Isn't this a bit uncomfortable?

Yazawa Somi hesitated.

Addressing people directly by their first names instead of surnames and other respectful titles is only possible after you are very familiar with this kind of thing.

This is very different from the situation in another Chinese country where everyone can greet each other happily soon after meeting.

Anyway, I made you smile beautifully.

Zhengzong said that we must be more proactive in some aspects.

Really, Zheng Zong, he is obviously such a little man.

His voice was deliberately prolonged, and his smile was sly and smart. He was obviously his age, but he was full of energy.

Call me little man? Are you proud of it?

It really seemed like I wanted to pull this woman close to the car and expose her.

Zheng Zong said with a sigh in his heart.

Of course, I am already a mother of four children, and my eldest daughter is the same age as you.

He spoke directly to Masamune, and noticed that his fake surprise gave Yazawa Somi a sense of pleasure.

He lowered his chin slightly with his fingers and snickered happily.

Is it so powerful? Speaking of which, it is indeed very similar. It must be luck. She is your daughter, right? Yazawa Nico? I also had some things in Otonogizaka before, and I met her by chance. , I have supported and helped her in the idol group Muse before.

Pushing the woman's hair back slightly, she became more and more imaginative with Nico Yazawa.

Is that so?

For the first time, Yazawa Somi was also surprised.

I didn't expect that there would be such a relationship.

Then I'll go first, Masamune.

Arriving at the fork, Yazawa Somi said to Masamune.

Masamune nodded, his eyes scanning the woman as she disappeared into the distance.

The swaying buttocks just disappeared.

Mother of four girls.

The key point is that your body must be extremely fertile and well-maintained.

Zhengzong feels that this world is always very unfriendly.

There are so many high-quality, beautiful and touching girls that make him tired from running around every day, trying not to miss these girls.

Although we have only been in contact with Yazawa Sumi for a while, she is someone who works hard, has a firm personality, and has very good abilities, and she is not as sinister as Yukinoshita Haruno who likes to play with people.

The only possible shortcoming was made up for by the appearance of Nico Yazawa.

Not to mention that the other party also has two other daughters, Yazawa Kokoro, Yazawa Kokoro, and the original flaws have disappeared.

The Yazawa family is an important part of the authentic 994 plan.

But Masamune is still very calm, although he has very big ambitions for the Yazawa family.

But it’s also very clear.

This kind of Yazawa Yomi, who was able to successfully reach a high position despite the widespread workplace discrimination against women in the entire 11th District, and was even noticed by her grandfather and sent to her side to assist, is better than other natural ones. Nishikino Mizubi Nanhiwako, who was standing in a high position, was even more vigilant.

In various situations encountered in society, let it have its own set of inherent principles.

For example, the perfect social skills shown when facing Masamune at the beginning.

This kind of professional positioning is more personal and ambiguous. Yazawa Yomi has successfully used appropriate strict but charming clothes and watertight social language to unknowingly kill all kinds of authentic thoughts. With.

I was aware of all these things, so I didn't deliberately continue to inquire about the other two girls I was interested in.

It’s still a long time anyway, isn’t it?

In order to make Yazawa Xiaomei accept the complicated existence of being both husband and son-in-law in the future, it also takes time to pave the way.

There is already a communication point between the two of them about work, so there is no need to worry about lack of time.

But it's really big. The ancients never deceived me.

Thinking back to today, when Yazawa Yomi subconsciously rushed towards her to block her fist, that was the place where the Masamune's fingers just touched.

Those tight-fitting denim trousers give off a lustrous leather trousers feel, which is really great.

I think of Yazawa Yomi, an ordinary woman who gave birth to four children.

Zhengzong just wants to say that it’s true that a big butt is easy to maintain. It’s not without reason.


Kirino, we will definitely have many lovely daughters in the future.

Masamune, who transformed into a knight and galloped on the battlefield, gently patted his beloved knight, and then let out a heartfelt sigh.

At noon, the sun outside is still venting its unabashed enthusiasm to the world.

And inside the room, under the warm light, the girl also showed her enthusiasm.

The glistening beads of sweat falling down, as well as the sound of urgent breathing from time to time, all indicate the girl's current situation.

What kind of daughter? You think so.

The girl who transformed into a mount, even though she has trained well since childhood, is still inevitably a little tired at this moment.

At this moment, when I heard Zhengzong suddenly mention the word daughter, I felt like I was hit hard and I couldn't speak anymore.

I was really disappointed by Kirino's reaction. Although she was so honest and so compact all of a sudden, she didn't refuse to come over obediently when I invited her in the evening.

What nonsense are you talking about? I wouldn't have come here if you, a terrible guy, hadn't threatened me with photos.

Kosaka Kirino gritted his teeth and tried hard not to embarrass himself in front of this terrible man.

No matter how comfortable you are in your heart, you cannot be proud of the guy behind you.

People strive to take a breath of Buddha and receive a stick of incense.

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