Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

I seem to know you. You are some kind of school idol, muse or something. I saw your peripherals at that time.

The more the leader thought about it, the more he felt that Sonoda Umi was familiar with the guy in his impression.

You idols are all very rich, right?

If it was said that originally he just wanted to do something because he saw Sonoda Umi being pretty and weak, then now he is directly interested in making money.

You stepped on me just now. I spent a lot of money to buy this. You must accompany me for five hundred thousand, no, one million.

The lion said directly, and the guys around him glanced at it, but they all left in a hurry.

At this time, you can see the warmth and warmth of human relationships.

One million? Why don't you go and grab it.

Sonoda Umi was also startled by the request of the guy in front of him, and finally couldn't help but angrily questioned.

I'm telling you, if you don't want to pay it back today, don't think about leaving.

The man had a ferocious look on his face, and then took a step forward to catch Sonoda Umi.

Hey, that's too much.

Zhengzong put his palm on the shoulder of the guy in front of him.

You brat, stop meddling in your own business.

The man turned his head, looked at Zhengzong's appearance and clothes, and then tried to grab Zhengzong's collar with his hands.

Facing this weakling, Zhengzong directly held his fist.

Seeing the veins popping out during the conversation, Zheng Zong had no mercy whatsoever as he tried his best but could not move forward at all.


The grip strength had reached tens of tons, and the palm of the guy in front of him was directly crushed into dough.

With a forceful swing, the opponent's tall body spun like a top and fell far away, hitting countless onlookers who looked over curiously because of Zhengzong's appearance.

You guy, do you know who is behind us? How dare you.

The remaining guys came forward angrily when they saw this, surrounding Masamune and Sonoda Umi.

Let me capture them all and send them to the bureau to stay.

He said softly, and saw several slender figures standing up. With three strokes, two divided by two, they threw all these guys to the ground.

Two handsome girls turned around and knocked down these big men. Such a scene made everyone around them stunned.

Find out who is behind the other party. If he is unreasonable, you will know.

Zhengzong looked at the two guys in front of him and ordered.

These were all sent by Takatsuki Izumi to protect Nan Kotori according to the agreement.

This time, after meeting Zhengzong, he followed Zhengzong uncomfortably, so it was just right for him to strike.

A bunch of rubbish, they are afraid of getting their hands dirty even if they do it themselves.

Let's go.

Pulling Sonoda Umi away from the crowd.

Sonoda Umi still looked confused and at a loss at this moment.

However, this kind of movie-like scene where a handsome guy suddenly appears to save her at a critical moment for blackmail obviously made the girl very excited, and she followed Zhengzong obediently.

Um, can you let me go first?

The two of them avoided the crowd who were curious to watch the fight and came to a small corner.

Sonoda Umi just woke up from a dream.

Especially when he thought about Kasumigaoka Shiu whom he met at that time, and when he shook hands with her, his palms were stained with men's things.

And now I met this man's true form.

At this moment, Sonoda Umi felt that his head was completely blank, as if the feel and taste he faced at that time were all experienced again.

Coming out of Masamune's palm, Sonoda Umi subconsciously wiped his hands with a tissue.

Such a scene made Zheng Zong look very bad.

What's the matter with you, girl? I'm just here to help you.

Masamune didn't have a deep impression of what happened during the Golden Week at that time, so he didn't know Sonoda Umi's subconscious thoughts at this moment.

So facing Sonoda Umi's actions, Masamune's expression at the moment became a little ugly.

Sonoda Umi, who wiped his hands, raised his head at this moment and saw Masamune's face.

Ah, I'm really sorry. Thank you Izumi-kun for your help just now. I'm just.

He stammered.

After all, I heard the 'truth' about the matter from Nan Xiaotiao.

Sonoda Umi now also understands that what he did was not very good.

He hurriedly bent over and apologized.

Hey, come here.

Masamune looked at the girl apologizing at this moment.

I somewhat understood what the man just meant.

If an apology helps, why do we need the police?

With this thought in mind, Masamune waved to Sonoda Umi.


Sonoda Umi took a step forward, and the next moment, his whole body was pulled directly into the wall.


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