in a room that looked like it should be a ward.

Everyone immediately understood that this was to introduce the purpose of this box.

Immediately afterwards, a kidney function report sheet appeared in front of everyone.

The data is very clear, and creatinine is seriously exceeded.

This kind of data indicator can basically be understood by everyone engaged in biological research.

This is a patient with advanced renal failure. Next, the patient will have to undergo long-term dialysis, and his quality of life will definitely be greatly affected, and there are hidden dangers of multiple complications. Either a kidney transplant, and if you are lucky enough to be matched with a kidney source, your quality of life will definitely be much better than dialysis.

However, even if you need a kidney transplant, you still need to take anti-rejection drugs for a long time, because the anti-rejection drugs themselves will suppress your own immunity, so the body's resistance to disease will be reduced accordingly. The risk caused by this is that the resistance to bacteria and viruses is lower than that of ordinary people, and they are more likely to get sick. The most feared thing after a transplant is infection, because once the infection occurs after the operation, even if you can save your life, you will face a lot of problems. Most likely the transplant surgery would have been in vain.

This is very contradictory, but it is the fact that human development is still limited after all. Therefore, many clinical treatment methods can only be based on weighing the pros and cons and choosing the lesser of the two.

The perfect solution can only come by chance.

However, the next operation sounded in the projection, making it difficult for everyone to understand.

After determining the patient's condition, the doctor collected a tube of blood from the patient.

Everyone thought it was going to be tested and then searched for a match. As a result, the doctor took the tube of blood and went directly to the machine that had just been produced.

The doctor touched the red button and looked at the on/off text on it. It should be a switch.

Sure enough, after pressing the button, the screen suddenly lit up on the surface of the box.

Everyone exclaimed again, this is so incredible, even the screen can grow directly.

At the same time, a small round lid in the upper left corner of the box opened automatically.

The space inside is just big enough to put down test tubes. The doctor immediately put the test tube down. Then press another button, and the empty lid where the test tube is placed immediately closes.

Immediately afterwards, the doctor operated on the screen, selected the right kidney, and clicked the start button.

The picture goes here.

Everyone in the conference hall was trembling.

Each one has his own unique expression of excitement, either swallowing quickly, clenching his fists, or drinking water.

If they couldn't guess what happened next in the scene before them, then all their years of books and research would have been in vain.

"Is this an attempt to reactivate genes in a specific region of one's own body and carry out targeted cultivation of one's own organs?"

"Can this be done?"

"And it's fully automatic?"

No one can stay quiet in such a scene.

In the current field of biological research, the most cutting-edge is to use pluripotent stem cells in a culture dish and induce them through the environment to grow laboratory-level mini-organs.

And this is already very rare.

However, these organs can only be called organoids because they lack blood vessels and cannot be used as real organs for clinical use. The most widely used area at present is to study the early development of organs or to conduct clinical trials of some drugs.

However, what they just saw was not pluripotent stem cells, but blood cells that had been highly differentiated.

The time in the projection began to accelerate, and it was a few hours later in the blink of an eye.

The yellow work light on the small box suddenly turned green, and the side of the box suddenly opened. What was clearly visible on the screen was a kidney covered with a special biological protective film!


However, this is not over yet. The angles of view in the projection are gradually increasing, not only those who have kidneys, stomachs, hearts, lungs, and livers, but also, more exaggeratedly, those who directly replace the torso.

"Are these okay?"

"Is this what we're about to accomplish?"


"Can we really do this?"


The images displayed on the projection were so shocking that everyone in the conference hall trembled. What was shown in the images was simply challenging the limits of their imagination of biological sciences.

Can this kind of thing that only exists in imagination really be realized? Or is this really just a promotional video for them to watch?

It was too exaggerated. The moment the projection ended, everyone's eyes were fixed on the young man on the rostrum, expecting to get a definite answer from his mouth.

They don't have to believe all their guesses, but they unconditionally believe in what that person says.

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Thanks to Jiesibang 1992, a book-loving rice bug, for the 100 reward from the ground floor.

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