Due to some strange combination of circumstances, her mind went blank at this moment.

I never thought that I would actually achieve the goal that I had never dared to pursue under such circumstances.

He is still a high school student, just like his daughter, a high school student like a flower.

Is this an old cow eating young grass?

Sayuri Sawamura suddenly had such a ridiculous idea.



Masamune and Sayuri had this idea at the same time.

Sayuri couldn't help herself, and there was Masamune who silently and slightly cooperated with Sayuri.

Feel as if all the burdens on your body and mind are lifted,

Sayuri, who was trapped in herself, didn't notice at all that something was actually wrong at this moment.

He and Zhengzong kept moving slowly relative to each other, feeling the difference between them. The last bit of reason he had originally lost control completely with Zhengzong's mischief at this moment.

Yes, it's because I want to be talented in painting,

Sayuri, who needed to replenish her water, told herself this.

The so-called dedication to art is naturally what it is.

The mouth deceives oneself and others, and the body also deceives oneself and others.

How's it going? Does my painting look good?

The door opened and Yinglili walked in.

Then I saw my mother, who was sitting next to the sofa for the first time, acting like she was still more energetic after she had just finished doing it.

Yinglili's face was even scarier than Sayuri who had lost her mind.

It's like time has reincarnated, but this time, my mother has gone too far!

There seemed to be rippling water in his eyes at the moment.


Sayuri raised her hand and wanted to say something, but Zhengzong had already completed a huge business worth hundreds of millions with Sayuri.

Poor Sayuri couldn't even speak, she just fell down with a look of horror on her face.


As a book painter, Yinglili still doesn't understand what her mother is going through at this moment.

Her whole body was colorless, and Yinglili slowly took out her mobile phone from the small bag.

Is this the police station? No. 3, Central Town. There is a habitual criminal here. He is suspected of sexually molesting his daughter and doing unspeakable things to boys.

Hey hey! Yinglili, I am your mother.

Sayuri's mind was filled with thoughts that she was being penetrated, that she was going to be pregnant, that she was going to be finished, and that she was going to be looked at strangely by her friend's daughter, as if she had gotten to know her daughter again.

Look at Yinglili who is holding a mobile phone in her palm.

Your speed is too fast.

You can’t sell it like this even if you’re selling it!

What does it mean to be a habitual offender!

I just did it once, oh, by the way, only twice!

Ying, Yinglili, you are lying to me.

Things are changing. Sayuri, who has always relied on her charm and personality to play with Eirili, is also in a panic at this moment.

He looked at his daughter dryly.

I hope that the funny, innocent, and arrogant daughter will only talk at the end without actually taking any action. She has obviously reached the end but runs back crazily and drives in reverse, telling herself that she was joking just now.

No, it's true.

With cold eyes, as if seeing her mother for the first time, Yinglili smiled and raised her palms.

There was a smile on her face, but it gave people the impression that the girl was broken.

Facing his mother, he showed the screen of his mobile phone without hesitation.

110 call in progress.

This girl actually broadcast it.

However, after being imprisoned, there should be no need to think about future pregnancy.

Sayuri Sawamura suddenly had such an idea in her mind at this moment.

Here, if you are casually playing among minors, of course no one will care about it, but if it is forced behavior between minors and adults, you will really be sentenced.

Obviously this should be an extremely important moment, but Sayuri thought like this.

Now, tell me what's going on with you. I can give you three minutes. After three minutes, the police car over there will probably come over.

Yingli lowered her head, looked at her watch, and then looked at her mother as if she were looking at a bug.

...Well, the first time, that is, the first time Zhengzong came to our house, that was when he really fell asleep because he was tired. As for the second time, well, it was because of an accident, so I wanted to let him It's a good rest, so.

It was obviously her daughter who was facing her, but at this moment, mother and daughter seemed to be upside down.

It's been drugged.

No, that was an accident. It's just that I was really a little nervous.

My heart is itching unbearably.

Well, that's not the case anymore, it's just...

Sayuri Sawamura wants to hit the table!

Why do I have to explain it to you little girl?

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