Nicole, your long hair looks great, but don’t talk.

His temperament was completely ruined.

What! I haven't shown off yet.

Nicole said dissatisfiedly, but when she saw the other eight faces looking confused at the same time, she turned her head away and didn't want to talk anymore.

In the end, nothing has been decided yet.

It's so difficult.

One by one, the girls gave gifts to Izumi Masamune and performed a live simulation of love.

The afternoon passed like that.

But it is always impossible to express a sufficiently suitable artistic conception.

It's not that there is anything bad about the performance, but the nine people always feel that something is missing.

This is the intuition that has always been associated with dancing and singing.

God, please give us a suitable scene again sometime.

Honoka was half kneeling on the ground, looking at the ceiling above with tears in her eyes.

Izumi Masamune looked at these restless guys with a dark look on his face, and suddenly felt why they were all restless, but confused voices came over.

What's going on? Is it really noisy?

Wearing loose clothes and showing off her fair skin, the woman has already stepped out.

His sleepy eyes still looked like he had just woken up.

Nan Hiwako's body seemed to no longer exude a charming atmosphere all the time.

Even the nine girls each have their own characteristics.

But some things that can only be accumulated over the years are huge gaps that cannot be bridged.

His eyes were staring straight ahead, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

There was always all kinds of pressure, and then I took a good rest at Nishikino Mizui's place.

It's a pity that before I could stay longer, Izumi Masamune's surprise attack appeared.

He didn't notice the nine girls on the other side who were sitting around the table and thinking.

As soon as Minami Kazuko came over, he saw Masamune Izumi standing.

Then she smiled sweetly and pulled the man's arm over.

Very close distance.

Zhengzong, I was clearly resting seriously just now, and you are touching me so randomly. It's too much.

She acts coquettishly like a young girl.

There is also the taste and attachment of wanting to resist and welcome.

Honoka looked on with some joy, this was the feeling of love she wanted.

I just didn't have time to be happy.

The expressions of the nine girls were very exciting at this moment.

Izumi Masamune held his forehead and suddenly felt that the situation of the nine people just now was actually pretty good.

The snow started to fall quietly outside.

Today's first snow officially fell in December.

The floating snowflakes dyed the entire earth in silver.

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