He took the drink next to him and handed it to the girls one by one. After receiving their thanks, Zhengzong looked at An Yirunya who seemed to have gained a new life in the room at this moment.

That's okay. Xia Comiket only started on August 10th. We still have a whole month to prepare things.

An Yilun, who was helpless and could only keep talking alone, comforted him dryly.

It's a pity. I have an event here soon to attend, and I'm going to Kamakura at the end of July. My grandparents have something to do at home.

Directly interrupting An Yilunye's innocent thoughts.

There are a lot of genuine things, so where do you have the time to mess around with this guy?

Actually, I have a novel to write now, and the deadline will come soon. I have something to leave in the afternoon.

Kasumigaoka Shiu raised his hand to express that in fact, if it weren't for Masamune being here and keeping an eye on him and Eiri Kato Megumi, Kasumigaoka Shiu would not want to participate in such an event at all.

Of course we can't delay the affairs of Mr. Izumi and senior sister, so we can only do it in early August. Then we will do it.

An Yilun, who had no sense of presence in the entire team, also chose to change the time.

Hey, hey, as for me, I still need to prepare my notebook. How can I complete it if I don't prepare it here?

Eiri looked at Masamune and Kasumigaoka Shiyu on this side and they both had time to prepare, but on her side her own notebook was still making slow progress, how could she not be angry.

Yinglili, just leave it for now. I'm not in a hurry. They are useless notebooks anyway.

An Yilun also said casually, and was greeted by the drawing board that was smashed directly over.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed and looked at the scene ahead.

It feels like there is no need to doubt whether Zhengzong will take action against Yinglili. Yinglili is a loser, but facing An Yilun, a guy with a pitifully low emotional intelligence, everything is actually doomed.

This time the society reunion finally ended with their respective affairs. An Yilun finally became the person in charge of the society, and naturally shouldered countless heavy responsibilities again.

I hope An Yi on this side won’t faint from heatstroke this summer.

Walking on the road, Zhengzong looked at Yinglili who had calmed down with satisfaction.

Sometimes, you only care about one person, so you get more angry.

When you really treat it as an ordinary person and don't pay attention to it, you will become indifferent.

Masamune's senses for Eiri are very good, maybe because the figure in the previous life was good-looking, or for some other reason.

So even though this world has actually been in ruins for a long time, no coercive measures have been taken against Yinglili.

He has understood that the balance in his heart has shifted.

It's just because of Sayuri's incident that Eirili couldn't really admit it. All she needs is an opportunity.

Don't worry, I will take it out on you in the future.

Under Yinglili's confused gaze, Zhengzong grabbed the cute twin tails again.

If you capture it and output it in the future, it will definitely be great.

No, you don't need to say it, I know.

Ying Lili said dryly and ran away in a hurry.

She really doesn't forget to tease her all the time. That one is really unlucky.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was 'preparing a manuscript' came out, sneered, and looked at Eiri who ran away.

People are always a little confused, aren't they? There are actually very few people like me who can move forward without hesitation.

Masamune said with peace of mind just now as he hugged Kasumigaoka Shiyu tightly under the shade and enjoyed the girl's coolness.


He glanced at Zheng Zong relentlessly and turned around, blaming it for being too hot in the summer. Just for a moment like this, he felt a little sweaty and uncomfortable.

By the way, Masamune, as you just said, there is actually still time in mid-July, right?

In the summer, the two of them were walking cordially like this, exuding the passion of a couple, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly asked.

what do you want to do?

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu curiously, the girl's eyes were extremely bright.

The Fireworks Festival EDOMODE, are you coming? It's on July 20th, that's the day.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes were extremely bright.

I can do that, but don't you want to write novels?

Zhengzong carefully recalled his arrangements for the LOVELIVE finals two days later.

The trip to Kamakura at the end of July, and then the Comic Con in early August would be enough if it were just one day, but what about this guy’s manuscript?

Just the day before yesterday, he had just been locked up in a small dark room by Kagurazaka Iris, and the two of them worked together for a long time to finish the manuscript.

I have a deep understanding of the abilities of these editors, whether it is urging manuscripts or other abilities.

At worst, we can shorten the script writing time for that game. Besides, the fireworks display only happens once a year.

It's also the last time in high school.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was thinking silently in his heart.

As a former romance novel writer, even the innocent writing style that is said to be childlike is not Kasumigaoka Shiyu's true thoughts about love in her heart.

Although he is sinister and poisonous.

Although he can write side stories like the Holy War, he can directly drug Zheng Zong to satisfy himself.

But Kasumigaoka Shiu is still a girl full of expectations for youthful love.

In the last summer vacation of high school, she wanted to have the most orthodox ending of her relationship.

I can do that.

Paying attention to the expectation in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes, Zhengzong nodded without refusing.

At this moment, the mobile phone beeped.

Pushing away the girl who was holding her welfare happily, Zhengzong turned on the phone.

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