In that row of bookshelves.

There is a large bunny lady who is reading the book seriously.

It looks full of quiet colors,

However, there is a kind of person who, no matter how serious he is, will always distract people.

Especially after being dressed like this right now.

It was Mai Sakurajima who sneaked into his room at that time.

Shaked his head.

Later, Masamune specifically searched for information about Mai Sakurajima, but found nothing.

It was as if this girl had completely disappeared from this world.

He even almost forgot about it. It wasn't until he saw Mai Sakurajima today that he suddenly realized it.

‘Such an ability. ’

Zhengzong sighed in his heart.

If he could get this kind of power, it would be so beautiful and perfect.

Direct social security.

Of course, the current strength is also pretty good.

In his experiment with Sagiri, he had already made it clear that he only had one idea in his mind.

The influence and attraction of the body on girls will intensify.

Of course, you have to be careful about this, otherwise it will be bad if you attract things like ghouls.

After being attacked at that time, Zhengzong was naturally a lot more careful.

Although I asked Gabriel about it later on the weekend.

Knowing the existence of ghouls, the problem of cannibalism has already been cured by angels.

But Kirishima Touka's performance at that time still made her uneasy.

Looking at the figure who found the book he wanted to read from the bookshelf, and then walked directly to the seat.

The impression I had gradually lost became clearer and clearer.

Especially, the bunny girl pretends to be so charming.

Sure enough.

It is impossible for humans to forget beautiful things.

On this side, Mai Sakurajima, who was walking, suddenly stopped in her steps.


Close the open book firmly.

Mai Sakurajima covered Yue Xiong's mouth and said nothing.

I don't understand why the feeling that had been gradually suppressed surged up again.

I found a seat and sat down, breathing lightly.

The people around her could not see Sakurajima Mai at all.

It's like he is a transparent person.

Under Zhengzong's gaze, he took out a notebook.


Zhengzong found that this thing looked surprisingly familiar.

Reminisced about it.

Isn’t it just my homework?

One of the tasks assigned by Xiaojing last week was for you to write an essay on youth.

As a result, in the morning, Xiaojing was called over to ask where her homework had gone and why she hadn't handed it in.

Let Zhengzong feel a little helpless.

This is the first time he has been called over regarding homework matters.

After working on it for a long time, it was Miss Rabbit who stole it.

Anger rose in his heart.

Miss Rabbit, do you know that Zhengzong is in a lot of trouble because of stealing his homework?

This kind of woman is really terrible,

If you want him, just come to him directly.

Do you know how hard Sagiri devoted herself to make Masamune satisfied?

He actually didn't care about this little guy at all.

And now he is still trying to distract him from studying hard, which is really too much.

He must be taught a lesson.

Youth is blue, like the far-reaching clear sky and the charming ocean.

Said softly.

That was his opening composition.

Naturally, he won't pretend like a dead fisheye. Just complete the task well, why bother.

The location chosen by Mai Sakurajima was very remote.

After all, if she is invisible, she will encounter a lot of trouble.


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