No, no, no, I think Sayuri is also very cute. No matter in every aspect, she is very good.

He said to Sayuri, grabbing her palm naturally.

He is obviously in his thirties, but his arms are still so smooth and delicate.

If he hadn't seen those truly incompetent Obasans, he would have almost thought that the ladies in this world were all so youthful.

Looking at Sayuri who was as shy as a girl at this moment, Zhengzong felt that all the cells in his body seemed to be cheering for joy, and he urgently needed something to replenish himself.

A silent aura rose around her, and Sayuri twisted her body uneasily.


Hastily taking her hand out of Masamune's hand, Sayuri hurriedly stood up and left directly to prepare tea.

Clicking his tongue with some regret, Masamune looked at Sayuri who was leaving at this moment.

Sayuri's performance was very obvious. Although she was also moved by her, her goal from the beginning was to work hard to promote her relationship with Eiri.

No matter how tempted I am, I will always endure it and not go any further.

This kind of thing suddenly reached a deadlock.

But he has no experience at all on how to conquer his wife. He was able to succeed in things before, but he just took the daughter's route just right.

Things like the daughter surrounding the wife and seizing the high ground by force may have some effect on ordinary traditional wives.

But for Sayuri, who is informal, can laugh and get into a ball with her daughter, and seems to be gentle, it is a complete joke.

This kind of wife who is gentle on the surface but is actually extremely firm will most likely give herself a slap in the face and leave angrily.

The only similar Nishikino Mizubi was also using the special characteristics of her own blood at that time.

And what happened afterwards was that whenever he did anything to Nishikino Maki, he would be ruthlessly counterattacked.

You can only choose one of the two.

If he attacks Sayuri Sawamura's line head-on, she will definitely do this.

As for directly subduing him, although this is not bad, it always gives him a somewhat low feeling.

He hurriedly threw aside the snack he picked up subconsciously.

This was a fresh snack he bought in Suicun and made while playing games with Kousaka Kinuho.

He doesn't have any special hobbies.

However, maybe you can really consider it.

Zhengzong, who was still struggling with the blood problem before, suddenly started thinking about it.

Why don't you use your own strength?

Masamune-kun, come and have a cup of tea and take a good rest. That child Yinglili will be back soon.

Sayuri smiled and handed the cup in her hand to Masamune.

Huh? Okay.

Masamune, who was struggling with how to get Kousaka Kinuho to mix his own blood into the snacks, subconsciously catered to him, and then took the cup in his hand and drank it all in one gulp.

How's it going? Does it taste good?

Sayuri looked very nervous and asked directly.

It's not bad, it tastes great. Sayuri's black tea is really delicious.

Authentic and heartfelt evaluation.

Does it really just taste good? By the way, Yinglili still has a lot of time, why don't you take a rest first, for example, are you sleepy?

Asking cautiously, the two people's eyes met, and Zhengzong found that his eyes were a little evasive.

‘Could it be? ’

Looking at the black tea in front of him, he felt an inexplicable drowsiness at this moment, and Zhengzong suddenly woke up.

It's okay, just let me sleep here for a while.

There was some inexplicable absurdity in my heart. I was obviously thinking about how to prepare similar things to deal with Sayuri. Unexpectedly, Sayuri started to deal with me first.

But looking at this cute person who seemed to have done something bad for the first time and couldn't hide his panic at all, I suddenly looked forward to what this guy would do.

He didn't bully her, but showed his perfect acting skills and fell down directly.

Izumi, Izumi? Eiri is back, I saw you.

After a long time, Zhengzong thought that Sayuri just drugged herself to have a good sleep.

After observing for a long time, she found that Masamune was still sleeping on the sofa with his head tilted. Sayuri approached Masamune's ear and whispered.

I really fell asleep.

Sayuri pressed her heart, feeling her pounding heart.

Standing up, he directly put his arms around Zhengzong's shoulders, his heart directly touching Zhengzong's face, and tried to pick him up and put him on the sofa.

Huhu, you are a pig, you are so heavy.

Influenced by the nearby ancient country, District 11 also has its own zodiac.

Except for the joke that there is a cat without a rabbit, and the rabbit is mistaken for a cat because 卯 and cat have the same pronunciation, everything else is exactly the same.

It's like a certain era name that after searching for a long time is inevitably related to the ancient country. This place is deeply affected.

Just moving Masamune to an angle made Sayuri Sawamura extremely tired, not only from the physical exertion on her body, but also from the friction between her heart and Masamune's face.

Summer shorts can't hinder the warm breath between breaths.

In just a short moment, Sayuri Sawamura felt that her heart was about to melt.

It's you who have caused me so much trouble. I really want to lock you up forever. Puff, then you will always be mine. I will take good care of every part of you and will not let you go. go out.

Saying those yandere-like words that made Masamune sweat a little, Sawamura Sayuri kicked off her little feet, threw the two cat slippers aside, and then got on the sofa as well.

His legs were spread apart, straddling both sides of Masamune's body.

The thumb and index finger of his right hand were placed directly on Zhengzong's nose and clamped firmly.

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