The behavior just now is not over yet. At this moment, Erkoa's body is leaning forward slightly.

It seemed that the entire table's center of gravity moved to the other side following the opponent's movements.

From an authentic perspective, it can be seen clearly.

This guy, because he couldn't buy the right size, actually stopped wearing it at all!

At this moment, following that movement, Zhengzong felt that he seemed to be able to see colors other than white.

Erkoa is bold and always on the lookout.

In addition to his own habits and accidents, the big reason is his understanding.

At the very least, a place like this could evolve into a Shura field at any time and at any time.

Have you heard of it? A story.

Zhengzong looked away and said suddenly.

?Appreciate further details.

Sitting down curiously, Erkoya looked at Masamune.

As Quetzalcoatl who has been on earth for an unknown length of time, Erkoa has heard countless stories and even sang his own poems, thinking that nothing would surprise him.

But if it's authentic, she's willing to listen.

A husband took his newlywed wife back to his hometown. There was a tabby cat at home. The tabby cat met his new wife for the first time and liked to exchange it. At this time, the wife said something, for the first time today. After saying that, she hugged the tabby cat gently. He got up and was hit in the face by the tabby cat's claws. The wife rubbed the cat's claws with a smile and said, this is the second time today. The tabby cat seemed to be completely attracted by my wife's kindness and pounced directly on her.

Masamune slowly unfolded the story, including bending forward in frustration, and Hinata, who had just finished rinsing her mouth and made sure she didn't miss anything, and walked down, looking over curiously.

The wife said, this is the third time. She gently raised the tabby cat with both hands and smashed it to pieces. When the husband saw this, he angrily reprimanded, and then the wife said, this is the first time today.

As a qualified novelist, Zhengzong uses his ups and downs voice to narrate the story.

And you, today is your first time.

The Quetzalcoatl blinked, and then walked back with the two vicious groups.

Thousands of years of vigilance told her that having sex for once was not a joke.

Finished breakfast this time.

Nanami was already full of energy and continued to go out to work. Seeing this, Liuli was unwilling to fall behind and began to prepare her new novel.

Seeing this, Zhengzong did not stop, but took a shower early. After making sure that there was no smell on his body, he walked out directly.

The time agreed with Yukinoshita Yukino is today.

It was rare to meet Yukino to invite, and Masamune was also looking forward to it.

Both of them live nearby, and the location given by Yukinoshita Yukino is also nearby, so there is no problem.

After arriving at the agreed upon place, I took a look around.

After confirming that Nanami, who didn't know where she was going to work, and Kato Megumi, who might appear from time to time, were gone, Masamune found a place and looked at his phone while waiting for the arrival of Yukinoshita Yukino.

Not long after, a cold but extremely gentle voice sounded.

Sorry for the waitting.

Zhengzong raised his head and his eyes lit up.

A sky blue sleeveless jacket, a pure white short dress, and her originally long black hair were now tied into a twin-tail shape with two hairbands.

The cold face and the lonely aura around him seemed to have dissipated a lot at this moment.

The girl's hands were pure white and flawless, and the tiny cyan blood vessels could be faintly seen.

At this moment, his right hand is tightly grasping a red chain, and at the other end is a black and white furry cat.

The main reason why I was able to successfully taste the taste of Yukinoshita at that time was because of the contribution of this cat.

Oh, by the way, Yukinoshita also gave her a name that Masamune thought was very tasteless.

But at that time, looking at Yukinoshita's cherished look, and thinking that the girl had never had the opportunity to keep a pet since she was a child, and finally getting so excited, I didn't intervene for the time being.

As I said, just arrive at two o'clock.

Looking at the sweat on the man's forehead, Yukinoshita said with some distress.

He walked forward and wanted to help him wipe away his sweat.

I won't let you wait, Yukino. Otherwise, what should I do if my Yukinoshita melts and can't be found?

He said with a smile, and directly grasped the girl's raised palm tightly.

That's enough.

Yukino's little hands were cold, and she grabbed the girl's palm comfortably and led her towards the mall.

What are you doing here this time?

Masamune asked curiously.

Let's take Xiaomi to the pet hospital for a checkup first.

Yukino said, as soon as he mentioned his cat, his mood couldn't help but become more and more joyful.

It's true, Xiaomi is a female cat.

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino, who was not smiling when she was with him at the moment, Masamune couldn't help but ask.

There is a decision in my heart.

If it is a male, I will sterilize you immediately to cut off all the roots of trouble.

Xiao Mi is a lady.

He raised his handsome brows, looked at Zhengzong Youyou and said.

You haven't said anything about it yet. Do you have to control the gender of my first kitten?

That's good. At least I don't need to kill him. If I help him, my troubles will disappear.

He nodded with satisfaction, and he vaguely understood in his heart why the little kitten took away his clothes at that time.

But even so, Zhengzong has nothing to be embarrassed about. It is the greatest luck to be able to take in this average-looking kitten.

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