Can you just bully and squeeze them if they have a good relationship?

You are the big bad guy, Lord Thor said, you can attack with confidence, so hurry up and sacrifice the bread to me.

Stretch your palm directly over, the goal is clear.

Next to her was Satania with sparkling eyes.

In his opinion, Kang Na's behavior was very much in line with the devil's demeanor.

If you're hungry and don't have pineapple bread, then go find a big bad guy who you can safely attack, and then ask him for it.

What an evil thing, what a terrible thing.

The blue-eyed baby dragon has now become Satania's life mentor.


Muffled laughter sounded.

Raphael, who was watching from the side, covered the corner of his mouth with his little hand, squinted his eyes and snickered, like a proud cat.

You little guy, I don't call you Big Bad, call me Masamune, do you understand? Izumi Masamune.

He said dissatisfiedly to Kangna, Even if you are a cute dragon lady, that doesn't mean you can be irresponsible in what you say!

Squat down and be level with the blue-eyed young dragon.

He raised his hands and rubbed them directly on this guy's soft face.

It turns out that my lovely Sagiri also has such an amazing voluptuousness. Because she stays at home for a long time and does not exercise, she is very comfortable to hold.

It's just a pity that as Zhengzong led her in various high-intensity aerobic exercises in the room every day, the guy who was originally so fleshy and could do a chariot suddenly became slimmer.

Maybe this is what is called, growing pains.

Rubbing my cheek, you are indeed a bad guy.

Among the original regulations, another article has been added.

Next to it, passers-by accidentally looked at the situation on this side with confusion.

Especially Masamune who is still being called a big bad guy right now.

Rafael coughed lightly, and these guys immediately left obediently.

Did you see it? What is this?

Masamune, who didn't want this guy to mess around anymore, took out the cute Fukuzawa Yukichi from his wallet.

It’s not that there are no other denominations, it’s just that the authentic discovery, only Fukuzawa Yukichi, is the most convincing.

You. A piece of paper named money.

Kangna is a dragon, but dragons like shiny things.

Although the banknotes represented a lot of things, Kangna still didn't feel anything.

This thing can be exchanged for lots and lots of pineapple bread.

Masamune crossed his arms and gestured to Kangna.

You want it, if you want it, then come and call me Brother Zhengzong.

He rolled it into a tube with his fingers and poked it back and forth on Kangna's little face.

Zhengzong discovered that although this baby dragon might be still young, he might still be able to play with it in other aspects.

For example, buying a bunch of food to fool this foodie?

I was thinking wildly in my heart.

Brother Authentic.

Under Satania's idol-shattering look, Kangna shouted directly like this.

Hey, keep shouting.

The blue-eyed young dragon's voice was surprisingly good.

Brother Authentic.



In the picture of the evil dragon attacking its food, Kangna opened her mouth wide and tried to bite off the banknotes in Zhengzong's hand, including his palm.


Kangna is very fast, but Masamune, who has been improving for a while, is faster than Kangna.

He directly dodged this guy's pounce action.

Then he pressed his hand on his head.

Although he has always been called the real big bad guy, the power Kangna displayed at this moment was very normal to a human level, and the blue-eyed young dragon still seemed to understand the truth.

Little Kangna, if you can call me sister, I can also buy you bread.

Next to him, Raphael, who had been smiling contentedly, became interested when seeing such a scene and asked aloud.

Go away, you servant of God.

He glanced at Raphael with disgust, as if he was approaching something extremely bad.

Raphael, who was smiling, suddenly turned dark.

Next to her, Satania looked at Zhengzong with even more enthusiasm.

Kangna made Raphael deflate = evil dragon \u003e Raphael.

Authentic success plays with Kangna = Authentic \u003e Kangna.

After such a relationship is established, it turns out that the senior is the senior.

Satania, the guy who was originally deceived by Zhengzong, now believes in Zhengzong even more.

Okay, I won't tease you anymore, but Satania, don't eat any more. Just have bread for breakfast. Eating too much is not good for your health.

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