Next to her is Sayuri's seat. She and Masamune sit together. There seems to be no problem for the two of them to be together. Sayuri will not be stupid enough to do anything in such an environment.

What attracted the girl's attention was Sayuri's white legs. Don't worry about the bells on her ankles, but what was slowly flowing down was the most eye-catching.

Returning with Masamune and behaving intimately, there was no doubt about the matter.


sit on the chair.

As a girl who has played with Masamune for many years, she certainly knows what this is.

I just feel so tired.

What's wrong? Hinata?

Sagiri asked worriedly. The girl just finished taking the photo of Merulu and smiled happily.

It's nothing, it's just that the world is so cruel.

Although Hinata already knows, there is actually a gap between this world and the second dimension.

For example, you can't summon magical girls by waving a magic wand.

For example, girls in the second dimension also have to fight against the cruel reality.

For example, those Cosplayers are actually very different from real two-dimensional characters.

But this kind of magical girl Meruru, who just had a cute and energetic smile on her face, accompanied her after taking photos.

The magical girl who represents the dreams in her heart and the expectations of girls.

In fact, it was his brother Izumi Masamune who accompanied him to explain things in simple terms.

The belly is full not of magic but of something else.

The gorgeous magic girl robe is not covered by the holy light, but something like that is happening.

The contrast between the two made Hinata feel that her life was really cruel.

The mentality is super explosive.

Even the nature of suddenly discovering a woman who is suspected of being related to Masamune is gone.


Sagiri shook Hinata's shoulder in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

Why does a good person suddenly seem to fade and turn gray?

Nothing, I'm fine, really fine.

Patting her face, Hinata kept herself awake.

Hinata then took out a tissue and handed it directly to Sayuri, who was still confused.

The girl didn't say anything, but silently pointed under the table.


His fingers pressed against the table, making a sharp clicking sound.

Sayuri successfully breaks through the defense.

He glanced angrily at Zhengzong, the guy who talked about having a daughter and everyone raising it together.

After hurriedly packing up, Sayuri was about to have a good chat with Masamune.

Fortunately, there is no more time left behind.

Because of the popularity brought by the previous authentic promotion and the gathering of more and more beautiful girls here, many people came quickly.

I don't need to worry, it's you who should be worried.

Today's sales are pretty good for now.

The sales volume in the later period was surprisingly high. During the lunch break, almost all the books on the stall on this side were sold.

In the mess, Hinata's face was full of excitement.

Sagiri was also panting and looked good.

Having your own book recognized is the most interesting thing.

And he still made his way out of such a bad situation.

Every day at the Comic Exhibition, a comparative statistics of the results of all the artist booths is made. This kind of thing is actually very important.

The organizer will make an assessment of the strength of the many painters and then allocate booths.

After all, the comic exhibition venue is so big.

In fact, there are many doorways inside.

For example, check whether your booth is close to the video game area or cosplay area, and whether it is close to the entrance.

These things can greatly affect sales.

For example, Eiri, whose name is Kashiwagi Eri, has a stall that is very pre-exam-oriented.

Many artists have protested against the arrangement of this kind of thing, feeling that it would not be a good experience for newcomers like them. However, this kind of thing is naturally not something they can decide. After all, it is capitalism that is moving forward.

Sagiri is very far behind, but after this success, Sagiri's popularity should not be higher.

Several people gathered around to finish lunch in a hurry.

Except for Gabriel who was quietly whistling to other game exhibition halls and Nanami who had a training class to go to in the afternoon.

Others are surrounded.

Every one of them is a homebody, neither big nor small, and they are all full of interest at the moment.

Brother, let's go to Kangkang to read other books.

Sagiri called out while holding Masamune's arm.

Behind him is a smiling Sayuri.

This guy was still in a carefree state with Eiri Riri today, but as a result, Sagiri on this side has already treated her as his own daughter.

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