Kousaka Honoka seemed to be really starting to think at this moment.

How about, Masamune-kun, go find your mother and ask for a green onion?

In Masamune's shocked eyes, Kousaka Honoka actually agreed.

Hey, are you sure?

Masamune suddenly felt regretful. If he had known that Honoka was so receptive, he would have put forward his original suggestion immediately.

Isn't this the method you proposed, Mr. Zhengzong? Of course I want to try it, but I don't seem to have any chrysanthemums at home right now. Why don't you go out and buy some.

Honoka said seriously.

The blue eyes were like mirrors, making Zhengzong, who was now transforming into Thomas, feel a little ashamed.

I understand, I didn't bring out the schematic diagram for you.

Zhengzong understood instantly and picked out the picture.

Cute little people are together, and then they perform actions that are not cute at all.

It's a lie! How could there be such a method? It's simply too bad.

Her face turned red. Even a girl like Honoka Takasaka, who was not very good at studying, felt that this method was unreliable.

But didn't Honoka say that? What I offered seems to be a try, isn't that it?

But, but how can it be possible there!

Kousaka Honoka said loudly and frantically. Then I thought about the possible existence of my mother, and then I closed my eyes.

Honoka, you said it right. If you don't want to be dragged down by your friends, I have already helped you find a plan. How can you be so willful? It's too much.

Holding back his smile, Masamune said to Honoka Takasaka.

No, this method won't work. Masamune-kun, please try another one. I will definitely listen carefully.

As soon as she thought about what might happen, Honoka felt that her mind was turning into a ball of mush, and she tried her best to refuse.


There was a flash of light in his eyes.

This is a very normal negotiation technique. First, the price is raised, and then slowly lowered in the face of the buyer's unacceptable gaze.

In this way, the other party will often choose to accept it.

Honoka, actually, I have always wanted to study medicine, and my goal is the Faculty of Medicine at Tokyo University.

Zhengzong calmed down and said under the shocked gaze of the scumbag girl.

Yeah, yeah.

Like a little squirrel eating pine cones, Honoka Kousaka nodded towards Masamune.

Remembering that the kiss just now is equal to twelve calories, this has directly become a valid argument for the authentic discourse.

At this moment, Takasaka Honoka was relieved.

As for the green onion therapy just now, I naturally know the barbaric aspect of it. In fact, forced treatment will only cause physical mechanical damage and chemical stress stimulation reactions, which is of no use at all.

Yes Yes.

Takasaka Honoka nodded happily.

Of course, that kind of method that destroys the three views is impossible to succeed.

However, we all know that everything happens for a reason, and it cannot happen without a reason.

Seeing the girl walking into his trap step by step, Zhengzong continued to talk nonsense.

For example, green onion therapy actually uses the stimulation of green onions, which contains allium chili, which can accelerate blood circulation in many systems, speed up your own metabolism, and add to the pain, it can achieve a greater effect. Activates the body's immune system to achieve therapeutic effects.

It was half true and half false, Zhengzong himself almost believed it.

Then what?

Takasaka Honoka actually started to look forward to it at this moment.

Now we need another one that can replace the effect of green onions. Of course, I won't choose your part, but the other side.

Step by step, guide the girl.

Then, you can also exercise at the same time. During exercise, your body's functions will also be improved, and toxins in the body will be excreted faster when you sweat.

Masamune clapped his hands, attracting Honoka Takasaka's attention.

This is one factor why people who love sports are less likely to get sick.

Deception, anyway, it is deception.

Having understood the genuine nature of Honoka Kousaka's scumbag, she now decided to make Honoka pay for her IQ.

So how?

Takasaka Honoka was extremely excited at this moment.

I felt that I was right to find the authentic method. Authentic shows the real healing props very directly.

The girl's mouth was now stretched into an exaggerated O shape.

No, we can't do this.

Shaking her head, Kosaka Honoka was extremely determined at the moment and spoke with the remaining reason.

Why? Don't you want to solve the cold problem? Don't you want to not drag down your friends and make everyone's dreams come true together?

He looked at Honoka condescendingly.

Zhengzong found that the reactions of the two mothers and daughters when faced with this situation were surprisingly consistent.

But it can't be like this.

Turning her head away, leaving Masamune with a beautiful profile, Kousaka Honoka no longer wanted to look at the arrogant guy in front of her.

You have disappointed me so much. I have provided you with the current therapy. Are you unwilling to accept it? I and your partners are all working hard, but in the end you are the only one, Honoka, because of that boring shame. , and are unwilling to do what should be done.”

Zhengzong said angrily, with an impassioned tone that made people feel as if they were seeing a saint, if they didn't know the attitude of Zhengzong at this moment.

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