His head turned stiffly.

Meal after meal.

You, why did you come back suddenly?

As Izumi Sagiri spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller.

His whole body was sitting powerlessly, as if he had lost his color.

Zhengzong looked at the loveless Sagiri and immediately understood what was going on.

You are very naughty, Sagiri.

Masamune said to the girl with a smile.

Hearing this, Sagiri felt even more nervous.

Deep down in his heart, he was screaming to bite him to death, and his face was even more bitter.


You know, if a girl draws these things, it will be very noticeable. If a girl doesn't do it well, Aunt Jingxiang will find out the problem, but she will question my qualifications to raise you Sagiri. Maybe by then, we will be separated from each other. ”

Masamune said, and Sagiri's face showed even more panic and fear.

Looking at this girl who could write all the expressions on her face, Masamune couldn't help but tease her thoughts.

So, Sagiri, who deliberately drew these things without telling me, must be punished properly.

Zhengzong said deliberately and sternly.


Sagiri couldn't help but exclaimed.

I remembered that night, I broke in because I suspected that my brother was secretly having a woman.

As a result, he was punished.

In order to make our little Sagiri remember to be obedient, necessary punishment is necessary.

Seeing Sagiri's cute and fearful look, Masamune couldn't help but take a step forward.

Looking at Sagiri who was shy yet full of expectation.

The girl's red face was full of pride in her heart.

If he hadn't been working hard like this with his body.

How could Sagiri change from her original appearance to become so cute now.

Seeing Sagiri's Xuexue cry in pain, Zhengzong felt a different kind of feeling in his heart, and he couldn't help but think of the cute appearance of Sagiri he saw again and again in the past.

But as she used her thoughts, Sagiri's voice of pain became softer and softer.

If a transcendent being came over at this moment, they would find that a strange aura has quietly appeared on Zheng Zong's body.

It's not just a physical factor, but more like a rule.

In the room on the other side.

Wu Geng Liuli leaned against the wall alone in pain.

He was breathing heavily, and his forehead was filled with sweat.

Looking out the window at the Izumi family's house on the other side, that is where Izumi Masamune is located.

The right hand has been quietly lowered.


Muttering to himself.

But he didn't notice that it was outside the door on the other side.

Those wide eyes.

and the same aggravated breathing.

And this situation is not over yet, and has even begun to spread to further places.

Masamune, who didn't know what he was causing the situation at this moment, was still looking at the lovely Sagiri in front of him.


Looking at Sagiri, who seemed to be completely ignoring the pain, and her whole body had a different kind of luster, Masamune felt that he couldn't control it at all.

Sagiri is so fun.

Sagiri is really awesome.

Okay, the punishment is over.

Masamune stopped quietly.

He said to the girl lying in his arms.


The girl turned around hard and looked up at Izumi Masamune above.

It seems like regret, but also like relief.

Why are you still looking forward to these things, little Sagiri?

Looking at Sagiri's performance, Masamune asked quietly.

Well, this, this.

Sagiri said coyly.

How can she show that she actually still expects authentic punishment?

I don't know how to explain this anxiety. Sagiri's face turned red,

Seeing the girl like this, Masamune didn't force her anymore. After all, Sagiri was so cute, so it was better not to let her go too far all at once.

Now that the punishment game is over, naturally it should be the reward.

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