Takasaka Kinui directly put down her apron, and the tall breasts in front of her were rising and falling in shock.

Takasaka Kinuho actually walked over like that at this moment.

Kosaka Honoka! What did you do!

Even though the wife tried hard to suppress her voice, Zhengzong could still hear clearly.

Ah? I, I didn't do anything!

Because of the authentic treatment, her whole body was warm at the moment. When her mother suddenly asked her, Honoka Takasaka answered guiltily, trying to maintain a normal tone.

Well done.

Masamune silently gave Takasaka Honoka a thumbs up.

On this side, Takasaka Kinuho walked over in despair.

A kind-hearted wife would naturally not act like this, taking the initiative to cause trouble while her daughter still exists.

After hearing Kousaka Honoko's guilty voice, and the way Masamune looked calm as if he didn't know anything when faced with the embarrassing incident before.

Based on the combination of various preconceived ideas, at this moment, Kousaka Kinuho has completely recognized the previous authentic explanation.

I believed that my naughty, trouble-loving Honoka, who was not even willing to eat her own snacks, was now not just messing around, but starting to cause trouble!

Masamune-kun, how old are you now?

Takasaka Kinuiho raised his head and asked suddenly.

Ah? Seventeen, maybe.

That's good, that's good.

Matters between minors are actually relatively easy to handle.

His brother-in-law is a policeman, so Kousaka Kinuho knows a lot about these things.

Under this premise that even going out on dates is a common AA system, including things like women chasing men, which are normal things.

As long as you talk it out a little, everything will be fine.

The kind-hearted Takasaka Kinuho had just begun to consider exterminating his idiot daughter.

I'm sorry, my Honoka didn't teach her well and did those bad things.

Kousaka Kinuho bent down and apologized to Masamune. Because he was no longer wearing the apron, the grace and sincerity he showed at this moment was even more powerful.

Seeing this, Zhengzong didn't say anything he originally planned to say.

Seeing this, Kousaka Kinuho's attitude toward Masamune became even better.

What a good boy. Nowadays, when a group of young boys are causing trouble everywhere, it is increasingly rare to be in such a situation.

Honoka could actually do something like that.

By the way, Masamune-kun, that crazy girl Honoka, apart from doing, um, that kind of treasonous thing, has she done anything else?

Kousaka Kinuho suddenly had a bad thought in her heart, and she couldn't help but ask Masamune at this moment.

Something else.

His voice was drawn out, and Masamune smiled secretly as he looked at Kousaka Kinuiho, who looked nervous at the moment.

Some things are not easy to show, so how about I demonstrate it.

Masamune looked at Kousaka Kinuho and said aloud.

Then, before Kousaka Kinuho could resist, Masamune straightened his face, and the two of them were stuck together.

It's not just the look on the far side of the face like that just now, but just like that, extremely formal, a cordial relationship between lovers.

Summer is always so irritating and hot.

There is not even a fan or air conditioner in the cramped kitchen.

At this moment, the door is open, and it seems that even the wind blowing in from outside is hot.

But the heat at this moment is not as good as the temperature between the two of them at this moment.

Zhengzong's current body was specifically searched for and studied by Erkoa and Rafael, who were interested in his situation, and then came to help suppress it.

You must know that in the beginning, even walking on the road with Yui will have an impact on her woman. Dragons, angels, and demons are unable to resist.

And even with Quetzalcoatl and the second best student in the world, the current number one top student released their own presence reduction methods. During the garbage collection of the Izumi family's residence and nearby locations, most of them were filled with toilet paper.

Not to mention, water consumption has also increased significantly.

At this moment, when he really started to deliberately use his full strength against ordinary people like Takasaka Kinuho, the opponent was completely defeated in the first lesson.

Kousaka Kinuho felt that her soul at the moment seemed to fly out of her body due to excessive load after Masamune's movement.

In a daze, the whole person seemed to be floating in the air.

From the kitchen of his own home, he flew towards the sky without any impact, as if he had returned to his original home, and his whole body felt relaxed.

The sun outside was still so hot and merciless, but at this moment, Takasaka Kinuho felt lazy and warm all over her body, as if she was as comfortable as when she went out to enjoy cherry blossoms with her family not long ago.

Family, debts, and other entanglements, all the worries seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

Comfortable and warm, as if you are in heaven, all the worries and worries disappear.

By moving your body, you can reach the most comfortable state.

In his consciousness, black threads emerged one by one, and then entangled his soul.


The sudden pain in his heart made Takasaka Kinuho regain consciousness.

Lower your head.

Looking across the old-style house passed down from my grandmother's house, I could see that inside, in the narrow corridor, on the chopping board where the dishes were originally placed, a woman was lowering her head.

In front of him, there was a boy.

The woman seemed to have completely lost her mind and acted in various ways that was unacceptable to the extremely traditional wife Kousaka Kinuho.

It's so shameless!

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