Masamune owed her a favor, but this time he still had to repay his debt.

A very unique way to pay off debt.

Authenticity requires wasting countless drops of blood value to achieve the equivalent value.

Walking directly to the living room, they were surprised to find that this time, the two of them did not put out two different styles of dishes for themselves to choose from.

The dining table was empty, oh, it wasn't empty, there was this guy Alkoya, the great guy who was temporarily supported by the table because of his sore shoulders.

After seeing it, the man silently cried and the woman cried.

Such an abnormal situation made Zhengzong stunned for a moment.

Hearing Erkoya's explanation, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Nanami has been a little panicked since yesterday, because she turned out like this after dubbing training.

For the first time, I had the opportunity to practice dubbing. With someone you are willing to spend the rest of your life with, two happy things come together.

And these two joys bring me more happiness. What I got was supposed to be a happy time like a dream.

Thinking of the scene where she almost died of shame, Nanami didn't want to see anyone.

He almost hurt his hand.

Liuli on the other side did not mock Nanami as usual.

As the person who was bombarded yesterday, she was able to kill two birds with one stone, and only after they both had their way did she realize one thing.

That is, she did not seem to turn off the voice channel of her game, although on the other side, because Gabriel was offline, the three-person game team did not continue.

But Wu Geng Liuli, in a subsequent attempt, became extremely clear that her voice channel was good. .

Just the thought of his shameful, shameless voice echoed through two waves of games, until he succeeded in winning the chicken game.

Wu Geng Liuli had the idea that this world should simply be destroyed.

He asked Erkoa seriously, which actually frightened the Quetzalcoatl.

When she was summoned by Liuli, she signed a special contract. If Liuli really wanted to do it, she would be in great trouble.

Fortunately, Hinata realized something was wrong and took the initiative to accept it, otherwise things would be really troublesome.

So both of them disappeared all of a sudden.

Looking at the breakfast that was hastily prepared and placed directly on the table, and Liuli who didn't show up at all and seemed to have left early, Zhengzong suddenly felt that it was a little too quiet.

Human beings are so strange. They were obviously very troubled by the things between the two of them before.

It's not because of your side causing trouble.

He was hemming and hawing, obviously he was still trying to collect debts at the moment, and it was very difficult to talk.

But as the only one in the room yesterday who knew what Zhengzong had done, Erkoa didn't hesitate to sneer at this moment.

That kind of terrifying physical strength, as well as his own attitude, if it weren't for the rest, there would be nothing close to it. She would really think that Masamune was a dragon.

No, even the Dragon Clan actually doesn’t have a strong desire to pursue this guy.

She was so embarrassed that she had breakfast with Zheng Zhong on weekdays and enjoyed it. She was used to the two girls carefully preparing breakfast, but now she was a little uncomfortable with it.

You are the only one who can't say that. There is no breakfast to eat. I have specially prepared something suitable for you. Hurry up. I still have to go to school.

He said without mercy, pulling Erkoa's hair and once again closing the distance.

That's too much. I was the one who sneaked out without telling Ruri-chan, but you did it because you saw how difficult it was for you so early in the morning and sacrificed yourself.

She looked like she was about to cry, and her soft and waxy tone almost made Masamune think it was Kangna-chan coming over.

How can the old woman act like a virgin?

You Quetzalcoatl, who has lived for who knows how long, continue to use your royal sister's voice for me.

Who told you to look so attractive? And it was you who suggested it.

Glancing at this guy, others said he was secretly holding his things.

Thinking about poor Sagiri, thinking about Ruri taking advantage of the opportunity of washing clothes, thinking about Yukino using her own cup.

This guy is okay, he wants to ask for it directly.

She looks so mature and beautiful that Zhengzong is ready to accept it.

Erkoa's actual performance was very jerky, and the skills he displayed did not match his appearance at all.

Rubbing his painful face, Erkoa was so angry that he wanted to tell this guy what the dragon's anger was.

Did you know that dragons are super vicious when they eat?

Did you see that these bright and neat teeth can not only be used gently, but also can be used very fiercely?

One bite, two bites.

Even if it's a divine weapon, I'll cut it in half without any mercy.

But when he thought about his body that could not help but be affected even though he had made various preparations, Erkoya sighed.

Together with another researcher, God's lackey Angel Raphael, they have clearly come to a conclusion.

Knowing that in the face of the unknown physical influence of Zhengzong, if you don't want to be tricked, as a shameless woman in the harem who only seeks pleasure, then you must stay away from Zhengzong at the appropriate time and cannot be affected. .

But because of his own greed, he was a little reluctant to part with the food at Wu Geng's house, and he was extremely confident in his own strength. As a result, he has now successfully fallen into the trap.

Compared to those ordinary girls who are simply affected, she understands that if her current situation is not resolved, she will really die if she reaches a suitable point.

Well, what exactly do you want to do.

The dragon was under the eaves and had to bow his head.

The female evil dragon can bend and stretch.

Then just listen to me. I think if I can have a baby like you, I will definitely be satisfied.

Seeing Erkoa's broken appearance at this moment, Zhengzong stared eagerly in front of the woman, directly following the clothes that were already overwhelmed and made of ordinary materials and were almost broken.

Compared to all the women I have ever seen, she is terrifyingly plump in size and as bright as a girl.

Just by looking at it, you can imagine what it would feel like.

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