The breathing of each other between the two seems to have come together at this moment, with a unique charm.

How about it, aren't you very grateful?

Gabriel felt panicked in his heart, but looking at the man's burning eyes, he suddenly didn't want to move.

You've been teasing me all this time.

I'm probably surprised now.

Angels are very perceptive.

For the gaze focused on myself.

Good intentions, bad intentions, or whatever.

However, what Gabriel discovered was that every time Zhengzong saw the four of them, the order would always be Raphael, Vinay, and then he would choose between her and Satania.

It's very annoying, you know.

At this moment, I saw that the man finally changed.

The joy in my heart seems to be greater than the joy of success.

Unconsciously, Gabriel put on the most sincere smile.

Damn angel, damn sweet.

For a moment, Zhengzong actually felt an indescribable throb.

Then, by some strange combination of circumstances, he stepped forward and hugged Gabriel with his backhand.

What are you going to do? Hit you.

The girl's two arms were put on Zhengzong's shoulders to support her weight.

As a model in the gaming industry who is willing to be cowardly and give away when necessary, Gabriel also realized that he was a little too radical.

This guy is not one of those ordinary idiots who can only shout Angel, he is a real flesh-eating animal.

Gabriel wanted to leave, but the elbow seemed to be stuck to Zhengzong's body.

I don't want to get up no matter what.

It's like the deepest attraction is exactly the same as it was then.

This man is toxic.

Gabriel whined in his heart, feeling the pain coming from his heart.

Many male instincts have been naturally retained since childhood.

It's like a longing for those two groups.

From the beginning, it was for livelihood, but later, it was instinctive attachment.

Authentic is no exception.

At this moment, seeing that this useless angel seemed to have no strength to lean on him due to lack of exercise, he had no reservations.

Mainly for her own good.

After all, seeing Gabriel looking like he was about to collapse without any strength, Zhengzong naturally had to subconsciously hold on to the fulcrum to help Gabriel prevent him from falling.

Why is he so considerate?

It's a pity that the focus is a little small.

Fortunately, with the personal help of many other girls, Zhengzong deeply learned how to grasp the key points quickly and accurately.

So even if it's a type like Gabriel that can starve a child to death, Masamune can still catch it quickly.

The thin white shirt became the key to supporting Gabriel.

Doesn't this guy actually gain weight?

Such an idea suddenly popped into Zhengzong's mind.

After all, I always eat, sleep, and sleep, and occasionally play games and move my fingers to make myself happy.

As a result, he has such a light weight, maybe he can be recommended to Yui.

Is there a solution for that little cutie who has been worrying about getting fat recently?

Masamune didn't know what he was thinking.

Obviously, as a normal person, he could grasp the female angel and feel her strong heartbeat, but there was no surprise.


Maybe it's because I got too much satisfaction from Erkoa.

Zhengzong suddenly thought of Gabriel's theory of happiness.

Because I got too much happiness at once, when facing ordinary things, there is no fun anymore.

Zhengzong feels that it is because he experienced what elasticity and softness are in Erkoyan.

And broad enough to realize all ambitions and dreams.

Rang Zhengzong is really not interested in someone as ordinary as Gabriel.

On the contrary, it is not as good as Yukinoshita.

Because it is so small, Masamune has a pleasant feeling of hide-and-seek.

Izumi Masamune, are you comfortable?

Gentle, kind, as if, no, it was the whisper of an angel.

Ah, just average.

Hearing this, Zhengzong subconsciously let go.

Poor Gabriel had no support, but at this moment he was suspended in mid-air.

Zhengzong looked at the man who was completely out of compliance with human body mechanics and lifted up Newton's coffin board again and trampled on it.

It occurred to me that these guys cannot let outsiders know about the problem.

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