The neckline for girls is easy to get in.

After all, the volume is there.

The tactile feel is also nice.

Smooth and thin.

It's a great touch.

But that's where it ends.

Although it's just the position of the ribs.

But Zhengzong seems to be able to imagine the situation inside.

Not long ago, Zhengzong's fingers were still slightly exerting force, trying to push inwards.

Then the next moment his body froze.

Looking at the female teacher who broke in outside the door.

He also directly dragged a dead fish eye over with his palm.

Masamune recalled it carefully.

Apparently, it's called Hikigaya Hachiman.

A theoretical protagonist.

Haha, hahaha, hahahaha. You two, please be careful.

Looking at the authentic, you can clearly see it.

That look on Hiratsuka Shizuka's face.

It was a wonderful change from bright, to pitch black, to like a ghost, and finally to calmness.

Even Masamune who has already claimed that he can pick off several Hiratsuka Shizu.

At this moment, I couldn't help but feel a cold air rushing towards me.

Inexplicable horror.

He glared at Masamune.

It seems that he is worried about Yukinoshita Yukino, who is still shy on this side.

There was another one, Hikigaya Hachiman who was still being pulled by him.

The woman just signaled Masamune with her eyes, and then left directly.


After Hikigaya Hachiman was pulled out.

Everyone became cautious.

He had a premonition that if he didn't leave now, he would definitely die.

Go back to me, re-write your composition, and then hand it back to me. Remember, if you dare to cause trouble to me again, you will definitely die.

He clenched his fist with five fingers and hit it directly on the wall next to him.

It was as if the entire wall was shaken.

Finally, he didn't vent his angry change of mood on Hikigaya Hachiman.

Looking at this guy who seemed to be radiating vitality and running away like flying, Hiratsuka Shizuka retracted his thoughts.

Originally, I wanted to bring the awkward guy in front of me to Yukinoshita Yukino's place. I wanted the two guys with the same awkward personalities to be able to support each other.

Even in the future, Hikigaya Hachiman's helper Yukino can get better.

Then he didn't see the girl in the activity room where he usually stayed.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who learned about the situation from other students, brought Hikigaya Hachiman over.

Unexpectedly, I saw such a disappointing scene.

Originally I was still worried about Yukinoshita Yukino, but after seeing the relationship between him and Masamune, Hiratsuka Shizuka was no longer worried.

Although Authentic has problems in some aspects, among many students, it is undoubtedly the most reassuring.

As for Hikigaya Hachiman, he can only think of other solutions.

Putting a certain dead fish eye out of his mind, Hiratsuka Shizu thought of the scene he just saw.

It's really too much.

A pair of doggy men and women showed their affection in front of her.

As a poor single person since her mother's womb, Shizuka Hiratsuka was in a very bad mood at the moment.

I don't know, but I have killed a good youth love story in the cradle before it even started.

Masamune is still looking at Yukinoshita Yukino at this moment.

The sudden act just now also shocked him.

Are you OK.

Recalling the feeling just now.

Masamune thinks that Yukinoshita Yukino might be good.

Although it is a little smaller, it can still be done with the help of your own development. Otherwise, it would be a waste to leave a body with such a feel and not develop taste.


Yukinoshita Yukino was about to make a sarcastic comment, but in the end, when she thought of all these things, there was no real problem at all.

Instead, he thought of the scene when he took the initiative to hold Zhengzong's hand and stuff it into his clothes.

The blush on her face could no longer be concealed.

The girl turned around, lifted the quilt directly, and covered her head.

What happened to me just now that I did something like that?

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