So far, I haven't been able to draw a suitable one.

Can't your Kasumigaoka sister do the same?

Zhengzong looked over curiously.

No, it's still not enough. Sister Shiyu is not good enough.

Sagiri is not a little careful, she is already a pretty good type among girls. Kasumigaoka Shiu, who asked Masamune to help her massage her shoulders all day long, now becomes extremely pitiful when she comes to Sagiri.

Brother, do you know what it means to be big?

Izumi Sagiri suddenly stood up, and her whole body seemed to be emitting bright light.

Big, the buttons will pop off when you walk. Big, you can't cut vegetables because you can't see it, and it may cut into your hands. Big, you can't find the right clothes when you buy them, so you can only do it yourself. If customization can’t do this, how can it be said to be big?”

The voice became more and more passionate and moving, making Zhengzong also have black lines on his head.

So, Sagiri-chan, do you need me to help you expand it first? After all, you are not old enough yet.

Putting Sagiri, who was covered in sweat and sticky, on the quilt, Masamune walked out comfortably.

It's all Sagiri's fault for talking nonsense like that.

As a result, Zhengzong suddenly felt that life had lost its joy.

He has obviously acquired countless girls, but he still hasn't caught a single one who can be as huge as Izumi Sagiri said.

Thinking about this kind of thing, Zhengzong had the idea to knock on the door of Wu Geng's house immediately and have some fun with Erkoa.

I was originally quite content with the current situation, but this guy suddenly felt like he had become a pitiful person.


After flushing it with water again, Masamune felt that he urgently needed to find a suitable target to divert his attention. The huge thing Sagiri mentioned just now was really super magical to wash his head.

At this moment, Masamune's cell phone suddenly vibrated. He turned it on and found that this time it was news from Takatsuki Izumi.

[Master, I have encountered some things here that are difficult for me to handle. I need you to make a decision. 】

At the same time, there was also an address sent. Zhengzong remembered that this place was on his own street.

Who is this guy?

Masamune was confused in his heart and didn't understand what Izumi Takatsuki was thinking, but since she sent the text message, Masamune didn't hesitate.

After locking his door, Masamune turned right and passed the Yamada Fairy's apartment. On the other side was the destination given by Takatsuki Izumi this time.

Before Zhengzong knocked on the door, the door on this side had opened naturally.

Coming out of it were two little lolita, one black and one white.

Anju Kurenai and Anju Hakuna.

God knows when the angels changed their fate as ghouls before Masamune arrived. Anyway, these two unlucky little cuties are now embarking on the path of half-ghouls. Later, there will be Takatsuki Izumi's adoption. 'stand up.

After discovering that Zhengzong's family cared a lot about Sagiri, this woman brought the two guys, Black and White, over.

Sir, you are here.

With a shout of welcome, two little girls who looked exactly the same rushed over together.

Twins, sisters, and two lolita about the same size as Sagiri.

It can be said that in an instant, two people are talking about a man, and most of his expectations are met. More importantly, the two people will grow, so twin girls, twin sisters, etc. can be experienced by Masamune.

They were only wearing one-piece dresses, one black and one white. They looked very elegant and delicate. However, Masamune, who had already seen the two of them in their interactions with Takatsuki Izumi, knew very well that they only had that one piece on them. That's all, not even fat.

Sir, I miss you so much.

A little hoarse in the coldness, the two of them raised their heads and spoke to Zhengzong with exactly the same faces.

Before Zheng Zheng could answer, the sisters had already started working on the zipper of Zheng Zheng's pants.

Then the two of them stood side by side, and there was nothing that they wanted each other to do. Instead, they started the activity very symmetrically.

Ghouls are so direct.

Wild and full of passion.

Facing the one you like, you can start attacking without mercy.

In comparison, even Hinata, the self-proclaimed little slut who tried to train Masamune, was a noob.

At the very least, Hinata should make up her mind when her brother comes back. Should he take a bath first, eat first, or eat me first?

This may seem bold, but in fact it's just a different activity than what is done in the bathroom.

These two guys are really capable of taking action all the time.

“Great job,”

Two hands, one on the left and one on the right, were placed on the girl's hair.

Masamune, who had been fooled by Sagiri's big theory just now, felt something was wrong. At this moment, his mood suddenly became much more comfortable.

Okay, sisters, don't grab it, everyone has a chance.

Seeing the two sisters who had been cooperating with each other in a tacit understanding just now, suddenly started to quarrel, Zhengzong could only comfort them and told them not to make trouble.

As the older sister, Xiao Hei picked up Xiao Bai and just finished the quarrel.

Have you met your eldest sister Takatsuki Izumi?

Masamune, who had nothing to do for the time being, calmed down the two playful guys, and asked Anju Kurenai.

That old woman has always been in the basement.

Bai Nai was the first to answer.

Basement? I understand, you two have a good rest first.

He said to the two guys, and then Zhengzong walked in the direction they pointed.

As we walked toward the basement, the surrounding environment became darker and darker.

It seems that you can smell the terrible rusty smell.

However, there are still two familiar scents.

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