But this world itself is a hodgepodge, who knows what the situation is.

I know quite a few people in the class. If Izumi Masamune-san has any questions, you can come to me.

As if she didn't notice Izumi Masamune's suspicion at this moment, Yuigahama Yui said with a smile on her face.

Then he got closer and closer to Izumi Masamune.

From the normal distance of a punch, to the rubbing of the arms from behind, and finally the misalignment, as expected, they touched the sides of the two groups.


Is this guy really a seventeen-year-old high school student?

That magical strength that seems to be able to tolerate everything, but also spreads out all foreign objects without mercy.

It's really great.

Even Izumi Masamune couldn't help but admire him from the bottom of his heart.

Yuigahama Yui, who was able to join the current team and was good at observing people's emotions, naturally noticed the appearance of Izumi Masamune at this moment.

Quietly opened a little distance.

Hey, I was so absorbed in chatting with Izumi Masamune that I didn't notice this place.

With an awkward yet polite smile, he quietly distanced himself.

Well, Yuigahama-san, your daily life must be very difficult.

Bearing the weight of life that should not be felt at this age.

Let Izumi Masamune also have

No, it's much better to be like you boys.

It was obviously a very embarrassing topic that even tended to be ambiguous, but Yuigahama Yui did not change the topic.

Instead, he took a step forward and patted Izumi Masamune's heart with his palm.

It's really convenient.

Saying words that could make countless girls angry, Yuigahama Yui's seemingly slapping movements became lighter and lighter, as if she was gently brushing against her.

The joking smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

It was as if he had received some kind of satisfaction.

Masamune Izumi.

I seem to have seen Izumi Sagiri last night.


Seeing this guy slap his heart hard like a joke, it's so convenient.

In the end, it seemed to be possessed by a demon, gently brushing back and forth.

There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

Although the girl's hands are small, Masamune Izumi feels quite comfortable under the thin school uniform in spring.

Especially since I was stimulated by the incident about Sagiri last night, I was thinking about holding a novel signing event and looking for some beautiful Hina fans to play with Izumi Masamune.

Now that the anger was still rising, Yuigahama Yui's actions made her even more tempted to grab her in a corner and make her cry.

However, lowering his head, Izumi Masamune felt more and more that this guy was setting a trap for himself.

In the campus bullying plot of District 11, doesn’t this happen often?

Because I can't stand the arrogant and unsociable look of the new transfer student.

The members of the current charging team sent a seemingly open-minded female high school student to conduct some operations, but secretly there were countless people carefully preparing to take pictures.

Afterwards, through threats or other manipulations, the life of a transfer student like Izumi Masamune was ruined.

Izumi Masamune, who is very calm and will not let instinct affect him, is considering whether to leave directly.

At this moment, Izumi Masamune suddenly felt an extremely cold breath coming.

Looked over.

It was a cute girl with extremely fine black hair.

The other party was staring at the two of them indifferently.

In terms of appearance, she is even better than Yuigahama Yui.

The only regret is that.

It's the vast plain in front of the cute girl.

At this moment, Yuigahama Yui is still saying that you boys are so convenient, but it is very troublesome for me to do this.

This situation is undoubtedly a very bad slap in the face.

Noticed the gazes of the two people looking towards them.

The cute girl with black hair had a colder face.

The cold wind from Siberia hit their faces, causing both of them to shiver.

And the way it stands quietly is as inviolable as a flower on a high mountain.


Said something softly.

It's simple and clear.

It fully demonstrates the superb literary quality of the speaker, and clearly shows the situation of Izumi Masamune and Yuigahama Yui at this moment.

Then the girl turned her head and left directly with her schoolbag.

Izumi Masamune and Yuigahama Yui looked at each other.

The girl's face also changed wonderfully.

After recovering from that special state of being immersed in comfort, she also woke up.

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