With a malicious smile, the girl asked Masamune.


Masamune looked around.

As expected, several pairs of eyes turned around erratically.

As a freshman who successfully defeated the entire grade as soon as he entered school, Masamune is also very famous.

And because of his clear goals, he never had any communication with other guys.

Just like that unfortunate Yukinoshita classmate.

It is natural to be excluded.

And these eyes were all looking over at this moment.

I noticed Masamune's strange behavior in the corner.

It gave these guys a strange sense of satisfaction.


Rubbing his palms together, he dropped the debris on the ground.

Guys who were still trying to do something.

At this moment, he just stopped talking.

After a day of testing, they finally remembered.

The terror of being ruled by supreme force.

Look, don't these guys have nothing to say?

A bunch of scum.

Masamune said to the girl with a smile.


A girl doesn't know what to say about someone's violence.

But deep down, I did feel an inexplicable sense of comfort.

The gaze he looked at Zhengzong didn't soften.

After all, no matter how resentful.

Miss Bunny and Coward can’t deny it.

That is, it has no resistance to the authentic body.

The more intimate contact you have.

The more I know the joy that sublimates to the bone marrow.

There is no denying that in this world, authenticity is the only one that can be found

I've always been curious, Mai, why do you want to dress like this? Is it because your personality has finally burst out after being unable to suppress it?

Zhengzong looked at the guy in front of him, although he had some exaggerated ideas.

For example, after being able to become invisible, you can just walk around the school without wearing anything, wield a knife or a gun when you see someone suitable.

Such great-feeling ideas.

But even when the idea of ​​​​authenticity was at its peak, it was just like this at home, playing with Sagiri from time to time.

For example, bring nothing and then play hide-and-seek with Sagiri.

Once caught hey hey hey.

But in fact, when you can actually be outside, you will feel very awkward.

How on earth did Mai Sakurajima have the courage to wear such extremely embarrassing clothes?

No matter how I dress, do I still need your approval?

The girl asked immediately.

Seeing this, Zhengzong was not afraid that the girl might become angry, but looked directly at her.

Of course, because I am the only one who can appreciate your charm, Mai. As the only audience, I am right to make a suggestion to you.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Zhengzong always feels like he is taming a humanoid pet. And it's a very useful little bunny.

Well, Mai, let's get to know each other first. You see, you know my school and everything about me, but I don't know your stuff yet. This is very unfair. Since I can discover you, then maybe I can also solve your problem.”

If you want to make the little rabbit obedient, you need to trust each other first.

He took a deep look at Zhengzong, and he didn't know whether it was because he found that he couldn't escape and gave up on himself, or because he was the only audience for that sentence just now. The girl sighed and explained softly.

I was originally a senior student at Minehara High School, and I was also a well-known actor. Two years ago, my body suddenly changed. No one around me could detect me anymore, and even I was still there. All traces of my existence have disappeared, so I hid it. As for the clothes I wore, I just wanted to see if I could attract other people’s attention.

The sound is very bland.

Zhengzong looked at the girl in front of him and didn't expect that the other girl actually lived like this.

In two years, he was forgotten by the whole world.

This can be said to be the greatest torture for a person, especially when he is under the spotlight and suddenly becomes like this.

Is it any wonder that he can be so strong? Even if it's the first time in your life, can you still sip Chun without any fluctuation?

Is that why you've been hoping someone would find you? Or waiting for the problem to be resolved?

Masamune thought of a certain useless angel.

Although there are some pitfalls in this world, I believe that with the strength of the other party, this problem will be solved quickly.

Maybe, but it didn't matter after that. I've been to so many places and no one has ever been able to find it.

Sakurajima Mai said in an indifferent tone.

But, didn't you meet me in the end?

Zhengzong completely forgot about the fact that Miss Rabbit suffered a massive hemorrhage when they first met.

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