After seeing Zhengzong, I felt uncomfortable all over.

Okay, sit down obediently. The classroom is locked. How can there be anything? Stop looking for it. Here it is.

Taking the girl's cold little hand and sitting down, Masamune rummaged through his schoolbag, and then handed a small and delicate paper bag to Yukinoshita Yukino.

What's this?

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was a little flustered when Masamune held her hand, took it in confusion. It was a very small paper bag, but it was very heavy.

Didn't I go to Hokkaido during the Golden Week? So I brought some gifts along the way, a chocolate chip cookie.

Masamune explained that he originally wanted to give Yui a gift by the way, but God knows what excuse Hiratsuka Shizuka used to send him away just now, and she has not come back yet.


Yukinoshita Yukino's face turned a little hot.

Things like chocolate biscuits are usually given by girls to boys first. Unexpectedly, this time it was Masamune who gave them to himself first. This kind of thing made Yukinoshita Yukino happy, but at the same time her face became a little hot. .

What does Masamune want to do by giving these things? Is it implying something?

Sitting blankly on the seat, clutching the delicate bag with her palms, Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her head slightly.

I didn't feel anything before, but after receiving the gift today, the feeling became stronger.

Authentic is different from others.

These differences have many aspects. The two people were originally destined to have no contact with each other, but due to some accidents, they became inseparable from him.

Holding back his shame, he invited him to join the service department, and then gained his own satisfaction from those weird behaviors.

After encountering Shizuka Hiratsuka who was suspected of being in the activity room today, a large part of the reason why she was so angry was actually because of a kind of fear.

I was afraid that by chance, another unknown man would be someone in the activity room.

Because I was suspicious and angry, I said that to a teacher.

At the same time, it was also the reason why I suddenly felt at ease after seeing him outside and receiving the gift.

Yukinoshita Yukino touched her heart, and her dark blue eyes, which gave people a sense of aloofness, shrank slightly.

This is no longer a friendship, it's not the kind of thoughts that come to mind after being together with Yuigahama Yui.

Yukinoshita Yukino has never been in love. Ever since she was a child, Yukinoshita Yukino has always been regarded as jealous of other people's children. She has never been in love.

But as a top student, she can easily explain the theory of love in a clear and logical way.

Including Yuigahama Yui, who initially came to me to seek love experience and wanted to pursue authenticity, was also deceived by him and could not find Nanbei.

Yeah, that's it.

Yukinoshita Yukino is righteous, a kind of paranoid justice, whether it is for others or for herself.

Therefore, she did not deny that throbbing heart at this moment.

A blush appeared on her fair face, with joy, embarrassment, and a sense of relief that she had finally figured it out. Yukinoshita Yukino could not describe her current situation clearly at this moment.

So what does Masamune think?

Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her head, and under the unobstructed view of the plain was the authentically wrapped gift bag.

Seeing the gift, Yukinoshita felt relieved, but also very uneasy.

She knew that she was cute and beautiful, but the same two plains that she constantly complained about were also the source of Yukinoshita's bad mood.

Especially when a certain guy has Yuigahama Yui around him for comparison.

Maybe, you should try papaya milk again?

Yukinoshita Yukino, who obviously didn't believe in these pseudosciences, suddenly had such an idea at this moment.

Hey, Yukinoshita? If you really want to eat, feel free to eat. No one will stop you.

The wagging fingers woke up Yukinoshita.

She looked at Zheng Zong with evasive eyes.

Zhengzong noticed that the girl with a pensive face had been staring at the gift, thinking that she wanted to eat it.

Don't worry. If you want to eat biscuits, just eat them. Just tear them apart. I hate you Sakura people the most. You are too insistent on etiquette and the like.

Masamune said with a disapproving look, and then took the initiative to help Yukinoshita Yukino open the bag in front of him.

What do you mean, aren't you?

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by Masamune, and Yukinoshita Yukino spoke a little unnaturally.

Yes, yes, No, I think this biscuit is very suitable for you.

Masamune opened the biscuit, looked at the small piece of White Lovers Cat Tongue biscuit, and handed it directly to Yukinoshita.

The girl stared blankly at the biscuit and let Zhengzong put it in her mouth.

Did you know? There is a big allusion to White Lover. It is said that the founder came back from a skiing trip and saw the snowflakes falling in the sky. He sighed that White Lover has arrived. It is also because of this that he came up with such a biscuit. s legend.

As if teasing a cat, he watched Yukinoshita Yukino eat in small bites.

Yeah, very sweet.

Yukinoshita couldn't help but have a smile on her face.

Pure white chocolate cookies are an irreplaceable delicacy for girls.

Quietly letting Masamune feed him, Yukinoshita felt like he was going to die, so he just melted away.

Do you want to eat too?

Feeling the sweet Yukinoshita, I found that Masamune kept staring at me like this, and I was a little embarrassed.

Yes, I want to eat the Yukinoshita brand steamed buns.

Steamed bun?

The girl tilted her head in confusion, and then noticed the man's gaze.

It's really disturbing harassment.

Yukinoshita said dissatisfiedly, but there was inexplicable joy in her heart.

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