Okay, okay, that's not what I'm saying. I just think it's time to change the way occasionally. Nanami wants me to ask for help. I'm very happy. It's okay to act coquettishly to me occasionally.

Gentlely stroking the girl's hair, Masamune comforted her.

But, Nanami, I still have something to say about your training. In fact, pronunciation practice has its own skills. Your practice is actually not very effective, because apart from the agreement with your parents, In this way, apart from the only very long-term goal, there are no small goals to give you motivation to train.

It's like many high school seniors know that there will be a life-defining exam in the future, but often when they are studying, their mind should be distracted. It is not until the moment of the exam that they become really anxious.

Although Nanami is working very hard at this moment, she inevitably falls into the trap when faced with this kind of human nature.

then what do I do?

At this time, Nanami needs to put some appropriate pressure on herself. For example, if you say a wrong word, you have to give me a mouth*. If there are two consecutive words in a sentence, then** Once, what does Nanami-chan think? In this way, even my enthusiasm can be mobilized at the same time, and both sides can improve together. Isn't it very good?

Masamune, who had been doing nothing at first, suddenly became interested and suggested directly to Nanami.


Poor Nanami, at this moment, her head has turned into a steam barrel, and hot steam is belching out in a hurry.

You see, appropriate pressure is necessary, just like you came here to study alone far away from your hometown, and at the same time you were able to prepare the tuition for your own voice actor training. If it were in the past, you can imagine that you actually did this Is it to the point? It can’t be, so people’s potential is forced out.”

Looking at the girl who was shaking her head constantly at this moment, Zhengzong was still trying his best to seduce her.

In the relationship between male and female friends, everyone is compromising with each other, constantly working together, and finally finding a suitable balance.

So Masamune has the patience to slowly unlock Nanami's CG set, just like dealing with Yukino.

No, no, you did it on purpose. You just wanted to bully me.

Nanami-chan is not stupid. She expresses her deep disdain and disdain for Masamune's new and obviously malicious new gameplay.

It's obviously a very serious training, why can a man like you think of such a thing?

Nanami, who dreams of being a voice actor, said she could not accept Masamune's behavior.

Let's do this. Since Nanami you don't want to, forget it. Let's change the way of contact. The accent problem cannot be changed in a short time. You can train slowly. Do you want to experience a real voice actor experience?

For girls who are already truly happy with each other, Zhengzong will naturally not play those forced tricks. In fact, for her, Zhengzong has many ways to attract her cooperation.

Since Nanami-chan's special punishment was unsuccessful, Masamune wanted to try another gameplay that he was extremely looking forward to.

Real voice acting experience?

The load on her brain seemed to have reached its limit. Nanami looked at Masamune in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about.

Here, you can take a look. This is a masterpiece by the famous teacher Eri Kashiwagi. I have a manuscript of her character plot dialogue here. You can take a look. It is actually a very good subject matter. I only need Nanami on this side. If you are willing, I can take it out as a subject for Nanami's next training. It just so happens that there is a man and a woman in it. The two of us can practice it. There is a saying that practice brings true knowledge. In the future, as a voice actor, Of course, you have to carry out character dubbing dialogues. What's the use of just practicing pronunciation? Don't you want to truly experience the joy of dubbing by yourself?

Zhengzong took out a notebook from his bag.

The exquisite painting style attracted Nanami's attention at first glance.

As a girl's unique and exquisite habit, Eiri Riri's drawings are very beautiful on the surface, even if it is a super bad notebook, which attracted Nanami in an instant.

I had no idea how bad it would be inside.


Nanami, who was not an industry insider, naturally didn't recognize the so-called teacher Eri Kashiwagi, but the thought of dubbing with Masamune made the girl feel inexplicably happy.

This is an opportunity to be with Masamune.

You can pursue your dreams and have a boy you like.

The two favorite things are perfectly combined at this moment.

This should be the most ideal life for a self-reliant girl.

Thinking of these things, the girl's mood became very happy.

Really, but again, I've come here specifically to help Nanami-chan. Nanami can't choose to quit midway or anything like that. I'll be angry if that happens.

Nanami has a very serious personality and will never go back on anything she promises. Masamune is bullying her character like this at the moment.

Directly blocking Nanami's next possible route.

Then, let's get started. I happen to have two plot character dialogue scripts here. You will play one of the girls, and I will play the boy.

Zheng Zong handed over the notebook he took from Ying Lili.

Because in the previous Good Dad 1, the setting of childhood sweethearts and another setting of blond twin tails completely overlapped with the poor thing Eri Riri.

So Zhengzong gave out the plot of Good Father 2 under the threat of the cute little tiger grinning.

This time I went to Sawamura's house. In addition to watching the process of turning his novel into a cartoon, I also handed over the dialogue and plot design to Eiri.

Same recipe inside, but twice as much daughter.

The above manuscript is actually the content of the conversation that he helped Ying Lili revise.

This is the first act of the plot.

Is the character I play the eldest daughter in the family? Haruka Makino, a third-year student in the academy. A bright and energetic girl. She is tall and plump, and she is a royal sister type.

Nanami carefully looked through the content of Masamune's settings for Eiri.

After giving Masamune a suspicious look, Nanami glanced in front of her again.

Although it is considered good, it is still some distance from the above settings.

Nanami, who had already begun to put herself into the role, felt a little weird at the moment.

Let's talk about it first. I have tried my best to maintain a normal nutritional diet, but I am not sure how far it will grow. Don't be dissatisfied.

Nanami looked at Masamune, her face was obviously red and she looked overloaded, but she still said it firmly.


Masamune's expression is somewhat subtle.

The way Nanami suddenly pays attention to such things is indeed super cute.

He resisted the idea of ​​​​stepping forward to pick up this super rare and cute Nanami. There are plenty of opportunities, so Masamune is not in a hurry.

Ahem, let's begin.

Noticing Masamune's strange gaze, Nanami turned her head in embarrassment, uncharacteristically.

In fact, not only men pay attention to such big and small things, but girls are also very concerned about it.

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