If he likes it so much, he can't live up to it.

He wrapped his palms around the girl's body, moving up and down, and began to pursue different places.

It's really great. No matter which time it happens, it always gives Zhengzong a sense of adventure and surprise.

Kaori Makishima made a soft and comfortable sound that was uncontrollable.

I don't understand why my sister suddenly becomes strange.

That sudden movement made her feel as if she had been hit by an unexpected surprise. Could it be that my sister had also woken up. Men are all pig hooves, and only my sister is the true love?

Makishima Kaori's heart was beating fast, and she suddenly had the idea of ​​simply being fired by her fiancé, and then spending time with her sister.


its not right.

The happy Makishima Kaori became more and more confused. She originally relied on her sister's arms to replenish her sister's breath, but she finally discovered the problem.

When did my sister become so prickly in front of me?

Just like a man!

Makishima Kaori directly pushed the person in front of her away. It was hard to see clearly in the dim environment, but the figure of the other person was definitely not that of a younger sister.

Who are you?

The girl who finally woke up shouted in panic.

You're crazy.

Zhengzong also saw the existence in front of him clearly for a moment, was startled, and covered her in a panic to prevent her from talking, but the other hand accidentally pressed on her body.

Just now I was just leaning on the back, but now I really feel the comfort.

Makishima Kaori is really older than Saori.

Not only in terms of age, but also in other aspects.

Suddenly touched, Makishima Kaori wanted to escape quickly like a frightened bird.

A touch of touching red clouds flew across Makishima Kaori's beautiful face. Her beauty rose and fell so rapidly, like huge waves on the sea that could not calm down.

He glared angrily at the man in front of him.

She didn't expect that the person her sister liked would be here.

But Makishima Kaori, who is the person, woke up in an instant.

The position Saori gave you?

After Masamune tentatively let go, Makishima Kaori looked at Masamune with a complex expression and asked aloud.


Hearing Zheng Zong's answer, Makishima Kaori smiled bitterly, her idiot sister had done her a disservice.

How could you be so bold and dare to give a man your room number?

Isn't this kind of thing almost equivalent to a blatant suggestion?


What a coincidence, at this moment, the sound of the door lock being opened suddenly came from outside the door.

The two looked at each other.

A trace of panic flashed in Makishima Kaori's eyes.

The whole person was on the verge of crying.

It didn't matter that she and Zhengzong were like this. It would definitely be over for her sister to see her. She was about to faint when she thought that her sister might look at her expressionlessly in the future.

come here.

Pulling Makishima Kaori directly, Masamune quickly rushed out of the room and came to the bathroom next door.

Then just pull the door shut.

In the living room, the outer door has been opened, and Saori Makishima still looks a little dazed at the moment.

What Fujikura Yu said just now is still echoing in his mind.

The authentic elders don't mind him, but there are many girls around him. If he can't win, then he will have to accept the affairs of other girls. This kind of thing makes him a little stunned.

elder sister?

Saori looked at the brightly lit bathroom in confusion.

It's okay, Saori, I feel a little uncomfortable. You can go to sleep first.

Being dragged in here by Masamune, Makishima Kaori had no choice but to comfort her sister first.

Zhengzong looked at the girl who was suppressing her mood and trying to keep calm while talking to her sister, and suddenly felt a throbbing in her heart.

It's really interesting, like this.

The girl who was sleeping just now had only a change of pajamas on her body.

Coupled with the misunderstood action just now, the clothes at this moment are even more half-undressed. Under the light of the yellow light, it exudes a light like white ivory.

The perfect combination of a girl's rare heroic spirit and her own softness, what appears in front of Masamune is the current Makishima Kaori.

If it hadn't been for Makishima Kaori's sudden reaction just now, this girl would have let him have fun.

Although he will also be discovered by Makishima Saori.

However, there is no chance now.

Still in his arms, Masamune's direct and honest thoughts at this moment were instantly felt by Makishima Kaori.

Her face turned pale with fright, Makishima Kaori wanted to push Masamune away, but was blocked directly at the door.

Sister? What's wrong?

Saori Makishima looked there with some confusion. There was a sudden sound. Under the frosted glass, had her sister hit the door?

No, it's okay, Saori, you should rest quickly.

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