Nishikino Mizuki's plan is correct.

After treatment, people will really feel very comfortable.

It just made Nishikino Maki on the other side listen to her mother's breathing and worry for a long time, not knowing what happened.

Nishikino Mizuki's call was finally over.

Izumi Masamune suddenly answered the phone like this just to have a little more fun between the two of them.

But it was just fun. After playing it, Mizubi Nishikino was embarrassed, and Masamune Izumi was not easy to do.

Whether he admits his identity and enters the grave of marriage early, or refuses to admit his identity and becomes an ordinary high school boy who is attracted to Nishikino Mizubi.

They will all have a lot of problems with future interactions with Nishikino Maki.

Mizubi Nishikino struggled to complete the conversation with her daughter while hesitating.

The real person looks as if he has just finished an 800-meter run.

The whole person looked exhausted.

For this one, it belongs to the upper class of society.

One person is in charge of the entire Nishikino family hospital, a strong woman who is responsible both internally and externally.

Even in front of his dependent daughter, he has never felt so helpless.

The guy I face every day.

No matter how bad my heart is, I will never do anything disrespectful on the surface.

There is only one special case like Izumi Masamune.

You guy.

He looked at Izumi Masamune with hatred.

If looks could kill, Izumi Masamune would have died countless times at this moment.

Have you noticed that your actual words and deeds are very inconsistent?

Not minding at all.

After all, the gaze was only slightly dazzling, but he had already managed to stab it.

Such a fair transaction has been made, what else needs to be done?

Izumi Masamune looked at the woman in front of him who lowered her head and seemed to have a depressed expression.

I was wondering if I had gone too far.

After all, people of this age should generally be easier to talk to.

It looks a bit like blackening now.

Thinking about what I saw in my previous life, a girl studying medicine stabbed her boyfriend thirty-two times after discovering that he was cheating on her, while avoiding the most important news.

Izumi Masamune was panicking in his heart.

Now in Nishikino Mizubei's office, you can probably find all kinds of props easily.

Then, please give me your advice in the future.

Suddenly, Mizubi Nishikino, who had been keeping her head down and silent, suddenly raised her head and wrapped her arms around Izumi Masamune's neck.

The disappointment and depression on his face were all gone, replaced by that damn sweet smile.

And his body has started to cooperate perfectly with Izumi Masamune very honestly.

The woman's sudden performance stunned Izumi Masamune.

You guy.

Looking at Nishikino Mizuki's behavior of changing her face, which can be called a textbook.

Izumi Masamune suddenly felt that he seemed to have been tricked.

However, when he finally saw this woman who looked obsessed with him, Izumi Masamune felt that it was really good.

Phew, Izumi Masamune stood up and moved his body.

As the saying goes, a woman between fifteen and twenty-five years old can replenish yang and blood, her beauty will please her spirit, and she can become an earthly immortal if she behaves prudently. Twenty-five to thirty-five, I give to others and receive, although there is no benefit and no great harm. Over forty can cause illness. If Tiangui is gone, it will be like a dead branch absorbing water. It is nothing more than intercourse with ghosts and killing one's body. The essence and blood of men are as little as cream rain, as strong as dew, withered and tender, moistening as spring teeth, and as old as frost and snow, making the beautiful face turn yellow and wither.

It may sound complicated, so let’s put it another way.

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty is able to absorb dirt while sitting on the ground.

I believe most people have heard this sentence.

Therefore, even if Izumi Masamune's mobile phone has various standing fort objects that he can contact from time to time, the lower limit of age can be very low, but the upper limit is not high.

Because this is really going to kill people.

But now, he found that he didn't need to care about these things at all.

I don't know whether it was because of the exchange with the ghoul lady just now, or some other reason. Anyway, after this exchange, Izumi Masamune felt that his body could change more.

There is a refreshing feeling.

Looking at his arm at this moment, he felt that next time, he probably wouldn't need to use his physical characteristics to directly fight the guy who attacked him.

In other words, as your body continues to mutate, it becomes more attractive to people.

And the more you practice and communicate like this, the more your body will improve.

He opened the woman's scattered clothes, rummaged through them, and finally found a small makeup mirror.

He made sure again and again that there was nothing like red stains or hair on his face.

Izumi Masamune then unlocked the locked door and walked out.

He looked around a little guiltily.

Although Vinay is usually easy to talk to, she doesn't look like a devil at all.

But it is actually very scary, once you do things beyond her bottom line.

Vinay will clearly tell you what the majesty of the devil is.

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