Looking at Sagami Minami at this moment, several photos of restrained and tied people suddenly appeared in Masamune's mind.

At this moment, I suddenly became excited and started experimenting like a work of art.

His movements became more and more skillful. He tied his hands, and then used the excess to twist into a thin rope. He wrapped it around his body several times, and finally connected it to the rope that tied his hands. At this moment, he was thrown to Zhengzong. on the ground.

Because his arm was pressed to the ground by his back, there was a twisting pain, but feeling the temperature of the man's palm, Sagami Minami felt a strange feeling.

The upper part has been completely tied up, only the lower legs are still trying to open Zhengzong.

But at this moment, under the gaze of Zhengzong, who seemed to be able to absorb his soul, it seemed that he no longer had that annoying feeling of shyness, and actually started to drive slowly.

It seems your legs are not obedient either.

Then he tied Sagami Minami's thighs close to the crook of her legs tightly several times and tied them in place.

Sagami Minami's arms and legs were spread out like this, like a poor frog on the dissecting table, with his legs bent and unable to move.

After tying it up, Masamune patted Sagami Minami's face with his palm, neither light nor heavy.

How about it, Sagami Minami-kun, is it interesting now?


Sagami Minami's remaining sanity made him shake his head crazily and look at Masamune pitifully.

Oh, I know, I almost forgot, you still like to be in the spotlight.

To be honest, if it were normal times, Sagami Minami would be very happy that he would notice him, but now he is only terrified.

Especially when those expensive machines flashed red lights at the same time and were aimed at themselves.

As if being stared at by the ferocious beast, Sagami Minami's heart roared, as if it was burning directly.

I can no longer control my emotions that are about to collapse.

He continued to look at Sagami Minami in a leisurely manner, and then quietly adjusted his movements.

Zhengzong looked at his results with satisfaction.

I had never thought of this kind of thing before. If I hadn't met Sagami Minami, a guy who likes to secretly take pictures of people, and wanted to take revenge, I would never have thought of doing it.

Looking at Sagami Minami's appearance at this moment, Masamune couldn't help but feel proud of his technical talent.

This is a way to fully extend the little fun between couples.

No, even the person involved at this moment is almost exhausted from excitement.

Don't worry, there's still a long time until noon. We have plenty of time to play.

He leisurely pulled up his pants and put on his clothes.

Then he directly put away all the camera props in front of him.

These things were all bought in the past when I had nothing to do.

After all, learning photography is a good hobby.

You can take pictures of all kinds of beautiful scenery.

The scenery includes a lot.

Not only mountains and rivers, but also the graceful scenery of girls.

Holding a mobile phone is called perversion, but holding these noble cameras is called elegance.

Just like when you're playing gangster.

If you directly want to sleep with a girl, then unless you are really astonishingly handsome and have such a unique physique like Zhengzong, otherwise, you will only receive a louder slap to remind you Stop dreaming.

But if you say you want to get up with her, then that's not gangster, it's classy.

Even if the other person looks down on you, they won't have a bad attitude.

After all, it still makes sense to reach out and not hit the smiling person.

In the past, he had taken advantage of the opportunity of filming more than once, such as asking a cute female fan to role-play a character in a book, and then asking him to take a photo.

Basically, the girls accepted it very happily, and then they were dazed and swayed around to take some slightly secret photos.

Then you often find a lot of surprises.

For example, a classmate named Zhenliang was really surprised to find that the other person was really Zhenliang when taking a photo.

Of course, I applauded happily afterwards.

However, these things will be of little use in the future, not only because of the sudden rise of smart phones, but also because Zhengzong no longer needs any excuses.

Thinking about the past with some nostalgia, and then looked at the 70% storage space inside, Zhengzong put it away.

If this kind of thing leaks out, he will be in a lot of trouble.

Senior brother Guan Xi gave him a lot of warnings.

After putting away his things, Masamune turned to look at Sagami Minami.

After changing the method just now, when we started shooting for the second time, this guy started to take the initiative.

Something doesn't look right with this appearance at this moment.

Loosen the strip of cloth and put away the black tape.

Masamune looked at Sagami Minami's body with some pity.

This guy's hand feels great, but because he was tied up just now, there are a lot of marks on it, and because he is not very skilled after all, some places are tied and turned into a bad purple color, which is really pitiful. .

Place your palms on the tied areas.

It obviously didn't have any power, but just the stroke made Sagami Minami tremble, with an abnormal color in it.

Authenticity is not magic.

Even though Liuli on the other side was still pestering Erkoa to learn, he listened curiously, but in the end it had no effect.

According to what he said, the power characteristics mastered by Zhengzong are completely different from normal magic power. The simple characteristics prevent the formation of magic power.

Zheng Zongji may not speak, but will guide that special power to brush over his body.

Sagami Minami was still pale because of the previous incident, but now, it seems that he is unwilling to let Masamune see clearly. His slender body can't help but tremble, but he still refuses to make a fool of himself in front of Masamune.

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