Except that there is no need to care about the authenticity at all.

Even the confident Kasumigaoka Shiyu was unsteady and almost stopped standing at this moment.

She considers herself to be very relaxed, and when faced with Zhengzong's various demands, she can hold back a little and start to cooperate.

But compared with this fake product that requires scouring powder to be removed cleanly, there is still a big gap!

Okay, Alkoa!

Liuli looked at Erkoa with embarrassment, who had directly dealt a critical blow to all the girls present. She walked directly forward, picked up the clothes in Hinata's hands and put them on Erkoa's body.

Authentic clothes that were directly one size larger than Bilkoa's, finally had some effect.

Although the buttons are still fastened tightly, they are finally not exposed and can shock people's hearts.

Hinata, take Alkoa back first.

Wu Geng Liuli finally felt that the guy he summoned might be his biggest enemy.

Well, is that so? Do you really don't need my help? The effect of 1+1 is much greater than that of two.

Erkoa, who was watching with interest, immediately kept Zhengzong at this moment.

The career line, which is deep enough to drown even the most heroic sailor, is tightly clamped on Masamune's arm.


The sound of objects falling apart was like the clothes that were barely holding up. At this moment, Zhengzong's arms collapsed directly.



Hinata realized that her sister was really angry, so naturally she didn't dare to cause trouble again.

Okay, since Kasumigaoka-san is here to help Sagiri, go quickly and I'll prepare the food.

Wu Geng Liuli said with a smile.

Masamune glanced at the girl.

What are you preparing for?

Didn’t you say we were going out to eat together today?

However, Zhengzong was faced with Liuli's calm eyes.

He soon understood that it was written in the relationship between Wu Geng Liuli and the authentic couple.

She won't stop Zhengzong from interacting with other girls, but that doesn't mean Liuli will be indifferent.

At this moment, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is arranged to go up and wash the fruits. Isn't this a way of silently declaring one's sovereignty?

‘I really didn’t expect you to be such a person. ’

Zhengzong looked at Liuli, but the girl just turned around angrily and entered the kitchen.

At this time, all it actually takes is Kasumigaoka Shiyu to give in a little.

But it's a pity.

Now that Kasumigaoka Shiyu can just confront Narkoa without doing anything else, it is already an extraordinary thing.

Zhengzong couldn't ask for anything more. It would be best if Kasumigaoka Shiyu could not quarrel with Liuli.

“I’m not going to get mad at some protest kitty.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said this, but the dangerous expression in his eyes undoubtedly did not mean that Teacher Kasumigaoka Shiyu was very angry at the moment.

Haha, this.

Masamune is a bit embarrassed.

Besides, the introduction was also so vague.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu quietly approached Zhengzong's side.

Sniff, sniff.

There is no other vixen smell.

Kasumigaoka was slightly satisfied.

Today, I prepared three styles of si socks. As punishment for your ambiguity, there are now six.

Leaving a mark on Masamune's ear, looking at the man's surprised and expectant expression, and feeling that his hand was gradually coming up, Kasumigaoka Shiyu pushed Masamune away directly and decisively.

Smiling slightly, he resisted the tangles and instincts of his body and walked upstairs.

Although there is a saying that the person who falls in love with someone first will be in a humble position.

But this doesn't mean Kasumigaoka Shiyu will let Masamune do things casually like this.

This man who doesn't know how to be satisfied must be hung up and let him know her difference.

How to make authenticity inseparable from yourself?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu straightened her clothes and decided to start by improving her relationship with her sister-in-law.

However, Kasumigaoka Shiyu ignored the biggest point, that is, Zhengzong himself is not a being who can be carried around obediently.

After realizing that the other party had left to go upstairs, Zhengzong did not stay, but turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Inside, Liuli was holding a kitchen knife and cutting vegetables.

Knife after knife, each blow was very forceful.

Are you still angry?

Zhengzong stepped forward and hugged Liuli from behind.

What would I be angry about? I won't be angry.

Liuli tilted her head and looked at Zhengzong.

He spoke slowly and in a very calm tone.

I'd be an idiot if I really believed you.

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