
This point must be explained. In the encyclopedia-like thing in District 11, Huya is rated as cute.

Of course, this is not so good for men, because there is a word called tiger teeth hurting the penis.

Ah, sorry, that's almost it.

Just stop.

There is no way, there is no feel at all.

That is, on the same level as Sagiri.

...Is it just an apology?

Ying Lili lowered her head, the small tiger teeth at the corners of her mouth were flashing with cold light.

Eat me with a twin-tail whirlwind!

The blond hair on the back of her head danced without any wind, causing ripples in people's hearts.

So you are Yinglili.

Zhengzong was sitting on the chair, and the old god was looking at the girl under him.

A mere double pony tail whirlwind slash.

Even if he was squeezed out of his physical strength and blood by several women one after another.

It would be easy for Zhengzong to deal with her.

He directly grabbed the ponytails with both hands and felt the smoothness on them. Zhengzong did not hold back his hands and turned the girl with her hair swaying around.

Before he could react because he was spinning so dizzy, he pressed himself directly on the sofa.

Hold the ponytails tightly with both hands.

It was like hitting a snake seven inches away, and stopped the girl so easily.

Arrogant, defeated dog, golden ponytail.

A series of adjectives were formed in Zhengzong's mind.

Finally, they gathered together and became the guy in front of them who was still moving around without giving in.

Do you admit your mistake?

Masamune asked directly after tugging on his twin ponytails.

Although Yinglili is cute.

It once cost him 618+643, but with the ponytail tied up, it was really not comfortable at all.

It's itchy, it's such a waste.

It was obviously a good material that could be picked up and exported, but it was done like that.

Being spanked by twin tails is not comfortable at all.

Well, you guy.

Yinglili couldn't even turn her head, and could only hold on with difficulty at this moment.

Don't give up even if you live or die.

Obviously he was just curious to see what this man who was treated so intimately by his mother would look like.

I didn't expect that the other party would dare to do such a thing.

It's simply infuriating.

Masamune-kun, Yinglili.

Sayuri Sawamura, who came out with a plate, was extremely surprised when she saw the scene in front of her.


I know, this child Yinglili is naughty again, Masamune-kun.

He smiled softly, and then directly characterized the matter.

Poor Yinglili, who was caught in twin ponytails and was just short of direct output, looked at her smiling mother.

Listen, is this what a mother can say?

Yinglili was about to cry but was in tears.

Let me continue to explain. Regarding this matter, I am sorry that I lied to you before. I am not teacher Eri Kashiwagi, but his mother.

Sitting on the table and chairs, three people sat around each other.

Under the bright light, Sayuri Sawamura stood up and bent slightly to apologize to Masamune.

Under the light, what shines is a mesmerizing whiteness.

This is my daughter, Teacher Eri Kashiwagi.

Sayuri pulled the reluctant Erili next to her.

First time we meet, my name is Sawamura Spencer Eri.

Grinding the little tiger teeth.

Ying Lili was really itching for this man who dared to directly attack her daughter's treasure when they first met and captured it without mercy.

Well, it turns out Eiri is your daughter, Sayuri. They look like sisters. She has indeed inherited your cuteness.

Of course, there are also small breasts.

This is the disadvantage of not understanding development.

Zhengzong is about to cry for Yinglili. He has a genetic inheritance from his mother, but he still doesn't know how to keep pushing.

All sorts of weird thoughts were swirling in his heart, but on the surface, Zhengzong still smiled and nodded.

Don't think that this situation can be over. Don't expect me to admit that you have changed so much.

Ying Lili turned her head, her beautiful ponytail flashing with beautiful golden arcs, unwilling to look at Zheng Zong.

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