Faced with the situation where her boyfriend starts playing with her best friend behind her back, Yukinoshita Yukino, a girl with strong self-awareness and strong personality, will definitely teach you what Aikido is.

Rather than blushing and choosing to compromise when he himself was also affected and his mind went blank.

The situation of Ayase Eri at this moment is really special.

But Masamune didn't continue to care about these things.

Eri, right? That's up to you. Just call me Masamune. You don't have to be so serious.

Ayase Eri frowned when she took the initiative to call her by her name.

Is there a problem? If you think there is a problem, Eri, then just find someone else.

What a joke, although you, Ayase Eri, are also an important part of the authentic 9+9 plan.

But Zhengzong will not stick to his cold butt.

Let me show you around, Masamune.

Ayase Eri, who originally had a cold face, forced a smile on her face and said to Masamune.

Then have a good time getting along.

The palm was handed over, and Ayase Eri also handed it over. Feeling the delicate smoothness of the girl's palm, Masamune let go.

Ayase Eri's popularity is really high. As a boy, Masamune should have many problems if he appears directly on campus.

But after Ayase Eri existed, no one asked questions.

What greeted them was the youthful and energetic bodies of a large number of girls and their sweet greetings.

Some are for Ayase Eri, and some are for Masamune, a boy who suddenly appears.

Such a performance made Masamune breathe a sigh of relief. It turned out that his physical changes were still there, but for some reason Ayase Eri seemed to be biased against him as the savior of the school.

However, Masamune couldn't care less and was currently looking at the school in front of him.

As a school with a lot of high-quality beautiful girls, this kind of visual impact is really unimaginable in an ordinary college.

It's really a pleasing sight. I wonder if Otonogizaka would like to consider trying to have a boy join in to try it out?

Masamune looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly had the idea of ​​studying here during his senior year of high school. However, considering that the harem group of Sobu High School might explode, Masamune regretfully gave up on this idea.

This is the playground, and on weekdays we will...

The introduction was casual at first, but I noticed that Masamune was staring at Bruma, who was looking at the girls, and he had the idea of ​​joining Otonogizaka.

Ayase Eri immediately became enthusiastic and tried to interrupt Masamune's random thoughts.

This is the gymnasium.

here it is......

As the student council president, Ayase Eri is quite serious. Every time she walks, Ayase Eri will point to the place she comes to as if she is directly introducing it with a manuscript.

It can be imagined that the girl has indeed prepared very seriously. Perhaps this is the investigation she did in her previous efforts to save Otonogizaka?

Masamune thought to himself.

However, this kind of situation always discourages people's enthusiasm. Eri, I want to see the student life of Otonogizaka, rather than just looking at these facilities that I don't know how old they are. I will invest money to renovate them in the future. Yes, but let’s look at something else now.”

Although it was quite interesting to walk like this with Ayase Eri, Masamune couldn't help but remind him.

‘Is this really the goal? ’

Ayase Eri thought about the hint given to her by the school director at that time, and her heart felt heavy.

Ayase Eri has always had a distinctive character of hedonism.

I have always tried to avoid accepting all kinds of troublesome things.

Being able to become the student council president was also an accident. Later, because of his strong sense of responsibility, he began to accept all kinds of troubles against his own will.

In his opinion, as the student council president, the school abolition incident in Otonogizaka needs to be worked hard for and avoided.

Originally, the existence of Zhengzong, which was extremely likely to determine the development of the school, should be dealt with properly. The harsh tone and other things should not exist.

But when she thought about what the school director who just had a private conversation with her said, Ayase Eri's mood became extremely bad.

What does it mean that young people always have some ideas and should let go a little bit.

Why should I let go! Did you know that the ancient country next door said that women can hold up half of the sky?

Although as a very capable girl, Ayase Eri knows that there will be a lot of discrimination against women in this world, and many people even go to custom shops to socialize, but now it is only required in high school. Faced with this kind of thing, how could Ayase Eri endure it.

Ayase Eri's first reaction was to reject Masamune's proposal, but she knew that if she didn't go, other girls with weaker willpower might be bullied.

As the student council president, Ayase Eri, who has a strong sense of responsibility, could only barely hold back her discomfort and come to be with Masamune.

This is the infirmary.

From the original normal location, it gradually began to change into places such as the balcony, the infirmary, and the equipment room. Ayase Eri's heart became wary.

I found that Eri you are very wary of me.

Masamune asked the girl as he casually sat on it.

It seems to be because of the cultural festival. All the school doctors here have left, and there are only two people here at the moment.

There is no such thing.

She was wary in her heart, but Ayase Eri would not show it on the surface.

Really? I saw a promotional poster just now, and you appeared on it, Eri.

It's okay, I'm not in a hurry.

Of course I was feeling anxious in my heart, as it would be their performance time in a while.

According to the weather, it was about to rain, so it would not be good to delay it any longer, but the Masamune in front of him made him feel even more dangerous.

So you're not in a hurry?

Of course, being able to take good care of you is the biggest key factor.


For such a long time, the guy in front of him kept pushing himself away to prevent him from seeing other girls. Zhengzong had already vaguely guessed its meaning.

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