He coughed dryly.

It seemed like he wanted to spit out the blood.

Human blood is not something that tastes good, but because of Izumi Masamune's sudden action, it was naturally too late.

I gave Izumi Masamune a blank look.

Nishikino Mizuki felt that she must be crazy, facing such a rude guy, she still couldn't be more beautiful.

Nishikino Mizuki just wants to rinse her mouth quickly.

Don't you feel anything?

Izumi Masamune also wants to try the research on his own body variation.

Especially the performance of Kirishima Touka just now.

How do you feel? I told you, young man, don't think too much. This time, I will charge you more, you disobedient guy.

Said coquettishly.

He directly held Izumi Masamune in his hand and sat down.

It seems that he wants to place an order for him.

However it didn't last long.

The action of lowering his head and typing on the keyboard began to change.

Obviously still tapping according to the thoughts in my heart.

But there was suddenly that strange and touching blush on his cheeks.

The chun opened and closed up and down, exhaling burning hot breath. Although its body was sitting on a chair, it began to move restlessly.

It was as if something bad was interfering with her body.

If he hadn't heard some strange buzzing noise, Izumi Masamune would have doubted Nishikino Mizubi.

Izumi Masamune also noticed the wrong expression on Nishikino Mizumi at this moment.

Turning around, I found that what was typed on the computer screen turned out to be a bunch of garbled words.

Well, is that all? I'll go out and pay the money first.

I probably understand that my blood seems to have started to work.

Izumi Masamune also changed his appearance at this moment.

Said this deliberately. Then he stood up and made a gesture to leave.

He took the printed slip and turned around.

don't want.

I can no longer care about the previous differences between men and women.

Nishikino Mizui's palm tightly grasped Izumi Masamune's palm, unwilling to let go.

He was breathing heavily, and his mouth, which was constantly moving up and down due to his breathing, was eye-catching.

‘That girl was recommended to me for psychiatric surgery. If you want to go, you can also try it. ’

'Young man, stop daydreaming. ’

Thinking of the scene just now, Nishikino Mizubi pretended to be an elder and reprimanded herself.

For a boy like Izumi Masamune who sincerely tried to find out what his body was like, it stung him deeply.

Now I finally realized something was wrong, I was tricked and fell into the hands of Izumi Masamune.

She would not let this woman off easily.

Now it was Nishikino Mizuki's turn to make such a pleading look.

A stark contrast to each other.

Let Izumi Masamune feel very good.

Tell me now, do you have any judgment about my matter?

With a wicked smile, he looked at the woman in front of him.

Obviously, no matter how well-intentioned he was just now, he could not conceal his natural sense of superiority as an upper-class person.

After all, in District 11, the doctor's status is extremely high, and he still runs a hospital.

The goodwill towards Izumi Masamune's situation was more a result of the compassion that arose from the fact that I was living a relatively good life.

This, this needs to wait.

Breathing out loudly.

Moving impatiently, the buttons on the collar were opened as if inadvertently.

The half-and-half perfection inside it also has that dazzling whiteness.

All of this made Izumi Masamune admire him from the bottom of his heart.

Very good, very good, perfect.

At this moment, it is obviously impossible for Nishikino Mizubi to care about Izumi Masamune's obvious rude behavior.

There were ripples of light in his eyes.

It seems like he can't control his body.

Because Izumi Masamune was pulled to stand up just now, he was leaning against the edge of the table like this at this moment.

‘Isn’t this woman excited? ’

Izumi Masamune looked at the other party's situation.

So could his blood have such a function?

Nishikino Mizubi looked at Izumi Masamune without blinking.

The two people's eyes were looking at each other.

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