Until this side finally got up from Zhengzong and carefully wrapped himself around the branch.

Tachibana Chika just breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling the support of the tree trunk under her body, the woman touched the slight beads of sweat on her forehead and looked at Zhengzong proudly.

You see it.

It was obvious that she was living in embarrassment hugging the tree trunk at this moment, but Chika Tachibana was full of excitement and pride at this moment. This feeling was even more satisfying than having her family's power doubled again in the new year. .

He slowly stood up, no longer the aloof image in the minds of the servants before.

How about it?

He raised his hands to show that he was feeling smooth at the moment. But just as he got up, Qianhua Tachibana's head felt like it was spinning, as if there was blood flowing directly upstream.

‘It’s over. ’

The sudden dizziness startled him, his head was dizzy, and he completely lost control of his body.

I can only let myself fall like this.

However, for a long time, the pain that should have been felt did not come. Tachibana Chika's head felt so heavy, as if her whole body was upside down.

All the scenes in his sight were upside down, except for Zheng Zong, who was looking at him levelly at this moment.


Finally, he couldn't bear the fear and said, trying his best to look up, and indeed found that only this authentic sole of the foot was hooked on the tree trunk at this moment.

I asked you to stop showing off. Don't you have any mental skills?

Catching the woman in front of him, Zhengzong experienced such a special situation for the first time.

When it fell just now, I almost thought it was a joke.

You, why don't you hurry up?

Tachibana Qianhua felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest with excitement, not because of the man in front of her, but because of the situation at the moment. If she fell like this, she would definitely die.

Why are you panicking? I'm not in a hurry. Don't you think this is interesting? It suddenly turned upside down.

Relying on his own strength, Zhengzong didn't have any worries. Instead, he began to swing up by hanging on the tree trunk amidst his screams.

Izumi Masamune! You lunatic!

With a scream, Chika Tachibana tightly held Masamune without letting go, wrapping her hands and legs around him like a koala.

I finally have some popularity. It's like what I did just now. It really makes me feel super unhappy.

Although the goddess looks more beautiful, this kind of popularity that has fallen from the mortal world is actually more comfortable.

Don't worry, if you do fall, I will help you cushion it. Nothing will happen.

He hugged him tightly and comforted him softly.


Are not you afraid?

Why should you be afraid? Besides, this is my first time trying this.

Zhengzong smiled, and the palms around his waist slowly but firmly moved up, supporting his head, and then slowly moved up, covering it completely.

What are you doing?

Your clothes are too heavy. To ensure safety, we will not fall, so we need to be more stable.

Izumi Masamune, you are an asshole.

Then what are you being toyed with by a bastard?

The moonlight shone on her face, and the slightly bright light made Chika Tachibana feel uncomfortable. When she opened her eyes, she found that she was leaning against the tree alone.

Such an inelegant look made him panic and he stood up in a hurry.

I rubbed my head, it still hurt a little.

But my body felt more comfortable than ever before.

He has been weak and sick since he was a child, and even now, he still has not been able to solve this problem.

From time to time, you will need to do some inspections.

It is also because of this that she behaves very coldly when facing her daughter Tachibana Marika, who has an imaginary relationship with her, because when she sees her daughter who is also frail and sick, she always feels like she is recalling her own experiences.

However, at this moment, she found that her body felt more comfortable than ever before.

It's as warm as just coming out of the mother's womb. All the fatigue and fatigue disappeared.

The whole person seemed to have received a new lease of life.

There is even a feeling that the whole person is full of energy.

Is it a dream?

Looking around with some confusion, this should not be the case. .

Thinking of the experience just before she fell into coma, it was an unimaginable sight for Chika Tachibana, who had grown up in her family and was respected and even feared by people.

As a traditional woman, she has never had such a bold idea. She subconsciously rejects these scenarios.


Suddenly he covered Yue Xiong's mouth in panic.

Tachibana Chika's face looked a little ugly because she found that one of her clothes was missing.

Izumi Masamune.

Clench your fists.

Definitely not a dream.

I had just been deceived by a man who was the same age as my daughter and was supposed to be my son-in-law.

Just hanging from the tree.

There seemed to be a fire burning in his heart, making him extremely angry.

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