Yazawa Somi, who believed that her psychological quality was already very strong and could face any situation easily, couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

I never expected that the man here, who I had been repeatedly told to face the assistant, would look at me like this.

Ah, it's nothing, just a little unexpected. You look very similar to a girl I know.

Looking away, Masamune noticed the change in Yazawa Sumi's expression and already had a guess.

Hello, Mr. Izumi, my name is Yazawa Yomi. I was ordered by Miss Fujikura Yu to help you gradually accept the company's affairs.

Being able to climb this far as a woman, Yazawa Yomi's observation ability is naturally very outstanding.

After temporarily evaluating Zheng Zong's character and dealing with things, after discovering that there was no malicious intent in the other party's eyes, he chose to give up and directly changed the topic to the other side.

Is that so? It's just that I didn't expect that it would be Ms. Yazawa, so please introduce her to me first.

Masamune explained as he pulled out a chair and sat down, beckoning Yazawa Sumi not to continue standing.

I was also a little surprised.

Masamune naturally knew Yazawa Nico's mother, Yazawa Somi, as a member of the 994 Project.

I learned that the other person was a single mother who worked outside the home for a long time and worked hard to support Nicole and her younger siblings.

But I never expected that the good-looking female assistant that my grandfather specially hinted at in order to get Masamune to agree would actually be Yazawa Nico.

This kind of completely unrelated people got together, which really surprised Zhengzong.

At the same time, he also secretly warned himself. In this chaotic world, after all, everything cannot be a superstitious plot.

The world is a big network, and only when everyone is intertwined can such a colorful life be formed.

Is that so? I think I'm quite capable.

Take a deep breath and let yourself regain peace of mind.

Yazawa Somi did not change her mood because of Masamune's questioning.

To be able to achieve such a high position by herself, she has always relied on her own efforts.

“These are the areas our company takes care of, and you can pick the right one and get started.”

Taking out the information from the folder next to it, Yazawa Yomi respectfully placed it in front of Masamune, silently observing Masamune's performance.

As one of the people specially trained by the Kondo family to be responsible for some things in the company.

This time I thought it was because of my own performance, but in fact it was just because Masamune showed his recognition of beautiful women that I was lucky enough to be chosen by Yazawa Somi because of her good looks. In fact, I still know something.

In his opinion, this chaebol is almost a monster, and the next heir has already been decided.

Thinking of the hints he got when he came out this time, as well as the jealousy of those who were also in charge but were not selected, Yazawa Yomi calmed down and continued to look at Masamune.

I know my daughter, who is actually just a boy in the second year of high school, but he can already control that giant financial group in the future.

Although Yazawa Yomi is not that kind of woman, she can't help but feel a special feeling towards Masamune in her heart.

I want to see what this future boss will be like.

He looks very serious and doesn't seem to be the playboy type.

As for whether he could understand it or not, Yazawa Somi didn't care too much.

As long as you have a good attitude, responsible people like them are trained to be responsible for specific things.

It's good to have a serious attitude.

And, somewhat handsome.

I blinked my eyes and looked at Zhengzong. The more I looked at it, the more interesting it became.

Shaked his head.

Yazawa Sumi felt that she must have been influenced by the envious and jealous female colleagues today.

Even if Zhengzong will be the one in charge in the future, it doesn't mean that she will have other thoughts like those shameless women who failed to win.

I took a sip of coffee to calm myself down.

It's all those guys' fault.

His thoughts were all affected.

Masamune was looking at the information at hand at the moment and didn't pay much attention to Yazawa Somi's gaze.

Since the change in his body, there have been too many women staring at him with all kinds of strange eyes. Yazawa Sumi has no influence at all.

The information given by Sumi Yazawa is about the many fields that the Kondo family is involved in.

Zhengzong can choose one of them to start contacting first, start practicing fully, and then gradually develop in more directions.

You wouldn't know it if you didn't watch it on weekdays, but after the real start, you will be surprised to find out.

It turns out that the Kondo family controls so many fields.

From the catering real estate related to people's livelihood to the entertainment field, none of them have been published.

It's just that some are very strong, while others already have other competitors and are unable to occupy the leading position.

The entire Kondo family's many industries can be said to have created a terrifying king, and every aspect of life is not spared.

Only in a place like District 11, because of its special national conditions, can such a monster be developed.

If it were in other locations, whether it was the West or the East, it would either be directly divided up, or there would be members of unknown generations coming to pick peaches by parachute, and it would be impossible to develop like this.

And when he thought that there could be three families of such a size, Zhengzong couldn't help but have the thought that it was indeed a two-dimensional world.

In the real world, this kind of thing is a complete joke!

After looking at the above information, Zhengzong finally made a decision.

Check the box that interests you.

Entertainment stars and the ACG industry?

Yazawa Somi looked at Masamune in confusion.

Actually, there is no conflict between the two parties, is there?

Masamune smiled and explained.

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