With a cry of grief, Yukinoshita Harano finally couldn't bear it and collapsed completely.

Izumi Masamune, you and I are incompatible!

If Yukinoshita Yukino is an iceberg that has not melted, Masamune needs to work hard to remove the coldness on the outside.

Then Yukinoshita Harano is blocked by the super dam, the largest concrete dam in the world so far, standing majestically on the spot, enveloping the water flow. What he needs is a slight opening to completely vent. And out.

The amount of water stored in it is terrifying.

Don't ask Zhengzong why he knew it, he just knew it anyway.

The only thing I can be thankful for is that Yukino was really called back by her parents and taught her a good lesson.

Later, Yukinoshita Yono rented his room.

Otherwise, I really won’t be able to do it under the sheets for a while.

Come out of the apartment.

Masamune went to the Yuigahama family first.

There are only two people in Yuigahama's family, mother and daughter.

Because Mrs. Yuigahama also has a job, unlike a rich second generation who can sit in his sister's original room all day long and have fun.

However, because of the previous news about the Yukinoshita family, Masamune had already sent a text message in advance, so he was not worried that no one would be there.

At the entrance to the entrance, Masamune saw Mrs. Yuigahama who opened the door.

She has a face similar to Yui's, as well as a big dumpling that is still far away from Yui's, and the gentleness of a housewife.

Although it's not very good, as a man of two generations, Masamune actually prefers the wife in front of him.

He is obedient and well-behaved. He will obediently do whatever he is told even after being shy. He is very tolerant and does not need to worry about spoiling it.

Good morning.

Zhengzong greeted the mature woman in front of him, and then went straight forward and hugged her intimately. The force he used brought about the beautiful arc between his wife and Zhengzong that was pressed from a semicircle to an ellipse, making Zhengzong feel The gentleness and comfort in it.

This way of greeting is naturally not very good. Not to mention that people are extremely hesitant to ask for help from each other. If it is not necessary or it is really impossible, they will never ask for help in District 11, even in the relatively more developed Europe and the United States. It can also make the hugged person slap the face in anger.

But after everyone no longer had any secrets from each other, it seemed very normal.

Seeing Masamune coming over, Mrs. Yuigahama blushed at the sudden attack of intimacy. Surprise flashed through her eyes at first, and finally turned into indifference.

Hello, Izumi-kun.

Very indifferent attitude!

Masamune looked at the woman in front of him.

It's just one of the groups that is being held down and played with. You need to understand the problem and what is going on with this attitude.

Why haven't we seen him for a long time? It's like he's a different person.

Loosen it, Masamune then went to feel it with his own hands.

Did you accidentally become angry and block it, and found that it still feels the same as before?

My wife doesn't play much, and she also pays attention to being humble to her daughter when putting it together, so the authentic techniques haven't had much effect yet.

Hmph, you still dare to say that.

Mrs. Yuigahama frowned nicely, patted Masamune's rebellious hand, and signaled him to leave.

After returning from the previous summer camp, there was no call from the Yuigahama family for two full weeks.

It was as if they had forgotten both mother and daughter.

Men are indeed big pig hooves.

Don’t cherish what you get.

No matter how gentle a person is, he still has a temper.

Do you know that even a housewife can deal with her unmotivated husband coldly and violently, which results in a bunch of social animals having to hang out outside until very late at night?

This side doesn't ask you to do anything, just make a good phone call occasionally, have fun family activities with three people, and promote relationship results.

Thinking of the sadness, Mrs. Yuigahama decided to be cruel and teach the man in front of her a lesson.

I was recalling the experience I gained from communicating with other wives on the forum not long ago.

Faced with a husband who is not motivated and doesn't know how to care about his family, he absolutely cannot compromise tactfully.

You have to keep a cold face, deal with it casually for a few words, and then maintain an indifferent attitude and tell him the seriousness of the problem.

Start a family cold war.

Thinking of the perfect results listed after each suggestion, Mrs. Yuigahama also stood up even more, making herself even more powerful.

Actually, it's like this. I went on a trip some time ago, so I didn't have time to come back for a long time.

Masamune explained aloud. Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yuigahama already forgave her in her heart, but she still thought of the many rules for men and women to get along with each other, and still tried her best to keep a straight face.

A pair of beautiful eyes silently put pressure on Zhengzong.

You must hold back and let him know your mistake.

He must let him know how to cherish the beautiful mother and daughter who are willing to play various games with them.

It's also because of various reasons that I'm quite busy, so...

That's right, just such an apology, Mrs. Yuigahama couldn't help but feel proud.

Sure enough, you can't compromise too much with men.

You two didn't know how to take the initiative to care about me and ask me questions when I had no news. Now you are here to make a face for me. It's really disgusting. Kneel down.

The conversation suddenly changed, and Mrs. Yuigahama looked at Masamune in surprise.

I said, why don't you apologize quickly, kneel down, and come up obediently.

Zhengzong pretended to look at the woman in front of him coldly.

Just a madam, she still wants to show off her temper.

He stood upright facing Mrs. Yuigahama.

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