After not having a part-time job recently, he has become more generous. Many people are secretly talking about Kawasaki Saki being kept by someone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the guy who was still working before to be able to suddenly take action and become wealthy.

Such a guy, whether it was his previous loneliness or something else, was the type that Sagami Minami looked down on.

Are you, Saki Kawasaki-san?

Although thoughts were flying in her heart, Saki Kawasaki was already at the door, so she had no choice but to go up and say hello.


Saki Kawasaki was startled when his name was suddenly called.

The whole person jumped up, then tried hard to cover his face, and ran away quickly.


Sagami Minami looked over in confusion.

Suddenly I feel like I have failed so much today. What's going on?

Walking forward and bending down, Sagami Minami discovered that something had fallen down from where Kawasaki Saki had just stuck.

This is?

Sagami Minami looked at the thing in front of him in confusion.

Looks familiar, like those tiny cameras that only exist in people you've heard of?

Sagami Minami's mood was a little complicated, but his attention soon focused on the service department on the other side.

Her goal this time was to go to Zhengzong and explain it clearly.

Just when he turned his head, the sight in front of him made Sagami Minami cover her chest and try not to speak.

At this moment, in the service department, Yukinoshita Yukino, who has always been regarded as a snow girl on the iceberg, is firmly ranked as the number one beautiful girl on campus.

At this moment, he actually sat directly on Zheng Zong.

Then took the initiative to kiss.

Yukinoshita, who looked so proactive, really exceeded Sagami Minami's expectations.

She never thought that what Zhengzong said was actually true.

Next to him was his good friend Yuigahama Yui.

As Zhengzong's girlfriend who was declared the best in class, she was still looking at him with a smile. What she was holding in her hand was actually a pocket watch?

This guy is actually still counting time!

Phew, it took a long time for Yukinoshita, whose face was red, to let go of Masamune.

Okay, now it's compensation.

Yukino said slowly.

Since he came in just now, Masamune has been claiming that he owed him a promise at the birthday party, but in the end, Yukino could only choose to repay it this way.

Yukino can actually do it for ten minutes. It really makes me regretful.

Masamune shook his head. He had clearly promised just now that if Yukino couldn't hold on for ten minutes, he would give her mouth. Unfortunately, Yukino actually did it.

Xiaoxue's breath-holding skills are so good.

Yui next to her was also applauding and laughing.

However, the Dango girl's behavior made Yukinoshita Yukino's face turn even redder.

Are you stupid? You never need to hold your breath when kissing. Where is your nose? Or is your nipple too big, so you just kissed the whole face?

Yukino, who was so angry that he couldn't care about Yui's self-esteem at this moment, just said in shame and anger.


Seeing Yukino's long-lost venomous tongue and Yui's cute frustration made Masamune feel good about being annoyed by Sagami Minami today.

Is that so?

It can only be said that Yui is worthy of it. She was a little depressed just now, but in an instant, Yui was full of motivation and came directly in front of Masamune.

Ignoring what happened with Yukino just now, he kissed her directly.

Wow, you can really breathe when you kiss. And Xiaoxue, did you eat cookies just now? That's so cunning, I want to eat it too.

Face to face with Zhengzong who was very close at hand, feeling the warm breath coming from the shop floor.

The next moment, Yui relaxed as if she had discovered a new world, and then said to Yukino as if taking credit.


Yukinoshita, who was drinking water to soothe his mood, almost choked. His expression changed again and again, and finally he fell from the table next to him.

He handed Yui the imported cookie that was obviously already there.

Hehe, thank you, Zhengzong, you can try it too.

After receiving Yukino's permission, Yui immediately did not forget to greet Masamune, fully showing off Jiraiya's appearance.

But looking at Yui's enthusiastic look, Yukino found that it was difficult for her to resist being angry at all, and in the end she could only sigh secretly.

Why, I feel like you have relaxed a lot now, Yui.

I found that while Yui was eating, she was still sitting on Masamune's right leg, and her little hand was still stroking it gently.

She looked completely relaxed, which made Yukino feel a little weird.

Moreover, the two people who were obviously lovers looked a bit like father and daughter just now?

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly had a strange idea.

Cough, cough!

Yui, who was smiling just now, suddenly started coughing non-stop.

He lowered his head and rubbed his fingers together.

Isn't this normal? As a relationship between lovers.

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