In the bedroom.

Saori Makishima was still rolling back and forth alone, thinking about what Yu Fujikura said to him not long ago.

There are many girls around Masamune.

Saori Makishima knows this very well.

Because when he first met Zhengzong, he was Wu Geng Liuli's boyfriend, and the two of them got to know each other.

I want to be alone with Masamune, this is something I will never change.

But I just understand that I am not the first to know Zhengzong.

This kind of thing makes him inherently guilty and lacking in confidence.

Saori Makishima felt a little upset when she thought of many things.

I desperately hope to find someone who can tell me well.


Makishima Saori's eyes suddenly lit up, and she thought of her sister.

Why does sister want to take a bath suddenly?

Makishima Saori was a little confused. She finally thought of her sister and realized something was wrong.

The quilt has been lifted, and according to habit, he should not take a shower suddenly while sleeping in the middle of the night.

There is also an extra depression on this side and short hair.

My heart felt cold.

Makishima Saori thought of something.

At that time, Zhengzong still asked her about her room number.

With her palms shaking, Saori Makishima staggered to the door.

Sister, are you okay?

Saori asked in a deep voice.

It's okay, um, it's just a little warm and I need to take a shower.

The whole person was pressed against the door.

The figure can be vaguely seen under the frosted glass.

Really? I understand.

Saori said softly.

Makishima Kaori breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. She looked at the man in front of her with resentment, but she hugged Masamune very honestly.


The door opened.

Early morning time.

Masamune got dressed under the service of the two sisters from the Makishima family, and then headed directly towards Chiba.

Kamakura is not a remote place. It is actually very developed because of tourism.

But for Zhengzong, such a place is far less comfortable than here in Chiba.

Unconsciously, he had already become accustomed to the people and things in Chiba.

I have returned to Chiba.

Opened the phone and sent the message.

Since this trip to Enoshima, Masamune has also successfully penetrated into the four-person team of Angels and Demons.

And under La Feier's instigation, a small chat group of five people was established.

Although he was wary of Zhengzong due to many things, the fact that everyone could chat together all the time also successfully attracted Vinay.

The heaven and demon worlds are actually very backward.

Just like when Gabriel first started, the games he could play were often tricks, hopscotch, rock-paper-scissors, rolling hoops and eagles catching little angels.

Even the demon world reformed by a new demon king is actually almost at the level of Europe in the 19th century.

At this moment, I was finally introduced by Zhengzong, and I was very curious about these things.

This time, the report of safety was also requested by Vinay.

Although I feel that such a thing is really unnecessary, there is always a feeling of sincere comfort.

It's probably because I have a relationship with someone.

【It’ll be great if Masamune-kun comes back(* ̄︶ ̄). 】

The first one to respond was Raphael, this sinister girl is really everywhere all the time.

【How about this? That's good, as long as everyone gets home safely. 】

This is the news from Vinay five minutes later.

As the person in charge, Vinay is obviously a devil, but like an old mother, she really worries about the other three people.

Zhengzong hesitated for a moment, and then wrote a very interesting name on the note to Qi Wei Nai, Mrs. Wei Nai.

【! ! Authentic, what happened to my name! 】

poor Vinay exclaimed.

We have just started to get involved in these things, so Vinay doesn't know yet how to change the notes, but she has already become like this.

It's a pity that it looks like it has its own sound effects, which is very interesting.

【What's wrong? Whatever happened to my seniors, I have to change too. 】

Satania finally came back.

Maybe it’s because I just came back from eating pineapple bread, and now I’m full of energy and not to be outdone.

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