In comparison, the original employment relationship is almost negligible.

He took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

Because of Sagiri's own personality, she is unwilling to even run out on weekdays, so she is very careless and directly takes away her belongings.

However, all this soon changed. When she entered the living room, she heard a series of strange sounds that made her, a well-informed high school girl, feel a little too much.

The original girl's expression changed drastically, and she directly covered his ears, and then closed the door first, fearing what impact this incident would have on Sagiri.

It took a long time for Nanami to feel relieved.

After taking a look at the surrounding houses, there was nothing that seemed to have been violently damaged. He just took a bite, covered his pretty face with soup, and said to himself.

This girl, Sagiri, doesn't see anything on weekdays. How could she do this?

Suddenly her words stopped, and her face turned very ugly when she thought of this.


After packing her shoes, she opened the door and saw the pair of black men's shoes.

At first, she thought that it was not unacceptable for a little girl like Izumi Sagiri to stay at home alone and secretly look at other things in the room because of her own temper and habits.

After all, it was in an open area like District 11, but now she realized that the woman's voice was clearly coming from Sagiri herself, and she also had these men's leather shoes.

Carefully recall the news that I knew at that time.

After all, she was a girl working part-time, so Nanami knew the Izumi family before coming here. Only a brother and sister had just stayed here for less than two months because of her brother's schooling.

There are no other bad records.

Putting down the ingredients she had bought for tonight, Nanami tiptoed and followed the direction of the sound to Izumi Sagiri's room on the second floor.

As the distance got closer, Sagiri's voice from the room became even more harsh.

The girl's excited shouts sounded like she was engaging in some interesting competition.

The sound was so clear, echoing deeply in her heart.

She could clearly feel her body shaking slightly, as if responding to the situation on the other side.

But at the same time, she felt ashamed. As a normal girl, she left her family and came here to work hard.

Naturally, there will be times when she is lonely. In the dead of night, Nanami never thought about whether she would encounter a similar situation.

A lonely heart will always inevitably long for warmth.

Even if Nanami planned to remain single while pursuing her dream, otherwise, she would not have paid attention to the boy named Kanda Sorata when she was in school recently. Because when she abandoned the cat Xiaoguang, the two looked at each other, and Nanami once I once thought that it would be okay if I could be with a guy like that.

Of course, it can't be some guy.

Nanami recalled a little sadly.

Compared to a certain Kanda Sorata whose gentleness left a slight impression on him, he was not as impressive as the figure he saw recently.

Every time she had such a dream, the object would be Masamune, which made Nanami wonder if she was sick.

With a slight groan in her heart, Aoyama Nanami said that her future mate selection goals would definitely not include guys like Masamune.

Even if I don't know the name yet, the complicated number of girls around Zhengzong has automatically excluded Zhengzong.

While thinking wildly in her mind, Nanami carefully avoided Sagiri's little shirt scattered on the ground. She carefully touched the armrest, and a small crack appeared without any effort. She didn't expect that it was not locked.

What's wrong? You can't do it even before I exert any force? Didn't you just want to work with Hinata to change my education?

In the house, there were the sounds of authentic joking and Sagiri's uncomfortable cry of apology.

‘Why does it sound so familiar? ’

This thought suddenly came to Nanami's mind.

After meeting several times in succession, not only Masamune was deeply impressed by him, but Nanami was also impressed by Masamune.

Especially the affected body was the target when the girl was tossing and turning alone in the rented house to comfort herself.

Her palms seemed to be sweating, Nanami slowly pushed the door open, not letting the door make any sound.

Trying to calm his heartbeat, he looked towards the place ahead.

Although when I heard the sound, I was already prepared because of what happened before.

But Nanami still couldn't believe that the two of them would meet again.

At this moment, I saw that the girl I liked, Sagiri, who could vaguely see my shadow, was lying softly on the quilt alone.

Behind him is Zhengzong with a proud smile.

On the other side, the drawings prepared by Sagiri were scattered on the ground.

Such a picture seems to be the worst thing.

At this moment, Masamune was still educating Sagiri. He felt that he was too kind to this guy on weekdays, that is, he went out to play and let him go for a few days, and ended up getting into trouble with Hinata.

If he leaves for a few more days, won't Sagiri be going to blow up the house directly?

Seeing Sagiri still begging for mercy at this moment, Masamune didn't have any thoughts of mercy.

After being together for so long, he still can't see Sagiri's current state?

The feeling that was still coming from him at this moment told him that Sagiri was still enjoying it. As for whether he admitted his mistake or not, it was still open to question.

But at this moment, he also heard the sound of the door opening from next to him.

At first he thought it was Hinata who came over to take a look out of loyalty, so Masamune also made a decision.

Hinata, since you are here, don't leave anymore.

After saying this, Zhengzong stood up and turned around.

But he saw a pair of pale yellow eyes outside the crack of the door. Ordinary simple clothes could not hide the charm inside.

I was shocked at first, but my quick reaction told me what to do.

He got up directly, strode to the door of the room and opened it hard.

He saw Qingshan Nanhai falling directly in front of him unsteadily.

The girl's pretty face was also covered in red at the moment, and her whole person seemed to be a little wrong because of the situation just now.

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