The door outside was suddenly pushed open, and it was Miura Yuko who walked in from the outside.

Miura glanced at Masamune first.

Especially someone's current state, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face, but then he looked at Ishiroha.

I just saw two people taking things away, so I came here because I was worried.

After hearing the noise inside, Miura Yuko stayed at first by accident.

Unexpectedly, I would hear Ishiroha say that.

What do you mean, I won't forgive you as easily as Miura-senpai.

Especially when I think about the fact that a certain color feather in the equipment room at that time actually helped him.

Miura Yuko, who was not a good-tempered person who could forgive generously, stood up angrily at this moment.

You like to pretend, don't you?

Miura Yuiko took a deep breath, then walked up directly and grabbed Isiroha's two arms tightly.

You think I can forgive easily, right? You've never seen it before, so you're very proud of yourself, right?

Although she is only one year older than Isiroha, the power shown by Miura Yuko at this moment is far greater than Isiroha.

The poor athletic department student's wrist was sore at the moment.

Move for me quickly.

Glancing at Masamune, Miura Yuko tried her best to remain calm and said.

Applauding alone is actually very meaningless, especially when the other party doesn't cooperate with you.

But if another girl appears on this side to help you, it's a completely different concept.

I just want to say, it's really great.

Miura Yuko noticed the man's complacency at the moment, but also felt a little dissatisfied, but when she saw Isiroha's sad and angry eyes, she thought secretly in her heart.

This guy.

Hehe, my junior Isshiki, what about your persistence? How would it feel if those guys in the football club saw your development at this moment?

Looking at the guy who was still looking at her with mixed expressions of sadness, anger and pleading, Miura Yuko remained unmoved.

She had noticed it from the beginning.

When I was still concerned about Hayama Hayato, every time Hayama trained with the football club, Iroha would watch secretly and look at him with hostility.

Belonging to the hidden love rival at that time.

But Miura Yuko never thought of it.

After Zhengzong's side appeared, and he muddleheadedly committed himself to Zhengzong, the two of them actually clashed again.

She had already thought about it when she was outside just now. If he took the initiative to expose it, Ishiroha himself would be saved, but whether he would thank herself or not, Zhengzong would definitely hold a grudge against her.

Moreover, looking at Isiroha's appearance, Miura Yuko couldn't help but feel so cruel.

That's fine for other situations, but now you're still pretending to be cute and belittling me. Let me see if you can still maintain that disgusting cuteness under this man's attack.

Especially, being able to take revenge for what happened before, Miura Yuko couldn't help but smile when she thought of this.

The strength he had gained inexplicably over this period of time allowed him to pull the poor school girl's hands above her head and hold them tightly with one hand.

Senior Isshiki, let your senior help you complete your transformation in life.

After saying that, he bent down and cooperated with Masamune.


She snorted disdainfully, especially when she discovered that the schoolgirl's figure was unexpectedly comparable to her own.

Yi Colorful Yu finally knew that she was afraid at this moment.

The pitiful natural school girl who has always been protective in appearance has become the biggest joke when faced with the even more domineering Miura Yuko.

Miura Yuko completely ignored this guy's plea, and after a while, she raised her head and looked at Masamune.

Why, aren't you coming? Do you feel pity for this guy now? Or is it that you, who only know how to feel comfortable, have finally given up?

Looking at Masamune, Miura Yuko couldn't help but make malicious guesses.

It seemed like it was just a joke, but Masamune had a feeling that as long as he really dared to let the school girl go this time, Yuko Miura and he would really become mortal enemies.

The kind of sworn enemy that can never be reconciled unless you catch it, lock it up, put it in the basement, completely suppress it and turn it into a toy.

It's just that I always take the initiative to enjoy it. Zhengzong has never experienced such a situation of being forced to do it. He always feels weird.

What's going on with me? Miura, you've cried so many times, don't you know? But looking at your cold face, no matter how I feel, I'll be scared to the point of losing my mind. Come on, make me smile happily. point.

Walking around Miura, he conveniently closed the door of the room tightly, Masamune deliberately said excitedly.


Noticing that almost all of the man's eyes were focused on herself, instead of the disarmed Ishiroha next to her, Miura Yuko couldn't explain the change in her mood.

This sudden rise in pride made him feel unspeakably shy at the same time.

However, I noticed Ishiroha's relieved look. She was so vindictive that she couldn't care about anything else.


The sound of items falling to the ground was heard, and Miura Yuko continued to control Ishiroha with her hands and pulled her over.

Two people, one in high school and one in high school, famous beauties of the same age gathered together and got close to each other. Such a beautiful scene gave Zheng Zong a beautiful illusion of lilies blooming.

How's it going? Do you want to come over now?

The stiffness and indifference on Miura's face disappeared at this moment, replaced by a moving smile.

The flattering look on Masamune was in sharp contrast to the way he looked when he stepped on Matsuo this morning.

When Masamune saw what happened this time, his expression was surprised, and his body was even more certain. He never expected that Miura would actually do this.

However, after carefully looking at the person, it became clear that this guy's seven days was also very hard.

Aren't you willing yet? In other words, you like this look. Hey, come here quickly, and I will be merciful and allow you to lick it.

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