Are you here to protect us?

Masamune asked aloud.

I, I drank your blood today, it was really great.

With a dry voice, Takatsuki Quan told his reasons.


Masamune somewhat understood.

Just think about the situation of Nishikino Mizubi at that time.

Zhengzong didn't say anything, he just felt that the way of relieving his own problems through blood was really strange.

This is not an antidote, it is actually a poison more deadly than your own breath.

It's like drinking poison to quench thirst.

The reason why it seems to solve the problem of longing for one's own body is only because with authentic blood, the own problems are alleviated.

In the words of Mizuki Nishikino.

After receiving the blood, it seemed that the whole person was freed from the cruel reality and boring life, and a special joy and happiness filled his heart, as if everything was full of hope.

It was also like this that Zhengzong easily succeeded to Nishikino Mizubi.

Moreover, the woman was completely obedient afterward, and she could even be satisfied just by listening to Zhengzong's conversation every day.

It gets rid of the simple physical need for authenticity and becomes a kind of spiritual salvation and comfort.

Even when she asked for photos of her daughter Nishikino Maki, the mother obediently sent them to her, and they were together. At that time, Masamune had to find Sagiri for a long time before he calmed down.

Instead of getting better, things got worse.

The impact of this vampire-like infection, which is like slavery, is really terrible.

No one knows how other beings would view such a power.

So Zhengzong didn't try any other women.

But now looking at Takatsuki Izumi's appearance, there is no doubt about the matter.

How did you get in?

Although he had never thought of using such a feature, since Takatsuki Izumi had already been tricked, Masamune was not too worried.

We bought this hotel.

Takatsuki Izumi said.

As a heirloom organization with all superhuman members, it couldn't be easier to unify everything in District 11.

The income gained from this is enough to allow him to do whatever he wants to do.


Red eyes stared at Masamune.

After feeling the man's breath, Takatsuki Izumi once again felt that feeling of getting a true education, as if there was a warm current flowing in his heart.

The life that originally made him extremely uncomfortable was relieved all of a sudden, and his blood flow accelerated again. It was a huge pressure that he could not bear when Hezi was turned on to the strongest mode.

Masamune-kun, leave everything to me.

As a strong girl, after feeling the difference in her body, Takatsuki Izumi didn't hesitate and came directly to her.

The black and red Hezi appeared, filling the surrounding room with everything.

Compared to the beauty of Na He's eyes, Hezi filled the room at this moment, but it turned into a thriller.

The surrounding vision changed, and Zhengzong found that he was actually suspended in mid-air. It was Hezi who lifted himself up.

Zhengzong looked at the scene in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curled up. He didn't know how to describe the current situation. His mood was really complicated for a moment.

Why do you always feel that your current situation is special? Do you want to shout out?

These super girls are just different.

Masamune was thinking wildly in his heart, then moved his arm forward and directly grabbed Takatsuki Izumi.

Although I don't reject female knights, in this case, you'd better stay down.

With the force of his five fingers, the indestructible Hezi was like paper in front of Zhengzong, and was torn to pieces by him.

The two hands were pulled apart, and the two people fell to the ground at the same time.

Are you OK?

Masamune didn't expect that Hezi could be so fragile. Looking at Takatsuki Izumi who was directly torn open, Masamune couldn't help but asked worriedly.

No, it's okay.

The woman buried in Zhengzong's heart raised her head, her eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

That's really great, Masamune-kun. Is this what you like to play? No wonder there are so many women. Ordinary humans may really be played to death.

The more I experienced the bad situations in the past, the more I became addicted to Zhengzong's feeling of being able to redeem myself and forget everything, and it was difficult to get rid of it. Compared with it, the pain of the broken Hezi was nothing at all.

No, girl, your situation is an exception.

Zhengzong really wanted to say this, but in the end he didn't say it.

Now, it's you who should calm down for me.

In turn, lay it down on the tatami.

Masamune found something from the clothes next to him, which were the inner clothes left by Hiromi Kato who had fled in a hurry the night before.

He directly blocked Takatsuki Quan with it, making him speechless.

Having experienced being terminated in the middle of the night not long ago, Zhengzong will not let go of the rou he has obtained by staying longer.

Seeing the woman's sudden mixed feelings of humiliation and satisfaction, Zhengzong lowered his head.

I don't like being passive.

Among the hezi scattered on the ground, the two of them overlapped.

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