After taking the lead in working in the office, she already considered herself an adult.

Now I want to introduce my super circle of people.

Nico-chan has really become an adult now.

Tojo Nozomi hugged Nicole from behind, and started to raise his claws amidst her panicked voice.

He is obviously the most broad-minded among the muses and the only one who can achieve Izumi Masamune's favorite pose, but Tojo Nozomi's favorite thing is to see the growth of his friends.

Nan Xiaoniao looked at the lively scene in front of him with a smile.

Although I feel a little bit disgusted, it’s good that everyone is here all the time.

Picking up the phone, the girl had a private number for Izumi Masamune and could contact him at all times.

Just as he was about to call Izumi Masamune, he was stopped by a hand.


Nishikino Maki shook her head and looked flustered.

Ever since she asked someone to clean the house and then disappeared, she had been worried, knowing that someone probably went to play with her mother.

The girl who was angry and annoyed could only give Izumi Masamune the finishing touch.

You can't let your friends know that your whole family has fallen into someone's shoes.

So after several girls came over, they originally wanted to tell me that Izumi Masamune had come over, but in the end they concealed it.

I just hope that the battlefield on the other side will not be affected.

However, just as he was thinking this, Izumi Masamune on the other side walked out with satisfaction.


Masamune? Why are you here?

Nan Xiaoniao, who was still confused just now, saw her boyfriend's appearance and greeted him happily.

Only Nishikino Maki looked slightly embarrassed.

It was clearly agreed that we didn't know each other, but now it's like this.

I have been here to help clean up the house on the second floor, and now I have the opportunity to come out.

Izumi Masamune touched his nose and said without blushing or heartbeat.

I was really shocked when I first came out, but luckily I recovered quickly.

Um, it's been a long time since we saw each other.

After greeting the girls, Izumi Masamune walked down.

Mainly because there are more things happening in the later stages.

And the muse was defeated one after another like a gourd baby. In this way, everyone spent less time together.

But the slight unfamiliarity soon disappeared.

After all, among the nine people, except for Rinya, who was stupidly taken advantage of by Izumi Masamune and didn't react, the remaining people had already had further relationships. After just sitting and chatting for a while, everyone was already lively again. stand up.

So, have you decided that you have to do a love song?

Sitting between Kotori and Honoka, Izumi Masamune looked at the girls surrounding him in a circle.

The colorful girl is, in a sense, even more refreshing than the five sisters of the Nakano family.

As for the muse singing a love song, he didn't mind.

It's not like filming, so the clothes are also strictly controlled.

If he felt uncomfortable just because he sang a love song, then he could just lock the girls up.

Yes, our biggest rival right now is A-rise. We want to find a way to compete with them, a suitable love song.

It's already mid-November, and in half a month, it will be Lovelive's final preliminaries. They will face off against A-Rise and other three groups, and then enter the finals and finally win the championship.

But now, the biggest enemy in the hearts of the girls of Muse is A-Rise.

It's just that the girls have no previous experience and don't know how to write a suitable love song.

So please, Izumi-kun, please help us think of a suitable and enough song. No matter what the conditions are, we can agree to it. Our dream, everyone's dream.

Honoka bent over and begged Izumi Masamune very seriously.

In his opinion, Izumi Masamune is omnipotent.

I don't care about this, but does this kind of thing still require the person involved to have feelings? Don't you all know how to write it? You don't have any thoughts at all. I thought everyone understood it.

Masamune Izumi looked at the girls thoughtfully, and received strange looks one after another.

Why don't you, Kotori-chan, show us what it's like to be a real couple in love? Please, nya.

Xingkong Rin had a sudden idea and said to Nan Xiaotiao.

You could hear several others coughing at the same time.

Except for Nan Xiaoniao, none of them have ever had any serious dates.

When I heard these things at this moment, I started coughing subconsciously.

It reminds me of someone's direct and simple way when a couple is in love.

Come out, go to the hotel, start taking off your clothes, and then the whole night passes.

Maybe we are all familiar with this, so we don't know how to behave.

Nan Xiaoniao didn't look good either. His wandering eyes clearly meant he was thinking of something bad.

Love songs actually require you to experience the true taste of first love. This is the most touching thing, right? Do you want to experience it, Linmiao?

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl's smile, lifted the girl's chin with his hand, and got closer and closer.

Getting closer and closer, Hoshikora Rin almost fainted. Looking at the girl who seemed to be about to collapse, Masamune Izumi stretched out his hand to catch her. The place where his palm touched was the girl's breasts. Although they were not fully developed, But it was already slightly raised, showing the girl's youthful charm. At this moment, being directly touched by the opposite sex, the originally shy girl's body went limp at this moment, and she lost all her strength.

Fortunately, Koizumi Hanayang next to him didn't see anything wrong and hurriedly rushed over to stop Izumi Masamune to prevent things from going to some strange place.

Well, Masamune is too good, nya!

After waking up, the shy girl raised her small fist and hit Izumi Masamune's arm.

To be honest, there are really very few idols who fall in love. How about we change the theme.

Looking helplessly at Xingzong Rin, who actually took the initiative to greet him, Koizumi quickly stopped him and changed the subject.

This is wrong. In fact, there are quite a few idols who fall in love.

The knowledge about idols was suddenly mentioned, and Nico Yazawa stood up animatedly.

It's just that it's not convenient for idols to fall in love. In fact, many people start it secretly. I've heard about it. According to news from a friend, the three people from A-Rise seem to be in love. There have been many times when I was dragged away in a silver luxury car and never came back all night long.”

Nico Yazawa said.

Just hearing this, Izumi Masamune's brows jumped and he looked slightly embarrassed.

I know this too, but the reviews don't seem to be very good.

As the surprise collector in the team, Kayo Koizumi is naturally always aware of the archenemy A-Rise.

Picking up the phone, you can notice that at this moment, the eyes of several girls lit up, and they curiously focused on the location of Koizumi Hanayo.

Koizumi Hanayo raised her cell phone.

I read the message above.

This is an idol support website.

There are a lot of messages on the A-Rise forum.

‘Speaking of which, compared to Muse, A-Rise seems to be more distant now. ’

‘Ah, I know, Tsubasa-chan has obviously interacted with us before. ’

‘I heard that A-Rise has a boyfriend. ’

‘I heard that I was with a handsome looking man and a luxury car. After all, A-Rise and the others’ office seems to be in a downturn recently. As everyone knows, they are in business. ’

‘No, although we support Muse now, we were all A-R-ser before. Only Tsubasa-chan wouldn’t do that, so just trust them. ’

‘It’s impossible. It’s impossible to be so serious about A-Rise. Just gossips and boring rumors.’

‘I heard that the active song this time is a love tune. In order to prevent these rumors from spreading, we fans can’t support it. ’

'yes. ’

Lots and lots of news.

It's all written on it.

The girl's surprised voice came.

Then, the people who had met A-Rise in recent days and found out that their figures had suddenly grown again, applied one by one.

Only the culprit, Izumi Masamune, felt a little awkward at the moment.

I didn’t expect the Internet to be so gossipy nowadays.


Should you consider replacing your car?


A long time ago, when he first acquired 346 Firm, Masamune Izumi wanted to sign A-Rise.

It’s just that A-Rise had already officially debuted at that time, so it didn’t win.

But for Izumi Masamune, these guys are just dispensable things.

There is no need to be like the girls of the Muse, because the thoughts of past lives still need to be paid attention to.

As for A-Rise, I just mentioned it.

Naturally, someone took the initiative to pack up the three guys and send them over.

Izumi Masamune was very impressed.

That was Halloween in the last century.

The three girls were packed, each with an interesting decoration in a big gift box.

The gift rope tied up and the medicine placed guarantee the experience.

That was the most impressive time for Izumi Masamune other than the cat girl Yui on Halloween.

The look of the three girls crying and wailing at that time was a plus.

However, the absolute power and the fact that the three of them almost didn't have the physical strength to participate in the competition the day after tomorrow made them calm down.

A-Rise doesn't have a special meaning like a muse. It can be taken down casually to complete the stamp collection. If you are rich and powerful, you can take it with a little threat and it will be very clever.

I just didn’t realize that there is no airtight wall after all.

Once again, I lamented how troubled the melon-eating people in this world are.

Izumi Masamune decisively took back Koizumi Kayo's mobile phone. The girls were not the kind who liked to badmouth people behind their backs. At this moment, they all changed the subject tacitly.

Then we started discussing our own lyrics.

Although Masamune Izumi has little experience, I have listened to a lot of various songs by Katsuya in his previous life.

Things that I couldn't remember originally, as my body became more perfect and stronger, I remembered all the things that I should think about.

There is something here for girls.

So I started composing music and lyrics surprisingly quickly.

Everyone performs their duties and is very efficient.


Nozomi Tojo stood alone on the balcony.

Take a break to overlook the scenery.

Although Nishikinoya is not a place like Sanbancho in Chiyoda-ku or Motoazabu in Minato-ku where the prices are crazy, it is not that different.

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