Even if Honoka is standing next to Masamune, something feels wrong, especially her other friend Minami Kotori.

There is always an inexplicable feeling of guilt in my heart.

Even just looking at her, I felt panicked in my heart, and now I was even more embarrassed to say goodbye.

Honoko, are you feeling uncomfortable? I'll go back with you.

Umi, who had been threatened by Masamune just today, was also a little restless and continued directly.

Hey, Xiaoguo?

Nan Xiaoniao looked over worriedly at this moment and wanted to follow, but Zhengzong grabbed his wrist.

You promised me today, about the date. Is Xiaoniao running away like this?

Masamune asked with a smile as he grabbed the girl's wrist.

It was as if the departure of Honoka and Umi had nothing to do with him.


His cheeks were hot, but facing Zhengzong's request, Xiaoniao came to him obediently.

Both Xiaoguo and Haiwei are a little weird today.

Xiaoniao, whose heart was beating so fast when being held by Zhengzong, changed the topic in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

Maybe he finally woke up and made a light bulb by himself.

Masamune responded with a smile.

This is the truth.

Facing two uninvited light bulbs, he sacrificed a lot to let the two guys leave until they had their own problems, so there was no problem at all.

What, what light bulb.

Nan Xiaoniao wanted to struggle, but looking at Zheng Zheng's cheeks who were walking slowly forward next to her, and feeling the comfortable temperature, the girl said nothing more.

If you are really looking for a boyfriend, Zhengzong is indeed a great choice.

She has a good temper, her novels were successfully published and sold well, and she has no objections to being a maid or becoming an idol, and even continues to encourage her.

This time, the problem that was originally extremely tangled was quickly solved after getting Zhengzong's help.

The other two friends and Masamune also get along well.

What's more, at this moment, I'm just following Zhengzong, but my heart is constantly filled with warm emotions and my body is throbbing.

The girl couldn't think of any reason to refuse.

What do you think of the movie just now, little bird?

Zhengzong, who was originally waiting for her reply, found the girl's silence, which suddenly made Zhengzong feel guilty.

After all, Nan Xiaoniao would have easily discovered the situation in the movie theater just now.

Ah, I didn't pay attention to that just now and I was a little sleepy, so.

At this moment, Nan Xiaoniao just wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

That's it, it's okay. It's a very good animated movie. If Xiaoniao has any regrets, we can go back and watch it again now.

Realizing that he was speaking sincerely and not deliberately pretending, Zhengzong breathed a sigh of relief and comforted the girl.

No, we can just take a walk outside.

Shaking his head directly, how could Nan Xiaoniao allow himself to watch it again because of his own problems.

By the way, Masamune-kun, I remember that there was news that your novel would be adapted into an animation recently.

Nan Xiaoniao recalled the news he paid attention to at that time and said to Zhengzong.

Ah? Animation, yes, that was my earliest novel, right? The work that just debuted at that time, there was news that it would be animated, but in order to make as much profit as possible, I wanted to read it as a comic on the website first We will consider the animation issue later based on the response.

Masamune recalled the news he had received from Kagurazaka Iris.

Although in his opinion, the expected direction of a work should be:

Books \u003e Novels \u003e Anime \u003e Comics.

Just like Sword Art Online, which he liked in his previous life, he only read the book.

Secondly, novels, and as for comics, if it hadn't popped up during a certain search, he wouldn't have known there was such a thing.

It’s just that it’s obviously impossible for the Lightning Strike Library on that side to give you a notebook.

Although he disapproved of it, Masamune agreed after being persuaded by Kagurazaka Iris.

After all, money has been spent very quickly on various activities here recently. If you don’t want to go to grandpa to get it, or ask Takatsuki Izumi to use it, then you can only choose to make some profits.

Is this so?

The girl nodded, indicating that she understood.

Okay, don't mention these work matters during the date. Since you don't want to see it anymore, let's go shopping.

It is Zhengzong with ulterior motives, and he will not mention these disappointing things again.

In the next time, Zhengzong took Nan Xiaoniao to continue shopping in this large shopping mall.

Even Nan Xiaotiao, who wanted to be more reserved at first, was soon inspired by the dazzling array of products as a girl.

Then, Zhengzong, who originally pulled the girl with an unspeakable purpose, turned into the girl pulling him back, and started running from store to store.

Comparing products one by one, time flies by.

There are many facilities in the mall, and there are things in each store. Seeing Nan Xiaoniao picking here and there with excitement, Zhengzong feels a little boring.

It's just that the beautiful world of two people has just been formed, and it's hard for Zhengzong to destroy the atmosphere that should be there, so at this moment, I can only continue to watch.


While Zhengzong was looking around boredly, Zhengzong suddenly noticed a familiar figure.

After taking a look at Nan Xiaotiao who was still comparing the clothes with the better one, Zhengzong left directly.

Are they here?

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