At that time, it was the first time for me to stick to a girl, so many drastic methods were not effective.

It seems almost done now, but it's time.

It's just that Nan Xiaoniao's face is obviously a bit thin. Facing such suggestive news from Zhengzong, he is completely silent.

After that, I didn't receive any more news for a long time.

He put the phone away with a bit of regret, deciding that he would train Nan Xiaotiao to the limit in the future. Just when Zhengzong was about to take a rest, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Before Zhengzong could make any move, the door was pushed open directly and consciously by the person coming.

Masamune-kun is not asleep yet.

Turning around, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stood in front of Masamune.

The girl has almost lowered all her defenses.

Except for the long hair in front of her body, and her favorite authentic silk pants, there is nothing else.

More magnanimous than a gentleman.

She is truly a hero among women.

Isn't Sagiri with you?

The phone has just been turned off. Zhengzong, who has been working hard all day today, expressed that he wanted to take a good rest.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu first looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and then walked in with a smile.

Sagiri has fallen asleep, mumbling some strange sleep talk.

The woman looked at Zhengzong with a half-smile, meaning something.

Oh. What do you want to do?

Your expression remains unchanged, do you think you can deceive me like this?

Talking in sleep is often just a few words, and it is completely a joke to reveal the secrets in the heart.

I was just thinking about a problem and needed to calm down.

Finding that Masamune was not moved at all, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also gave up with regret, naturally lay down in Masamune's arms, and said suddenly.

Girl, is this how you think about problems? Do you know how threatening this is to men?

Even if you calm down, a man will make you unable to calm down.

Don't make trouble.

Kasumigaoka obviously did it on purpose at this moment, but she was really thinking about another issue now.

From just now, when she learned that she had a close relationship with her brother, the originally enthusiastic and cute little girl suddenly disappeared, replaced by eyes that stared at her closely and warily.

She and Sagiri slept together in the same room, and even in the middle of the night, she could feel that Sagiri's intrusive gaze only stopped after a long time passed.

At this time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had just defeated her biggest enemy today, suddenly felt a sudden surge in her heart.

Although he had heard it before, Masamune said that his sister was shy and did not want to meet people.

She is a homely beautiful girl.

He usually stays at home and doesn't go out, especially relying on his brother.

But with that kind of performance, she suddenly felt worried about the word dependence Zhengzong said.

Just like Alkoa

Masamune is not a man of moral integrity.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu used her twelve stockings that had been torn off as a guarantee. This unscrupulous guy could not do anything when faced with a sister who relied heavily on him.

Especially after he took out several small umbrellas from Sagiri's drawer.

Hey, how old is your sister now?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly raised his head and asked softly.

Facing the unusually 'well-behaved' Shiyu Kasumigaoka, Masamune's attitude at the moment was also very good.

Sagiri? Twelve years old.

Zhengzong recalled it and gave the answer.

He could still distinguish these memories very clearly.

After all, for Sagiri, even when she was still in the willful stage of super hating naughty children, her authentic senses were still very good.

There is no reason, just because Sagiri is cute, and cute enough to be eaten.

Twelve years old?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly had a headache, and her fingers were spinning in front of her hair unconsciously.

The hair in front of his eyes rotated, and the scenery flashed in front of him, making Zhengzong feel as if all the cells in his body were cheering at this moment.

Masamune-kun, I like you very much, so don't let me wait for you outside the prison, okay, you perverted sister?

Patting Masamune's shoulder with his palm, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly said seriously.

... After working on it for a long time, it turned out that you were doubting this.

Masamune looked at this guy.

Isn't it? Our Masamune-kun, can you let go of that lovely sister?

There seemed to be waves surging in his eyes, and his fingers crossed in front of Zhengzong.

Whether I want to let you go or not depends on your performance, Shiyu.

He took out the bag in his hand and raised his eyebrows. Sure enough, they were all changed into pantyhose.

You are not allowed to use your hands today. If you can let me change three pieces, this matter will be over.

Letting the man hold her, Kasumigaoka Shiyu made a new request.


What, can't you do it?

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